Realistic hair goals

well, in that case, you can never get an inch per month!
prove me wrong!!! :grin:

damn you whimsy !!!!! I'll start in July .. gotta get my last two weeks of junk food in JUNE.:grin:

IA with many of the responses in this thread. I was privy to the original connversation which precipitated. There are direct yet honest ways of saying what you believe to be achievable or possible without distain and negativity. Realism is subjective and many factors come into play.

(I think if the OP wants to present a complete picture of what happened she could include BOTH links to the threads she responded to (although at this point it's unnecessary to bring the drama here)).

agreed loulou
I haven't read the other posts, but I agree that people should have realistic goals

When I was a newbie, my plan was to go from SL to BSL in a year. Well, here it is, more than a year later and I'm JUST NOW reaching APL. :ohwell: I was extremely disappointed at first because I saw folks going from SL to BSL left and right, but it took me forever to even get to APL.

I was really sad at first, but I've learned that my hair will grow at its own pace. If you try to go by someone else's timeline or do what other people did, you may end up being disappointed. Set realistic goals, short and long term. That way, you may even surpass your goal! :yep:
At work, we have things we like to call 'stretch' goals. It basically means that a combination of luck, timing, serendipity, and a touch of blessing will be REQUIRED in order to pull it off to 'goal' - but even without that, even attempting it (stretching for it) will get you further along than if you just sat back and said - well, it ain't possible, so I ain't even gonna try for it. :nono:

I'm down on that sort of attitude on so many levels - there is a sis here who has a quote from KillBill in her siggy - something about, no wonder you are failing! You believe you cannot before you even start! Humph! :lol: I love that quote, and I hold it to heart.

Do I think that everyone and their mama can GET 12 inches in 12 months? No. Do I think that everyone and their mama will retain more hair if they are ATTEMPTING to get 12 inches in 12 months than they are if they are not attempting that? Without a doubt. It might be 6 inches, it might be 8 inches, it might be 11 inches - but the making and working towards the goal - EVEN if you don't achieve it - seems most valuable to me.

I don't start worrying til sistas start making comments that make me worry about their mental state or self-worth if they DON'T get there.

Heck, do I REALLY believe I'll be tailbone in 2011? *sucksteeth* I don't know, but I'm trying. Come back and holla in 2011 and we'll see where I'm at - but I can assure you, I will be CLOSER to tailbone than I would be if I shrugged my shoulders right now and said 'That's unrealistic, so why even try?'.

ITA, actually i make all my goals with this in mind. but then i also consider myself a realist so i don't think any of the goals i make are ever "unrealistic." :lol: