The Power of a Praying Wife Challenge

Prayer for today…His Past

Lord, I pray that You would enable (husband’s name) to let go of his past completely. Deliver him from any hold it has on him. Help him to put off his former conduct and habitual ways of thinking about it and be renewed in his mind (Ephesians 4:22,23). Enlarge his understanding to know that You make all things new (Revelation 21:5). Show him a fresh, Holy Spirit-inspired way of relating to negative things that have happened. Give him the mind of Christ so that he can clearly discern Your voice from the voices of the past. When he hears those old voices, enable him to rise up and shut them down with the truth of Your Word. Where he has formerly experienced rejection or pain, I pray he not allow them to color what he sees and hears now. Pour forgiveness into his heart so that bitterness, resentment, revenge and unforgiveness will have no place there. May he regard the past as only a history lesson and not a guide for his daily life. Wherever his past has become an unpleasant memory, I pray You would redeem it and bring life out of it. Bind up his wounds (Psalm 147:3). Restore his soul (Psalm 23:3). Help him to release the past so that he will not live in it, but learn from it, break out of it, and move into the future You have for him.

In Jesus name we pray…AMEN
Pray every day for him to have the desire for more of GOD.

If you clearly observe your husband walking down a wrong path, pray that his eyes be opened to the truth and that his heart be convicted.

Prayer for today…His Obedience

Lord, You have said in Your Word that if we regard iniquity in our hearts, You will not hear (Psalm 66:18). I want You to hear my prayers, so I ask You to reveal where there is any disobedience in my life, especially with regard to my husband. Show me if I’m selfish, unloving, critical, angry, resentful, unforgiving, or bitter toward him. Show me where I have not obeyed You or lived Your way. I confess it as sin and ask for Your forgiveness.

I pray that You would give (husband’s name) a desire to live in obedience to Your laws and Your ways. Reveal and uproot anything he willingly gives place to that is not of You. Help him to bring every thought and action under Your control. Remind him to do good, speak evil of no one, and be peaceable, gentle, and humble (Titus 3:1,2). Teach him to embrace the stretching pain of discipline and discipleship. Reward him according to his righteousness and according to the cleanness of his hands (Psalm 18:20). Show him Your ways, O Lord; teach him Your paths. Lead him in Your truth, for You are the God of his salvation (Psalm 25:4, 5).

Make him a praising person, for I know that when we worship You we gain clear understanding, our lives are transformed, and we receive power to live Your way. Help him to hear Your specific instructions to him and enable him to obey them. Give him a heart that longs to do Your will and may he enjoy the peace that can only come from living in total obedience to Your commands.

In Jesus name we pray, AMEN!
Hi LIKI51, I continue to read the Praying Wife. I also have been reading other books (more psychological/ counseling oriented) that relate to me and my husband's issues. They are helping me understand him and myself better. The combination of reading those books, steadfast prayer, and digging deep within myself recently led to a big breakthrough for me and my husband. Thank you for keeping this thread going.
Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before Kings; he will not stand before unknown men. Proverbs 22:29

Because of laziness the building decays, and through idleness of hands the house leaks. Ecclesiastes 10:18

Prayer for today…His Work

Lord, I pray that You would bless the work of my husband’s hands. May his labor bring not only favor, success, and prosperity, but great fulfillment as well. If the work he is doing is not in line with Your perfect will for his life, reveal it to him. Show him what he should do differently and guide him down the right path. Give him strength, faith, and a vision for the future so he can rise above any propensity for laziness. May he never run from work out of fear, selfishness or a desire to avoid responsibility. On the other hand, help him to see that he doesn’t have to work himself to death for man’s approval, or grasp for gain beyond what is a gift from You. Give him the ability to enjoy his success without striving for more. Help him to excel, but free him from the pressure to do so.

I pray that You will be Lord over his work, and may he bring You into every aspect of it. Give him enough confidence in the gifts You’ve placed in him to be able to seek, find and do good work. Open up doors of opportunity for him that no man can close. Develop his skills so that they grow more valuable with each passing year. Show me what I can do to encourage him.

I pray that his work will be established, secure, successful, satisfying, and financially rewarding. May he not be “lagging in diligence, [but] fervent in spirit, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11). Let him be like a tree planted by the stream of Your living water, which brings forth fruit in due season. May he never with under pressure, but grow strong and prosper (Psalm 1:3).
A man deserves to earn what his work is worth and his wide should pray he does.

