6mth HAIR goals from Oct - April 2003


New Member
I know we did these on the other board. I was going to dig up the first lot of posts we mad at the end of Feb 2003 and see if we had reached our goals.

Anyways here goes mine again.
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[*]to grow between 4-6 inches. Yeah I should be so lucky with 6 but it's still possible
so stop itching my hair and use the pad of my fingers instead
[*]stop obessing over the hair in the comb
[*] take my vitamins on a daily basis(no problemswith that so far on the liquid vitamins)
[*]Keep my hair as healthy as possible
[*]Pray for some extra inches along with healthy, shiny growth. I know God has more pressing issues to deal with but I prayed one time for it last month and had to get a retouch, so I don't think he minds that much /images/graemlins/grin.gif [/list]

Good Luck on your hair goals everyone
Thanks for starting this again. Way to get back into the swing of things! I plan to keep my hair in braids for the next six months but I am so weak. I get so anxious and I just HAVE to pick in my hair. My goal for now is to keep a head full of healthy braids in my hair. My ultimate (for now) goal is to leave braids in my hair for a year so I can trim some of these thin ends off without losing so much length. But six months comes before a year so I guess my six months goal is to keep braids in my hair long enough for me to achieve the rest of my (for now) goal.
I am with you on that one. I plan to wear my hair braided until June, however in the short term,I plan to rebraid my hair every 3 months with 2 week deep conditioning intervals. Hopefully I can stick to my glovers concotion and my homemade sage and rosemary rinse to give a boost to my normal growth rate.
(Londondiva, thanks for starting this thread again /images/graemlins/laugh.gif)
<font color="pink">My goals are to use my hood dryer as little as possible, rather to air dry my hair. I also am going to wear my hair as little as possible, using buns as the alternative.Hopefully this will lead to some good growth and prevent breakage.</font color>
Hey ladies!!! I'm doing the braid thing too. I plan on wearing braids till may. Following the bargellos plan with it too. Hopefully, I'll have head full of hair for my 30th birthday!!! Thanks bev for bringing the board back!!!
Excellent topic, Londondiva. I remember this from blackhaircare.com

Honey Vibe's Goal: Natural, 4a hair down to shoulder blades by next April 2003.

+ Prayer, definitely. Don't fret that God finds you petty; like any loving parent, there's nothing God enjoys more than giving His children "sweets" if they ask.
- Keep things from brushing the hair. Sleep on face at night.
+ Constant moisture by water only.
- All dressings, sprays, etc. No prejudice against synthetics, not all synthetics are bad, but my hair has just never reaped benefits.
+ J.A.Y. Organic shampoo and conditioner. With natural hair, it is imperative that your shampoo moisturizes and your conditioner controls naps. These two products are outstanding in those respects.
- Discarding "the trimming method" to control split ends. Attempting to strengthen hair from the inside out to stop splits before they start -- "the prevention method". Healthy hair don't split.
+ Shea butter to help control naps and put a protect layer on hair from winter climate.
+ HF 37 supplements to boost speed of hair growth.
+ Stay focused. Resist temptation to rush out and try something hyped out. Experiment only when I'm sure a new method will further maximize results
- Axe the shortcuts. No more braids, weaves or relaxers for me; just my own natural hair. The health of my hair and scalp suffered in the long run from these hairstyles.
- No more listening to the hype. They say black hair won't grow long in its natural state because it breaks at a certain point. Well, I've seen 16 year-old boys at bus stops with natural hair longer [and larger!] than life.
+ Responding to the individual problems of my hair. A lot of hair advice starts with "all hair types could use a good blah blah blah", for a problem that I don't have with my hair. Just gonna take from hair advisers what is relevant.

Phew, that took a while to write! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
<font color="blue"> </font color> Hi everyone!
I feel like I know all of you because I've been reading your posts for some time now. Its great to know that there are others out there will the same goals.
For the next 6th months I've decided to wash and wear my hair and give my normal routien of blowdrying and using a flat iron a rest.
I have shoulder length relaxed hair....my goal is bra strap length
<font color="brown"> Here are my hair goals for the next 6 months:

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[*] Now that I have thick and even ends, my primary goal is to protect them so that they remain healthy . I will accomplish this by using a combination of moisture and oil on my ends at night, and wrapping, braiding, or twisting my hair at night in order for it to retain moisture. Regardless of the method I use to put it up for the night, I always tie it up in a silky wrap cap.

[*]I want to maintain a healthy scalp . I will accomplish this by continuing to wash/condition my hair every 4 days, using hot oil treatments every few weeks, continuing with my vitamin regimen, and massaging my scalp at night before I put it up. Also, I have severely limited my use of sulfate-based shampoos. My scalp has been in much better condition as a result.

