
I dated a guy some years ago who had this issue. He made it seem like it was me and of course being who I was, I internalized it and believed it. Mind you, we had been on and off since I was in college and it wasn't a problem then. He drank a LOT and was overweight the last go around so I believe this had something to do with it in HIS case. I also know of another person who married a man with this issue and two years later she decided to leave. She had already cheated on him because of it...also he drank a lot.

The alcohol will definitely do it. If it weren't a widespread problem for men then Viagra wouldn't exist.
I know ur getting other people’s opinions, but the best advice I can give you is to decide if you, personally can live with someone with this type of situation. It sounds to me like this bothers you, because you started a thread about it. If this bothers you now, it will more than likely continue to bother you. If sex is important to you, this could potentially pose problems in the relationship. However, if sex is not a huge deal breaker for you, then you can consider staying, if you really like him. But the most important thing is, you have to make your decision based on what you feel most comfortable with. In my 20s, I stayed with a man who had a major dealbreaker. I stayed because my friends kept telling me how they would stick by him if it were them, although it was a dealbreaker for me. That ended up being one of the biggest mistakes in my life. If this is a dealbreaker, it’s always best to get out while it’s early
Two things:

1. What does the FAP in NoFAP challenge mean? I'm guessing the P is for Porn
2. I agree with the women who mentioned he may be masturbating too much/consuming too much porn. I've also heard that heavy marijuana use can also render someone impotent.
Well, a huge question is has he EVER had a successful sexual relationship?

“It’s never happened before” could literally mean he has never had sex before...so no real opportunity for failure...

It is very sad but it is either psychological, medical or porn.

For years society has dismissed porn as harmless but boys are being exposed to it younger and younger...more often and in more avenues and types of porn than ever before. And it is causing some real problems for many young men.

And I disagree with watching porn with him to get things going...if he has a real problem it’ll end up like that sex and the city episode where Samantha dated the guy who could not have sex without porn playing in the background.
yea I was gonna ask if he smokes or uses a lot of cannabis products. overtime, regular use causes impotence.

It was mental for my exH. Since age 16. It was the late 80s so it wasnt internet porn. It was anxiety. 20 years of that off and on depending on stress levels. No. He admits he still has the problem if not worse now due to middle age and more stress.

The only way I'd put up with that again is if dude made so much money that me becoming a SAHW was on the table. That would be our bargain. Otherwise, if I still gotta pull 40hrs or more a week, I would move on. plenty of other working class ninjas that can get it up and keep it up to satisy me after a long day on the plantation, especially in their 20s.

So OP, decide what' most important to you and if he can provide it.
My dream guy would be kind, rich, affectionate and impotent. I once had a guy like that but he was arrogant and pretended his member was normal when it was deader than a piece of driftwood...

So you don't like coloring? Were you not satisfied when coloring in the past? How is this your dream guy? Is this sarcasm? Sometimes I need purple font to be sure.
I was not sure how to answer this but I’m going to do honestly instead of ignoring your post as was my first thought lol.

I used to think I was asexual but I have ptsd and one of my worst triggers is sex.

It’s really difficult trying to maintain a marriage with such a problem. It was not too bad when one was just dating.

But having someone all up on you trying to hug you and all every night is excruciating . Add trying to keep your marriage intact with that problem and it’s crazy.

I am working on it with professionals though. I don’t want to end up an old woman alone. I like being married but there is only so much a man can take for so long...

So you don't like coloring? Were you not satisfied when coloring in the past? How is this your dream guy? Is this sarcasm? Sometimes I need purple font to be sure.
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I was not sure how to answer this but I’m going to do honestly instead of ignoring your post as was my first thought lol.

I used to think I was asexual but I have ptsd and one of my worst triggers is sex.

It’s really difficult trying to maintain a marriage with such a problem. It was not too bad when one was just dating.

But having someone all up on you trying to hug you and all every night is excruciating . Add trying to keep your marriage intact with that problem and it’s crazy.

I am working on it with professionals though. I don’t want to end up an old woman alone. I like being married but there is only so much a man can take for so long...
Thank you for sharing.