Nervous! New Stylist - Anthony Dickey

What's his contact info and adress you make feel to get a cute cut, I haven't gone to a hair dresser since I don't even remember lol, I do everything myself I'm really considering this:)
Seems like alot less then going to Miss Jessies. The lady gave me a price over the phone and I was ummm....I'll call you back, lol. So how far in advance did you have to make your appointment? cuz I know that was another prob I had w/ Miss Jessie's. I called in September and their like oh yeh we'll get you in the end of November?!:confused: If Dickey can get me in faster I will definitely start going there for some cuts.
I'll try to respond to everyone's questions in one post:

My hair was styled curly at the salon. He used Curly Pudding and sat me under the dryer. The dryer was pretty cool, the hood was on this arm like thingy that pulled out from the wall to the styling chair, so you didn't have to leave your seat. It also covered your entire head, but didn't blow hot air into your eyes.

As far as cost, I was paying more at Miss Jessie's. I'm going to go back to him in three months and see what he does and how things go. Then I'll decide if it's worth continuing.

The only thing I MAY look into is the Rene Fulkner Complex 5 stuff, I really liked how that made my hair feel. The other conditioner I think is geared toward heat styling, and I don't plan on blowing out my hair much. I don't really use Curly Pudding, and I didn't see what shampoo and conditioner was used.

Dickey's contact info is:

OC61 Salon
33 East 61st Street
NY, NY 10021

I actually made my appointment a week before and was able to get a 6pm appointment. It was convienient because I was able to take my train from by my job 3 stops and walk about 5 mins. Trains to take are the N,R,4, 5 or 6

Whether or not I like this cut better, I will know once I start seeing how it grows out. So far I like it just as much as the other cut.
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Soleado said:
Thanks for the write up about this! I have been wanting to go to him for some time now, but have not been able to make it up to New York as of yet. It is very interesting to me that he mentioned about all of Miss Jessie's clients having damaged hair!! I wonder what is really going on with that, because I know that he texturizes hair as well, and I know someone who had a texturizer done by him. It seems as if maybe Miss Jessie's just puts silkeners and color on someone hair without considering the health of one's head. Whereas if someone came to Dickey and wanted those services and did not have healthy hair he would not do it. It is a VERY good sign when a stylist will turn away someone that wants a process that they know would not be good for their hair.

I think it might have to do with how Miss Jessie's sells their "silkener" and people hearing what they want to hear. They call it a "silkener" instead of texturizer/mild relaxer for a reason. Some people ignore/rationalize away the fact that a chemical was applied to their hair, because when they leave the salon their hair is still highly textured. Then they get home and treat their hair like it is natural rather than chemically treated. Over time that's a set-up for damage.
myco said:
I think it might have to do with how Miss Jessie's sells their "silkener" and people hearing what they want to hear. They call it a "silkener" instead of texturizer/mild relaxer for a reason. Some people ignore/rationalize away the fact that a chemical was applied to their hair, because when they leave the salon their hair is still highly textured. Then they get home and treat their hair like it is natural rather than chemically treated. Over time that's a set-up for damage.

This is what I got from him. He said people were coming in there thinking it wasn't even a chemical (?????). People needed to take care of their hair the same way the would with a full relaxer. He also mentioned that a lot of people that have very kinky hair that received the process showed more breakage. This also has to do with people not being able to maintain their hair there any longer since the salon shut down.
^LOL, yeah, he was funny with that one. His whole point was that stylist shouldn't be "hiding" from the customers what they are putting in their hair and should be honest about it.

I wouldn't call him catty, he really didn't go on and on about it, said his piece, and moved on to talking and taking care of my hair. Some other more well known stylist who also took over a lot of Miss Jessie's customers has said worse!
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Wow, this guy sounds like a keeper!! :up:

About the "silkener": if what he's saying is true, that's truly messed up! Disguising a relaxer in an "African" bowl so it looks more natural is really deceiving.... :eek: :mad:

so1913 said:
Ok ladies...

So here's the scoop...

My hair is shorter. I got about 1.5 to 2 inches chopped off...but you know what? WHO CARES! I LOVE my cut!!! (I think, lol)