[*]I will continue to limit my use of heat and styling implements . I will probably alternate between air-drying and roller styling and/or doobie wrap. Now that the weather is changing, the air is not moist enough for me to really benefit from braid-out styles (I wore them all summer). For the next 6 months, I plan to wear my hair in simple styles that help to protect my ends. I plan to wear it up so that the ends are not brushing my clothing. I may even resurrect the French braid for this purpose.

[*]Last, but not least, I plan to maximize my growth by continuing with my proven hair care regimen and products . I am currently happy with my relaxer, shampoos, and conditioners. I know which oils and natural products work for my hair, I like my wash/condition method, and my vitamin regimen works well for me. Unless something stops working for me, there really is no need for me to search for anything new.

I don't really have a growth goal as far as inches are concerned, but I am looking forward to substantial growth due to the fact that I have finally trimmed off ALL of the "super-relaxed" thinner ends. I should not have to trim as much as I did in the past, so I look forward to retaining most of my growth.

AngieK /images/graemlins/wink.gif </font color>
Wow, that post was so good, I'd like to adopt it as my own. I think I really want to emphasize treating my hair gently. It's pretty long now and I like to wear it down, but I want to stop that for the winter and make sure that I am wearing it in loose up-dos to protect the ends. I want to minimize brushing and combing --especially when the roots are nappy. I don't have a perm, but when it needs a press the roots are nappy and I hate that, but trying to comb them out only pulls out my hair. I need to live with the roots and accept them.
Well, those are my goals until April.
Keep doing what I'm doing:

* moisturize with each shampoo
* use protein/reconstructor conditioners at least once/monthly
* dust or trim as needed
* treat my ends with diluted glycerin rosewater

Last night I shampooed and noticed an increased softness/manageablity in my hair. My "graveyard" Kenra Moisturizing conditioner actually worked! I finally experienced a buttery smoothness others have described with their favorite conditioners.

I think it's because during the week I had been spraying my hair with a mix of glycerin rosewater and spring water and applying a dab of castor oil on top of that.

LondonDiva: The ceramic iron I bought last week is working out really well! I set it on 17 and got a smoother, sleekier press as compared to my Gold N Hot. I've given up trying to find the heat protectant I used a long time ago called New Era Silicone Thermal Protection. With that stuff, I was able to use ungodly amounts of heat on my hair. Instead, I've been just using my little old fan to cool my hair down and close the cuticles. I use less heat this way because I use lower temps. The fan is a good thing for me.

Edited to say that is not me you see under my name. LOL! I found that model at clickonbeauty.com. Right click on the pic to find out more.
* Grow 3-4 inches of hair
* MAINTAiN the added length
* Keep hands out of hair
* Moisturize hair everyday
* Wear a hat outside when cold to protect hair
<font color="red">My goals are to:

* Retain as much as length as possible. I'm pretty sure my hair grows-it's just keeping it.
******* Keep my ends moisturized so that I can retain length *********
*Take my vitamins on a regular basis
*Do better at protecting my hair while I sleep

I think that's all for now. </font color>
+ Prayer, definitely. Don't fret that God finds you petty; like any loving parent, there's nothing God enjoys more than giving His children "sweets" if they ask.
- Keep things from brushing the hair. Sleep on face at night. /images/graemlins/shocked.gif

Honeyvibe please don't kill yourself on account of healthier hair. I had to laugh when I read that one. That's worse than Regina King sleeping on her hand in the movie Friday. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
I only have one goal....to gain back 6 of the 8 inches I had to cut off. I'm sticking to my current routine....(I hope...) /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Er, I meant that I sleep ON THE SIDE OF MY FACE, to keep off my hair.
Actually, that does sound funny now that you mention it.

+ Sleep on face. With a straw. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
My main goal is to find a protective hairstyle I can stick with. When I wear my hair down, it always feel as if something is crawling on me. I also need to work on keeping my ends from splitting.
Thanks Londondiva for starting this post!!

