60 Day Commitment: Praying For African American Males

^^ Amen, amen and amen.

Heavenly Father,

I thank You for placing the desire in PinkPebbles heart to pray for African-American males, and men of color in the Caribbean as well. Father I stand in total agreement with the prayers that have been written in this thread. We recognize that there is an attack on black males in the U.S, in the Caribbean, and all over the world. And this attack is from the enemy. But neither the attack nor the enemy can withstand Your greatness. We cancel every scheme of the enemy to thwart the plans that You have for these men, Your sons, in the name of Jesus.

We thank You Father, for hearing our cry for these men. We thank You Father for what You are doing in the lives of these men as a result of the prayers that have gone up on their behalf. Your word says that You move mountains without our knowledge. We thank You for moving in an almighty and miraculous way, in their lives as only You can do. We thank You for being a father to the fatherless. We thank You for making a leader out of a follower. We thank You for raising up men of honor. We thank You for stirring up in these men a desire to do Your will. We thank You that these men, Your sons, are excellent role models; we thank You that they are leaders in their community, in their families, in their churches.

We thank You that their past, and their father and mother's past does not predict their future - Your word does. We thank You that statistics do not define their behavior nor their mindset, nor their point of view - Your word does. We thank You that the media, and its images and depictions of how to treat a woman, or how "black men" stereotypically behave does not dictate how they interact with their mothers, sisters, wives, friends, girlfriends - Your word does. We thank You that the negative portrayals of men of color in hip-hop videos or mainstream movies do not destine how these men, Your sons, walk in this world - Your word does. Your word says that You have plans to prosper and not to harm, plans to give them hope and a future. We stand on Your word, in the name of Jesus. Because if You said it, it IS. It's already done, in the name of Jesus.

Thank You Father, that these men, Your sons are protected mentally as well as physically. We cancel out every attack of the enemy on their manhood in the name of Jesus. We cancel out any confusion set forth by the enemy that would make these men, Your sons, think it is ok to act or behave effeminate, in the name of Jesus. We rebuke that spirit, in Jesus name. We thank you for raising up strong, spiritual, godly, manly men who seek to please You and are after Your heart, in the name of Jesus.

ETA: Thank You Father that these men, Your sons, will have an inherent disdain for the intake of illegal substances, and any involvement in illegal substances. This is a spirit from the enemy. And I rebuke that spirit by the authority and in the name of Jesus.

Thank You Father that You have placed in their spirit faith, goodness, love, peace, joy - all the fruits of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You that these men are good providers for their families; good sons, good brothers, good nephews, good friends, good husbands, good fathers, PRAYER WARRIORS, in the name of Jesus.

Thank You that these men, Your sons, know that their most powerful weapon in spiritual warfare is prayer. When we pray, we are in Your presence. In Your presence, there is power.

Thank You for Your goodness, Your love, Your mercy and above all, thank You Father for Your grace. Thank You for our African American males and the men of color across the Caribbean and what You are doing in their lives. All glory and honor be unto You. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
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I'm not going to join in (being honest), but add to that list "end of racism and marginalization" because if that isn't ended, that whole list will be a permanent fixture. I think about this daily. How about G-d favoring Blacks rather than allowing them to be made fodder.
Happy Sunday Ladies!

I have two praise reports that I’d like to share! I planned on sharing in the “My Concern” thread, but since this thread was bumped and the praise reports are related to young black males it would be nice to share in this thread.

Praise Report #1

My cousin, a black male that is in his twenties started an after school program. The program will be held once a week at a predominately black public school. The program is to help black boys develop their leadership skills. The discussions and activities will focus on making changes in their environment and communities.

My cousin stepped out on faith, and God led him in the right direction. My cousin received funding and helping hands to start this program.

God handpicked the young boys that really need to be in this program. Many of the boys are fatherless and experienced emotional trauma at a very young age. The purpose and vision that God placed in my cousin’s heart could only be from God.

The after school program will start the second week in October.

Praise Report #2

In the ”My Concern” thread, I mentioned that I wanted to have a discussion with my pastor. Well, I didn’t have too because God spoke to his heart. It was announced this morning that my church will have a weekly Youth Forum for young black males. The forum is designed to spiritually equip young males on how to handle racism, discrimination, injustice, conflict, and other issues that black males face in this society. The forum will start the first week in October.

God hears our prayers despite the mockery, hatred, and division from others. Our prayers are not in vain.

Again, thank you for standing in the gap for our black males.

