Length, Growth Rate, and Hair Type


New Member
For all of you who manage to get an inch of growth a month, what is your hair type? It's hard to beleive that I can grow my 4 a/b hair to great lengths even though I've seen pics and know that it is possible. I need some encouragement from ladies who have grown their 4 a/b hair long or have a fast growth rate.
I have the same hair type that you do and I grow an inch per month, primarily in the crown area and back which grows fastests.
I have 4B hair that I keep natural (currently in extension braids) and it manages to grow only 1/2 an inch per month. This is because I've recently checked, but when I get into better shape and start eating better, I think it will grow even faster. Hopefully.
I manage go get half an inch to an inch i believe especially in the spring/summer months. most of the time its half an inch unless I am really really working out in the winter months
I'm 4a/b and I get about 4-5" a year in total. My hair doesn't grow that fast
but oh well.
i used to have a hair growth rate of about 1/3 inch per month but now my hair is growing about 1/2 inch to an inch in some places per month. I don't eat healthy, don't take vitamins, and don't drink water, oh and I don't work out so I know my hair would definitely grown a lot faster as soon as I start doing these things. I am gonna start doing these things this week end and slowly incorporate vitamins and working out into my daily regimen. I am rying to get 1 and 1/2 inches per month!
Hello soslychic,
I have remained a natural 4a/4b all my life. I receive 1 inch per month, due to my daily vitamin and mineral intake. If i'm eating an healthy diet, on alternating months I've gained a total of 1 inch an 3/4, the back of my hair grows the fastest. Before I started my hair growth journey I only grew half an inch per month, or even less. Please be encouraged that our hair can grow great lengths. My hair is currently 4-5 inches above my waist.

my photos: http://www.growafrohairlong.com/denise.html

Good Luck!
When I first started growing out my hair the first thing I added was Twin Lab Liquid Amino Acid. I noticed an increas in my hair growth very fast. The most outrageous time I recall was when I was running 6 miles a day. I would take Xenadrine before my runs which gave me a whole lot of engery. In those periods my hair grew 1-1/2 to 2 inches. It was that extreme.

The Amino Acids along with my increased metabolish yield amazing results.

I am not completely sure of my hair type though.
I'm a 3c and with the use of unrefines, 100% pure coconut oil, I can grow an inch a month, and I'm not taking vitamins yet.
I'm a 4b & my hair grows an inch a month w/o vitamins. The most growth that I have noticed was 1.5 inches in a month w/vitamins. I'm not very consistent. I'm trying to be so I can see what will happen when I really start taking care of my hair.
jus finished measurin my hair coz i was due to measure it and this sunday marks the 8th week of my micros stayin in and i've got 2inches of growth which means i'm gettin an inch a month!!
i take quite a lot of vitamins but am willin to do so if it means i'll continue to get this much growth and am contemplatin doublin my biotin jus to see if my growth'd be doubled too....and i need to increase the amount of water i drink, the amount of exercise i get and also my scalp massages

i'm a natural 4b and have been natural since february, my advice for u is to take photos coz u may think that it aint growin but if u lookat the photos there'll be a difference
quoting luvhair...
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I don't eat healthy, don't take vitamins, and don't drink water, oh and I don't work out

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Same here!... but I'm waiting for my order of PP Biotin.
I'm 4b, currently at top of bra strap. I'm not sure of my growth rate, because I've never measured it. However, the longest I've grown my hair was 3inches from my waist, about 10 yrs ago. Let me just add this...back then, I was my biggest hair enemy. I applied relaxers from roots to ends with every single application, used hot curlers daily &amp; blow dried "dry" hair (to make it straighter). Also, I would use hardening spritz to no end. Despite all of the trauma, my hair still grew...even with the terrible split ends that I had. So I'm saying this just to give u some encouragement.... I know that our hair situations is different... but I can definitely say that 4b hair can grow to long lengths....and if you're knowledgeable, it can be long and healthy too.

Give it time...
But meanwhile, just make sure that u keep it "M O P" 'ed...(moisturize, oil, and protect).

Wishing u plenty of success...
God Bless,
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den1 said:
Hello soslychic,
I have remained a natural 4a/4b all my life. I receive 1 inch per month, due to my daily vitamin and mineral intake. If i'm eating an healthy diet, on alternating months I've gained a total of 1 inch an 3/4, the back of my hair grows the fastest. Before I started my hair growth journey I only grew half an inch per month, or even less. Please be encouraged that our hair can grow great lengths. My hair is currently 4-5 inches above my waist.

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Sorry, I did'nt give the correct measurements of my hair, its not all even, but I'm going by the longest strands its around 4 inches to waist, because I've been trimming my ends quite a bit, other strands are shorter. I'm very short only 4,9 , so I don't have much longer to go to reach my goal.
