911! A lil help with this tangled mess!


New Member
I'm so0o frustrated rite now! I just washed my hair and now Im trying to comb it out so I can let it airdry but i keep running into one big problem. My newgrowth is too curly to comb through. Its s0o0 hard, im near tears. I know youre not suposed to yank the comb through your hair,but i can not get through these roots!

Can someone pretty please with lots of sugar on top help me.


type 3c/4a relaxed
Is your hair still wet? If not wet it and put some conditioner on it. With a wide-toothed comb, try and comb through then. :)
I agree with TigerLily.
What REALLY works for me is putting a conditioner (Suave Milk & Honey, LeKair Aloe Cholesterol, or GPB - actually, anything that gives slip) on my hair while in the shower. Then I stand under the showerhead, and allow the water force to help me detangle, as I comb through with a wide toothed comb. I learned this method from the lovely ladies of the LHCF.
I have limited MUCH cussin', and saved MUCH hair this way.
Try it, you'll like it!
LeNghtyDreAms said:
I'm so0o frustrated rite now! I just washed my hair and now Im trying to comb it out so I can let it airdry but i keep running into one big problem. My newgrowth is too curly to comb through. Its s0o0 hard, im near tears. I know youre not suposed to yank the comb through your hair,but i can not get through these roots!

Can someone pretty please with lots of sugar on top help me.


type 3c/4a relaxed

Join the club. Well I like the soft and beautiful Hair Moisturising Complex conditioner. It really helps. Le Kair cholesterol is also good but the Soft and Beautiful Hair Moisturising complex conditioner is better IMO. It gives very good slip. I'm also a 3c/4a hair type.

I used this yesterday and it really did rescue my roots and ends.
I agree with all, apply a leave in conditioner or/and spritz some s-curl while wet, then comb it into the style you seek. When dry keep those roots oiled to lock in your moisture.
I know this is going to sound like a lot of work, but I'm 11 months into my transition and this works for me.

Shampoo with Keracare, then deep condition with Kenra for 20 minutes under a heat cap. Rinse your hair but then apply more kenra as a leave in. Divide your hair into 4 sections. In each of those sections, make 4 braids. Use a k-cutter to comb out the section before braiding it.

Remember, you can't treat naturally curly/kinky hair like straight hair. Even relaxed hair is not naturally straight and you have to treat it gently.