~God Bless

Hebrews 13:6 “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

Psalms 50:15 “Call to Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you will honor Me”
God is Faithful :heart2:
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PinkPebbles, thank you for sharing such wonderful news, I love that you created this thread and proven it fruitful. There is much more to come.
Take away the fear to trust, to be vulnerable, and to commit and give them Your wisdom.

Break down the stronghold that wants to inflate them with pride, ego, rudeness, and arrogance. Show them how to put their trust in You in order to produce the fruit of the spirit which is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Teach them how to openly communicate their thoughts, plans, and needs graciously.

I ask You God to place godly, sincere people in their lives with whom they can openly share their hearts.

In Jesus’ name.

Yes, yes and yes. Too many of our men are dying on the vine because of their own pride. I totally agree with this prayer and I ask God to do supernatural work in the lives of our men, especially today, in this area.

@PinkPebbles, thank you for starting this thread. The prayers and messages are timeless. As we see our boys and men coming under attack on a daily basis, we need to pray even more for them as well as for ourselves.
^^ Amen, amen and amen.

Heavenly Father,

I thank You for placing the desire in PinkPebbles heart to pray for African-American males, and men of color in the Caribbean as well. Father I stand in total agreement with the prayers that have been written in this thread. We recognize that there is an attack on black males in the U.S, in the Caribbean, and all over the world. And this attack is from the enemy. But neither the attack nor the enemy can withstand Your greatness. We cancel every scheme of the enemy to thwart the plans that You have for these men, Your sons, in the name of Jesus.

We thank You Father, for hearing our cry for these men. We thank You Father for what You are doing in the lives of these men as a result of the prayers that have gone up on their behalf. Your word says that You move mountains without our knowledge. We thank You for moving in an almighty and miraculous way, in their lives as only You can do. We thank You for being a father to the fatherless. We thank You for making a leader out of a follower. We thank You for raising up men of honor. We thank You for stirring up in these men a desire to do Your will. We thank You that these men, Your sons, are excellent role models; we thank You that they are leaders in their community, in their families, in their churches.

We thank You that their past, and their father and mother's past does not predict their future - Your word does. We thank You that statistics do not define their behavior nor their mindset, nor their point of view - Your word does. We thank You that the media, and its images and depictions of how to treat a woman, or how "black men" stereotypically behave does not dictate how they interact with their mothers, sisters, wives, friends, girlfriends - Your word does. We thank You that the negative portrayals of men of color in hip-hop videos or mainstream movies do not destine how these men, Your sons, walk in this world - Your word does. Your word says that You have plans to prosper and not to harm, plans to give them hope and a future. We stand on Your word, in the name of Jesus. Because if You said it, it IS. It's already done, in the name of Jesus.

Thank You Father, that these men, Your sons are protected mentally as well as physically. We cancel out every attack of the enemy on their manhood in the name of Jesus. We cancel out any confusion set forth by the enemy that would make these men, Your sons, think it is ok to act or behave effeminate, in the name of Jesus. We rebuke that spirit, in Jesus name. We thank you for raising up strong, spiritual, godly, manly men who seek to please You and are after Your heart, in the name of Jesus.

ETA: Thank You Father that these men, Your sons, will have an inherent disdain for the intake of illegal substances, and any involvement in illegal substances. This is a spirit from the enemy. And I rebuke that spirit by the authority and in the name of Jesus.

Thank You Father that You have placed in their spirit faith, goodness, love, peace, joy - all the fruits of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You that these men are good providers for their families; good sons, good brothers, good nephews, good friends, good husbands, good fathers, PRAYER WARRIORS, in the name of Jesus.

Thank You that these men, Your sons, know that their most powerful weapon in spiritual warfare is prayer. When we pray, we are in Your presence. In Your presence, there is power.

Thank You for Your goodness, Your love, Your mercy and above all, thank You Father for Your grace. Thank You for our African American males and the men of color across the Caribbean and what You are doing in their lives. All glory and honor be unto You. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

@TraciChanel, I touch and totally agree with you in this prayer. The effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much.
Heavenly Father, I pray that our men will know that you have created them in your image. That they will recognize the power you gave them from on high and that they will walk in dignity and respect upon this earth. I pray that they will know that they are loved by You and that they can share your love with others. Lord, I pray that you will cause the scales to fall from their eyes so that they can truly see you and your creation. I further pray that they will recognize that You have given them women to help them serve You and your purposes. I pray that they will learn to love and treat women with kindness and gentleness. I pray that we, as women, will give our men the respect they crave and that we will stop giving them what they have not earned the right to have until we are their wives.
Lord, pour out your spirit upon our men. Bless them abundantly above and beyond anything they could ask or imagine and then help them to turn those blessing back to you in the form of praise and worship to You. In Jesus' name. Amen!