The salon is very nice. I got there and Dickey still had to clients to finish up styling. Both short straight/tapered haircuts which turned out to be fly. While I was waiting, his assistant came over, introduced herself, shook my hand...she was very nice and polite. She asked me to put some contact info down on a sticky and told me Dickey would be with me shortly. Once he finished styling one of the women, the assistant came back over and put me in the chair. Dickey came over asked what I wanted done and when was the last time I cut my hair as a worked is fingers in it analyzing it. Like I've been saying, my ends weren't in the best shape. They were old, tangly, knots, and I saw some splits that along the hair shaft on some hairs. Anyway, I said "9 months" and he froze in shock, lol. He asked where I had it cut, and I told him Miss Jessie's, he says "Ok". He goes on to explain "you have to have it done more often than that" He proceeded to explain that my hair is growing, but at the same time my ends are breaking off, so it's taking longer to see length. He said my hair was very healthy, but the ends were snapping, which they do (I notice this during detangling). He asked how I was styling, straight or curly, of course I go curly ;) He told his assistant to apply this stuff Rene Fulkner Complex 5 to my scalp as he went ahead and finished up his other client. The assistant applied and started massaging into my scalp. I asked her what it was, she explained its like a scalp cleanser, stimmulates and removes build up, etc. It felt soooo good especially if you like that warming cooling effect. He then asks her to prep my hair for the cut by blowing it out. He spritz my hair with water to dampen and applied a lot of something called Ish Ionic Rescue Conditioner and a little Mizani H20 hairdress cream and had her blow it out. After she blowed it out, she asked him something (I couldn't hear) and he came over and grabbed a section of my hair, pulled it outward and looked like he was taking a close look at my ends. He said "yes" to her and she grabbed the flat iron, so my guess is she asked if she should press it out slightly more to straighten out the ends a little more for the cut. She just took large sections of my hair and quickly ran the flat iron through to straighten out a little more. He finishes up the other women and starts to cut my hair. He pulls it out at various angles and "snip snip". I saw the hair falling, but I knew he was taking off what needed to go, plus re-shaping. I know at one point he asked me "So did you ever get a texturizer or silkener?" I told him "No" and he says "Oh, so you were one of the lucky ones". I told him that my manager used to get a Silkener and she experienced a lot of breakage. He asks "They haven't opened back up? The sister's had a falling out or something, right?" I said "Yes, that's what I've heard". He proceeds to say that back around the holidays he was getting a lot of Miss Jessie's customers. He said most of them had silkeners and damaged hair. He started turning away. Titi called him about turning away the customers and he told her that these people were coming to him with these Silkeners and damaged hair wanting him to continue the process. I guess he felt more comfortable not taking them at all. He then starts saying something about how what they are using is a relaxer and makes a comment like "They bring it out the back covered up in some magic african bowl" commenting how all it is is a relaxer and they disguise it as something magic, and that's not right. He said people think it's not a chemical. He makes a few more comments about the whole Silkener idea. of them ar He closely analyzes his work to make sure the cut is even on both sides by pulling out the same sections on both sides of my head towards the front, sides, etc. He proceeds to take me to shampoo. I don't know what he used at this point, but I know he applied a conditioner, rinsed, and applied another one, rinsed. The he fingerstyled with Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding and sat me under the dryer. After it was mostly dry, he took the blow dryer, had me flip my head over and started blowing it out some to finish drying, give it lift, and final finger styling. He says to me "Come back in three months for your next cut. Your next one will be a VERY small one just to maintain the health of your ends. You'll begin to start seeing the length as long as we can keep your ends from breaking off".

So that was it. By the time I got home, it was completely dry and I was able to play around with it some more fluff out some and I'm loving how it's falling. The shape is slightly different, layers a little more "blended" than Miko was keeping them which is cool. I'll REALLY know how I feel about the cut when I style it on my own. But right now, I'm cool with it and surprisingly, not feeling down about the loss of length. I'm actually excited to see what my puffs will look like now :) and if I can get more "funky" styling and volume now (it's hard to play with since the Curly Pudding weighs down my hair). But anyway, I can say a positive experience with Mr. Dickey.

Excuse the LONG post, but I wanted to try to give you gals as much details as I could. Also, excuse typo's, incorrect grammer, run on sentences, and anything that doesn't make sense, because I'm not going back through it to proof read, LOL. I didn't take before pics...whatever is in my album is the most recent. But I'll try to post some "after" pics by Saturday. Oh, the total cost was $187.
myco said:
I think it might have to do with how Miss Jessie's sells their "silkener" and people hearing what they want to hear. They call it a "silkener" instead of texturizer/mild relaxer for a reason. Some people ignore/rationalize away the fact that a chemical was applied to their hair, because when they leave the salon their hair is still highly textured. Then they get home and treat their hair like it is natural rather than chemically treated. Over time that's a set-up for damage.

That makes total sense to me. However, as a stylist they should not be putting any chemicals on anyone's head that is a severely damaged as Dickey makes it seem. I would hope that if I am shelling out that type of money a stylist would be concerned about the health of my hair and would be honest and forthright with me.
so1913 said:
^LOL, yeah, he was funny with that one. His whole point was that stylist shouldn't be "hiding" from the customers what they are putting in their hair and should be honest about it.

I wouldn't call him catty, he really didn't go on and on about it, said his piece, and moved on to talking and taking care of my hair. Some other more well known stylist who also took over a lot of Miss Jessie's customers has said worse!

Hey, I am glad that he said what he said. Wouldn't you want to know that a bunch of their clients who had chemical processes with them have severely damanged hair?? I am actually not surprised because a few years ago I was on another hair board and someone posted a link to a fotki album of one of their customers who had a silkener plus color. Let' s just say that her hair looked sahara desert dry and very overprocessed. It was very eye-opening to see how differently one's hair looks IRL versus on their website.
myco said:
I think it might have to do with how Miss Jessie's sells their "silkener" and people hearing what they want to hear. They call it a "silkener" instead of texturizer/mild relaxer for a reason. Some people ignore/rationalize away the fact that a chemical was applied to their hair, because when they leave the salon their hair is still highly textured. Then they get home and treat their hair like it is natural rather than chemically treated. Over time that's a set-up for damage.

Exactly. We would be much beter off if we were honest with ourselves about what we are putting in our hair. A relaxer is a texturizer is a silkener. If it is is changing your texture then there is a chemical involved and your hair needs a different level of care.
Thanks for the update! I'm really happy for you. So1913, do you know of anyone like him on the west coast? Just curious.
SO1913, thanks for posting your experience. I was thinking about going to him to get a texturizer too. I'm 8 months post and I'm really in no mood to do it myself. I called him years ago but he was so hard to get a hold of. I'll try and contact him again and hopefully we can work something out. Again, thanks for sharing your experience.