A friend of mine has an insane growth rate!!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I wanted to tell you guys about a friend of mine named Rosie. Since I've known her (about 8 years), her hair has always grown extremely fast. Now, on this board, an inch a month is considered fast. But her hair grows at a rate that seems out of this world. I lie to you not...this girl gets 2-3 inches a month!

Rosie likes keeping her hair short. I remember one time, she got a boyish hair cut: The back was shaven and the rest about about 2-3 inches long. Three months later, her hair was chin length! And within one year, her hair was down her back.

I just saw her again a couple of days ago with the same boyish hair cut. She told me that the back was shaven 2 weeks ago. I checked the back of her hair and it was an inch long already.

I just don't understand how some people can grow hair superfast like that. She's from Iran and is Persian. I guess Persians do grow hair pretty fast but her growth is crazy...It must be in her genes.

I just had to tell you guys about it.

Ask her what her hair care regime and what styling tools she uses. Also ask her what hair care products she uses. Maybe her hair stretches pretty easily. *shrugs*
i'm with you i dont want to stereotype or generalize but my friend mariam was a hairy girl and her hair grew fast too not sure at what rate but it was fast
I know of a person like that too. This girl at my job has hair that grows so fast you can almost watch it grow. Every year about this time she gets it cut to a collar length bob and by July it's mid-back length again. She's got the fastest growing hair of anybody I've ever seen!
And she's skinny little thing too who barely eats. I'm not sure of her nationality, she appears to be of Pacific Islander descent. My mom's hair grows almost that fast. She's 66 and her hair still grows fastert than mine...
Can you find out about her diet and if she uses anything on her scalp? Also I know two people who are like this, one has brittle diabetes and that goes along with a crazy fast growth rate and the other one has hirstuism and her hair grows really fast as well as thick.
Has this or a similar story been posted before? I could swear I read almost this exact same story here a few months ago.
My son cuts his hair on a Wahl No 1 every 2 weeks and he has my hair texture, after a week he sports a twa. By regularly cutting his hair and daily shower rinses his hair is incredibly healthy. When I cut my hair regularly my hair grows pretty quickly, but unfortunately every time I find a good hairdresser who cuts well they up and leave! I believe that genetics and diet plays a great part, especially when you look at the diets that other races maintain.
I think this type of hair growth has to be genetic. I know people that grow hair very fast as well, all of them from Asia (China, Mid East, Filipino). They have that super combination of thick durable strands of hair (which means it never breaks) + quick growth. Sigh...
FlowerHair said:
I think this type of hair growth has to be genetic. I know people that grow hair very fast as well, all of them from Asia (China, Mid East, Filipino). They have that super combination of thick durable strands of hair (which means it never breaks) + quick growth. Sigh...

Asian cultures also eat a lot of protein--fish & soy/tofu, seaweed, noodles.
She told me that she doesn't use anything special...Her hair has been growing like that since I knew her in middle school.

She did tell me about this product that some Asians use on their hair that makes it grow fast. She says that it has snake oil and yogurt. She says she hasn't used it in years.

But I do agree...I think hair growth like the hair growth my friend has is genetic.
