Who has very short hair with some long hair goals?

Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

I'm in. I was thinking of joining the three month challenge to really concentrate on my regimen. We can start a short hair club challenge. We can check in every couple of weeks.

My hair is about three inches all around. It just seems to be taking so long to get past this length. I want shoulder length hair so bad

I am happy that it's not breaking off much. This will be the first time that I've grown my hair without wearing braids for months at a time and with having a relaxer. I'm currently wearing a sewn in weave that I do myself every week.

I'll start another post for our short hair club challenge.
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

Count me in. I would love to join the short hair club challenge.
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

ok ladies i have a question:
if you did not do the big chop and you are not growing out a short hair cut is there another reason why your hair is short? have you been having trouble with breakage and such? i'm just curious.
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

I had trouble with breakage from too frequent relaxing, permanent color, and not enough conditioning. I had to cut my hair down to the new growth and start over. I trimmed a little at a time although I cut most of it off last year. I had no choice because it was falling out all by itself.

Another problem I had was with my stylist cutting too much of my hair. I had a horrible trim about 3 months ago. My hair was so uneven. I was just able to get it evened out late last month.
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

I've got no problems with breakage just fed up with short hair styles. That's all.
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

I'm in too! I didn't chop and I don't have breakage. I am growing out a very short hair cut.
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

I have short hair too. My hair length is 5.5-6", layerd. I have about 6-7 more inches till true shoulder length (bangs). My bangs grow very slow. Hopefully, this time next year my bangs will be at my shoulders and the middle, sides, and back at bra strap. Anyway, I'm part of the 3 month challenge, but I can join this one too. I assuming that this is going to go on till we reach shoulder length? I've got 12 months and 6" to go.
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

I think I'm in for the short hair club, but maybe a new thread altogether would be a better way to drum up interest.
Your hair is not the shortest...in fact, that's long hair to me!
My hair is only about an inch long...but I do have long hair goals, but I also aim to reach them with a head full of healthy hair so I'm in it for the long haul. My hair is also natural too, so with the shrinkage, the haul may be extra long, but I'm still in it to win it!
Count me in! My hair is about 5-6 inches all around. There's a section in the center that suffered breakage, so it's much shorter. I have been in braids since June 2003 and plan to wear braids for at least a year. When I removed the braids last week to have them done again, I noticed that I got significant growth. I am chosing to use braids to give the hair a rest and to grow it out more, so I'll see how successful I am.
If we work together and support one another, we can reach our goals.
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go


You are making the point. It's a different measurement to my shoulders than it is probably to your shoulder. When you say you want to grow to "shoulder length" and that's "Your shoulders", add that I've never seen you, I don't know how many inches you're talking about. But inches are the same all over. If you say you want to grow 10 more inches of hair, then I can understand exactly how much hair you want. I guess when you express your goals as "shoulder length" you're just saying how you want it to look.
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

count me in currently my hair is 1-11/2 inches long its good to know that i am not the only starting all over again, this is good so that we can give each other encouragement jb
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

How has everyone done with this? Are there any updates? I'm a newbie with short hair and need some encouragement.
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

I'm in too! My hair is 3 to 5 1/2 inches in a layered bob cut. I have two areas at the back that are 2 inches long due to breakage. I've had a lot of breakage due to changing relaxers,not moisturizing enough and not taking care of my hair. My goal is to have about 6 to 8 inches of healthy hair by the end of this year and 12 to 14 inches by the end of next year.

Northernbelle, what kind of updo twist style are you wearing? I'm interested in a protective style that I can do with my short hair.

Currently, I wash twice a week and rollerset. I night, I either roll or wrap it.
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

The nape of my neck needs working on. Currently...it is 4 inches long. I want it to catch up with the rest of my hair....which is actually in great shape.
The nape isn't doing too badly though...considering that it was less than an inch this time last year. I will join in for my nape area :-)
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

Another Short-haired member with long-haired goals checking in...

With Surge, Roseamary oil blend, exercise and water...I am average 1.5 inches of growth a month so far...My goal is to have over a FOOT of hair...by my 1 Year Napptural Anniversary (11/11/04)...I think I can do it!!!
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

I thought everyone that said "count them in" started the challenge?!
Re: Who has very short hair with some long hair go

I'm checking in too. I am currently natural and have been for about 2 years (yeah for me). So far I have about 3 inches of natural hair. One part in the back is badly damaged due to birth control pills. I am looking to reach a head full of lusterous and beautiful tresses. I am not going to set a limit on how many inches just as long as it grows.