Pray that the storehouses of blessing will be opened upon him, but pray that it all comes from the hand of God.

The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22)

Prayer for today…His Finances

Lord, I commit our finances to You. Be in charge of them and use them for Your purposes. May we both be good stewards of all that You give us, and walk in total agreement as to how it is to be dispersed. I pray that we will learn to live free of burdensome debt. Where we have not been wise, bring restoration and give us guidance. Show me how I can help increase our finances and not decrease them unwisely. Help us to remember that all we have belongs to You, and to be grateful for it.

I pray that (husband’s name) will find it easy to give to You and to others as You have instructed in Your Word. Give him wisdom to handle money wisely. Help him make good decisions as to how he spends. Show him how to plan for the future. I pray that he will find the perfect balance between spending needlessly and being miserly. May he always be paid well for the work he does, and may his money not be stolen, lost, devoured, destroyed, or wasted. Multiply it so that what he makes will go a long way. I pray that he will not be anxious about finances, but will seek Your kingdom first, knowing that as he does, we will have all we need (Luke 12:31).

In Jesus name we pray...AMEN
Pray for the comforting, securing, perfect love of the Lord to surround your husband and deliver him from all his fears.

Prayer for today...His Fears

Lord, You’ve said in Your Word that “there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love” (1 John 4:18). I pray You will perfect my husband in Your love so that tormenting fear finds no place in him. I know You have not given him a spirit of fear. You’ve given him power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I pray in the name of Jesus that fear will not rule over my husband. Instead, may Your Word penetrate every fiber of his being, convincing him that Your love for him is far greater than anything he faces and nothing can separate him from it.

I pray that he will acknowledge You as a father whose love is unfailing, whose strength is without equal, and in whose presence there is nothing to fear. Deliver him this day from fear that destroys and replace it with godly fear (Jeremiah 32:40). Teach him Your way, O Lord. Help him to walk in Your truth. Unite his heart to fear Your name (Psalm 86:11). May he have no fear of men, but rise up and boldly say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me? (Hebrews 13:6) “How great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You” (Psalm 31:19).

I say to you (husband’s name), “Be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with recompense of God; He will come and save you” (Isaiah 35:4). “In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear” (Isaiah 54:14). “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday” (Psalm 91:5,6). May the Spirit of the Lord rest upon you, “the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:2)
Pray that your husband be molded according to God’s plan and not anyone else’s.

Pray that he hears God’s call, so that who he is and what he does lines up with God’s purpose for his life.

Pray…"Lord, take my husband from this place, reveal to him what You’ve called him to be, and open doors to what he should be doing.”

Prayer for today…His Purpose

Lord, I pray that (husband’s name) will clearly hear the call You have on his life. Help him to realize who he is in Christ and give him certainty that he was created for a high purpose. May the eyes of his understanding be enlightened so that he will know what is the hope of Your calling (Ephesians 1:18).

Lord, when You call us, You also enable us. Enable him to walk worthy of his calling and become the man of God You made him to be. Continue to remind him of what You’ve called him to and don’t let him get sidetracked with things that are unessential to Your purpose. Strike down discouragement so that it will not defeat him. Lift his eyes above the circumstances of the moment so he can see the purpose for which You created him. Give him patience to wait for Your perfect timing. I pray that the desires of his heart will not be in conflict with the desires of Yours. May he seek You for direction, and hear when You speak to his soul.
Even though I'm not married yet. I am praying these prayers over my future husband and over myself. Thank God I decided to look in this thread. I almost shyed away from it. I decided that I want to go into this marriage prepared, shoot i research everything else why not being a better wife (when the time does come)
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve. Matthew 4:10

Prayer for today…His Priorities

God, I proclaim You Lord over my life. Help me to seek You first everyday and set my priorities in perfect order. Reveal to me how to properly put my husband before children, work, family, friends, activities and interests. Show me what I can do right now to demonstrate to him that he has this position in my heart. Mend the times I have caused him to doubt that. Tell me how to prioritize everything so that whatever steals life away, or has no lasting purpose, will not occupy my time.

I pray for my husband’s priorities to be in perfect order as well. Be Lord and Ruler over his heart. Help him to choose a simplicity of life that will allow him to have time alone with You, Lord, a place to be quiet in Your presence every day. Speak to him about making Your Word, prayer, and praise a priority. Enable him to place me and our children in greater prominence in his heart than career, friends, and activities. I pray he will seek You first and submit his all to You, for when he does I know the other pieces of his life will fit together perfectly.