6mth HAIR goals from Oct - April 2003

<font color="purple"> </font color> Auntybe: Ditto. I pray that all goes well with your surgery as well. Be blessed and take care. Give us a shout when you can!!
<font color="purple">Hada, if you're the hair twin of Thandie Newton in that picture I posted, all I have to say is - fantastic! /images/graemlins/smile.gif If you don't mind sharing, would you please post your routine? Like you, I also got rid of my damaged ends and I have no regrets!
TIA /images/graemlins/cool.gif</font color>
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Hi Nyambura,

My hair is EXACTLY like Thandie Newtons hair. I am clipping off some slightly thin ends from a harsh summer. But I love that style. I wear the same part also. Jet black in color too.


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My 6-month goals:
# 1. To control my breakage. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
# 2. To retain 1.5 inches of growth. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
My hair goals are:

1. Grow 4-6 inches of hair
2. keep my hair in braids for the next 6 months
3. take my vitamins on a daily basis
4. keep my hands out of my hair
My hair goal for the next 6mth is too continue and stay faithful to my new vitamin regimen. My stylist noticed that my hair line was alot fuller which was excellent. I'm still trying to figure out which products works best with my hair.
I'm trying diligently to keep my sew-in-weave. I think since LondonDiva started the 6mth hair goal maybe I'll try to keep my weave until April and then break away from weaves all together /images/graemlins/smile.gif. When April arrives I will post the photo that I posted before I got my hair sewed in and looking at the calendar that will be right on time because It will be due for me to take my hair down and I will take Pictures and post the current photo and compare. I'm also keeping a hair journal.

My Ultimate goal is to achieve Bra-Strap length

*6mth goal to gain 3-6 inches of healthy shiny hair.
I have been natural since February 2002 and in July 2002, my hair reached just at the top of my earlobes. In October it is now passed my earlobes. I have been rinsing it regularly since August, September. At the moment I have stopped for the last two weeks, because I was sick.
I want to continue the rinsing again, because I find it a very good method.
I have been going to the steam room on a weekly basis and it definitely helps my hair and skin.

Swim on a regular basis, I find the exercise very good. Improves circulation to the rest of the body.

Try and eat a more vegetable based diet, have a salad every evening.

Regularly take my vitamins. They make a lot of difference and they improve my overall health.

Ask the divine intervention, which has helped a lot.

Try to relax more, inside of getting stressed. That can also damage your hair.

I will try to get JF Lazartigue hair products, which are very good, particularly this time of the year, it is getting colder and my hair needs a real rich conditioner.

I hope for my hair to grow down my shouders, the back of my hair reaches the nape of my neck already.
<font color="purple"> My goal starting October 26th (touch up time) for the next 6 months is to:

Continue to keep my current regimen of twice weekly shampoos, no heat usage except for conditioning, and protective styling.

Find a way to extend my relaxer touch ups to 12 weeks without the use of heat - this has been a real challenge for me - because I cut my hair trying to get rid of old dead perm and well let's just say it's no longer one length, but several. So, it's a little to short to pin up or pull back with major outgrowth without using heat. Besides I had to look good come Sunday morning /images/graemlins/blush.gif

Maintain my current length and gain 4 to 6 inches by April.

Perfect the twist and braid out styles and find other protective styles to change my look. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Ignore my chicken headed co-worker who is constantly telling me that I need to take that bun out of my head and pull out that hot comb and press my kitchen. /images/graemlins/mad.gif

I like my naps - that means growth!!!

Maintain my new growth with daily moisture, moisture, moisture.

Use my current products which work fine and don't jump on the PJ wagon just because. /images/graemlins/crazy.gif

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to take my vitamins religiously... they really have been helping me a lot lately

retain at least 3 inches of growth... but im shooting for 5

eliminate the damaged spot in the middle of my head.

finally achieve healthy ends... that means i'll dread trims, but i'll stil get them

thicker hair with more shine
Well I've had a good regimine so far so I'm going to keep doing it.

1. Wash at least 2 times a week.
2. Keep doing the curly girl regime (wash with conditioner)
3. Use heat once a week
4. Master the brastrap headband!
5. Take my vitamins regularly (Doing Bargello's plan since 99-00')
6. After the 6 months get a trim to get rid of my shag in the back.
7. And finally grow between 4-6 inches!
Here are my 6 month goals:
* grow 2-3 inches more
* phase out all mineral oil/petroleum based products
* keep my hands out of my hair
* keep up trims
* reduce heat
* drink more water
* keep up with my vitamins
My goal is to gain 6 inches and keep at least 4 of them. I want my hair to have more bounce. I want to improve my nutrition (will be especially hard with the holidays coming) drink more water and get over my fear of wearing my hair down.
1. Chop the final inch of distressed hair on Dec. 20 (It may sound odd, but I follow the lunar calendar for haircutting)
2. Keep on keeping it simple: Wash, condition, airdry, Press
3. Have the 2 problems in my life causing me stress solved and cleared from my life
4. Add biotin and pantothenic acid into my daily routine
5. 4 inches of new growth (which only brings me to shoulder-length) by April 1, 2003
Bumping for all those who posted their hair goals here 6 months ago....
Anyone achieve their goal???

*I'm hoping u all did*
OH YEAH! I was supposed to KEEP my braids in. Instead I took them out, cut all of my hair off twice, and then threw the braids back in. I wish I would've had this thread handy. I forgot all about it. I guess I'll try for next October. Sigh. Did anyone else follow their plan and reach their goal?
I think I actually DID this! I did retain about 3 inches of length MAYBE a little less but I'm realizing that as long as I continue to be inconsistent about vitamins my hair is NOT going to grow quickly.

I still haven't been able to wear my hair up more than 3 or so times a week, but I DO do that - which for me is significant progress - so I'm just going to keep plugging away.

The product thing was always a pipe dream. But I realized that I only really get crazy around 2 times a year when I'm in my self improvement phase of the year - usually when school starts and then again at New Years so I'll just make lists during the "off times" when I don't feel quite the same COMPULSION to actually BUY things and save the buying for when I can't control myself.

The color and the relaxer issue are fianlly resolved and so are the same stylist issues for the most part. I still experiment at tother salons for wash and sets, but I do like to keep my trimmer and my tocuh up person the same. Thankfuklly it's the same person and I don't have to worry too much anymore. I'm REALLY glad that whole phase is over!

Thanks for bumping this! I actually accomplished something!
congrats tracy on actually managin to reach yo 6months goals...i wasnt here to take part in thisbut i kno that i wudnt have been able to coz christmas time means bgaa uses a whole lotta heat and laziness gets multiplied by 100 so i wont take my vits or exercise
I would say, for the most part, yes, much to my surprise.... I was getting frustrated with my progress until I realized that I had cut my hair to ear-length the same month of my original post (October) and it has since grown back to just past shoulder-length in the back - no small feat for those of us with long necks!
Currently working on strengthening hairline even more(thanks, Tracy