* to grow 3-6 inches of hair
* to maintain my healthy, blunt ends by keeping them moisturized
* shinier, thicker, and stronger hair through help of vitamins

I have 3 main goals for the next 6 months: 1: stick to the Crown &amp; Glory Method (Lord give me strength, but I have a haird time with hanging with braids cause I am a hands in hair gal,tsk,tsk!) 2. Grow my hair as thick as I can 3.Keep a balance of moisture, protein, and hair nutrients...Me and Pills, that is another chapter on Patience and Perserverence. LOL
i would like to regain the 6-8 inches that i have lost this year due to a bad no-lye relaxer and a series of bad hair expereinces. thanks to this board and a new beautician, things have really started to look up for me. my hair thanks to s upplements and TLC has really begin to thickin up and grow. i want to get rid of the remaining damaged ends within the next few months and to maintain a healthy head of beautiful hair, like i had previously had in the past.
These are my goals:
<ul type="square"> [*]Keep my hair braided and healthy(moisturized) [*]Take my vitamin regimen
[*]Massage my scalp with a light oil like jojoba [*]Try the glover's stuff on my scalp at least once a week. [*]Use my acv/herbal rinses (I may try the rosemary/sage combo) [*]Read my bible more consistently by myself and with my children [*]Pray continuously about everything, including my hair /images/graemlins/blush.gif [*]Do a better job the next time with my braids [*]Try to make these braids last me two months before I get tired of them.
I think that's enough.

<font color="purple">Love it! And we're back... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Here are mine...
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[*]Retain 3-4 inches of length
[*]Stop trying to be all ultra cute /images/graemlins/smirk.gif and STOP wearing my hair down more than one day a week.
[*]Continue to wear hair without heat styling more than once a week. I've been doing well with this lately - but I know myself and the lapse is imminent unless I am honest about the fact that this isn't my strong point. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif
[*]Make a dent in using EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT in my product closet (shampoos, conditioners, mositurizers - ALL OF IT) unless I've already identified that they are completely impossible to work with and/or cause some damage or possibility of damage to my hair. No more pruchases unless I run out of a real mainstay. Like Feria. (Leave it to someone whose legally trained to work an exception into an "absolute rule"...Whatever.... /images/graemlins/grin.gif ).
[*]Keep major aspects of care consistent : who I go to for a relaxer, who trims me, what color I use etc.
I think that's it for now. /images/graemlins/wink.gif </font color>
Londondiva, it's good to "see" you again. This is a great topic. I have heard that writing down goals (and continually reviewing them) actually makes one more likely to achieve them.

Here are my goals:
1. Have at least 3" to what I have now
2. Maintain the thickness and health of my hair as it grows
3. Remember to take my supplements daily
4. Reduce my product purchases only to those I already know work... /images/graemlins/smirk.gif
to keep doing what i've been doing with no setbacks. that's all i ask... and to hopefully increase my growth rate with my new vitamin regime.

1. I want to keep my hair healthy (timmed, condtioned, etc...) to retain growth.
2. My goal is to get to waist-length sometime this coming year.
3. Keep a positive outlook on everything I'm doing, and brush off the haters. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hello everyone, I'm new to this board but wanted to share. I'm using the Crown and Glory technique to grow my hair long. In the next several months, I would like to be bra-strap length with my natural hair (without stretching) which means it will really be longer when straighten. I wash my hair every Saturday and just started condition washes (because I read about it on this board) on Tuesdays. I take a hair supplement and also EPA, C, Zinc, Biotin, Iron, Foi-ti, and Vegetable &amp; Fruit supplement.
I'm trying to work very gently with my hair and due to a vigorol relaxer (I put this on about 1 1/2 years ago) the end part is extremely dry and brittle. I'm due to put braids in my hair around November 27-29, and each time before putting the braids in, I'm cutting away about 1" of this old relaxed hair. Hopefully by June (1 year anniversary since employing the Crown and Glory technique) I want to be at my first goal. I will start taking my time to detangle my hair with fingers first, and this week I will purchase the Mebco Tortoise Shower Detangler comb to comb my hair. I also pray that my efforts will be blessed and specifically for hair length and that my hair will be healthy. I'm trying to find products that will soften my hair without weighing it down. I just ordered some products this past week and I will experiment to see how it makes my hair feel. I think that keeping the hair softened and moisturized is the key and if I can find a product that can successfully do that, I will be thrilled.
My hair goals are to:
<ul type="square"> [*]grow between 4-6 inches
[*]continue taking my vitamins on a daily basis
[*]limit purchasing of various products to only those that are essential (trying to get PJism under control /images/graemlins/smirk.gif )
[*]keep following current regimen
[*]keep my hair as healthy as possible
Hi Nyambura,

My hair is EXACTLY like Thandie Newtons hair. I am clipping off some slightly thin ends from a harsh summer. But I love that style. I wear the same part also. Jet black in color too.

I am going to keep my hands out of my hair for the next six months. My stylist was so impressed by the health of my hair and the length...we decided to put in a weave next week and she will help me take care of my hair underneath. I am gong to be having surgery soon and weaving it is the best way I can keep any length while I am recovering.

So I will be going to the salon twice a month for protein treaments and to get my tracks tightened.
Other than that I will be washing at home at least twice a week and moisturizing with Elucence and Humectress(until I run out).
And I will TRY to remember to take my vitamins daily.