6 Month Ayurveda Challenge

Hey ladies, do you think it would be alright to add alma powder to my conditioner and water braid spray? I want to start using the powders at a greater frequency. I dont feel like I am using them often enough.

Yes you can. A lot of us are making an actual ayurveda tea rinse, straining it and adding it as a braid spritzer. I usually put a few drops of rosemary essential oil to mine to preserve it longer than one week. I can usually use mine for about 3 weeks before it starts to go a little rancid but that may be because I live in such a very hot climate too.
I did order a box of Kalpi tone since it will be my first time trying it, so do you use more of the kalpi tone than the other powders? If kalpi tone has everything in it why use other powders?, how often can you use Kalpi tone? Sorry for all the ?? still learning about Kalpi Tone:yep:

Imoan, you don't NEED to add any other powder to the kalpi tone. I do it because I like a little extra strength sometimes or a little extra moisture sometimes. If you would like to, you can use the kalpi tone by itself and I will do one of these pretty soon I think.

Kalpi tone is natural just like the other powders so if you want to use it 3 times a week you can, but it is not necessary. I myself don't cowash daily so I will use it once or twice a week because it keeps my hair nice and dark. When I am all braided up in my extensions again, I will be making an ayurveda spritzer with kalpi tone in it for my braids:yep:.
Does anyone mix these powders with their conditioner to cowash instead of making the tea rinse?...if so, what conditioner and herbs do you use?...how much and how often?...do/did you get the same results as you did when using the rinse?
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Does anyone mix these powders with their conditioner to cowash instead of making the tea rinse?...if so, what conditioner and herbs do you use?...how much and how often?...do/did you get the same results as you did when using the rinse?

Yes I do, but please forgive me, I'm very detailed so here's mine:


LadyAggie's Ayurveda Co-Wash Conditioning Recipe.

I got this idea from one of our beloved member and sista off LHCF and fotki and she knows who she is DG,lol. All I can say to you girl is thanks a million for posting your recipe so all of us can see and learn more about how to put a recipe like this together. I must give a big shout out to my girl MedMunky for all her tireless efforts at helping me out with my FENUGREEK RECIPE as well. I hope that in my efforts to tweak this recipe, that some of the ladies can learn something from me too. HHG ladies.

What you will need:

1 TPS of shikakai powder (for strength)
1 TBS of bhringraj powder (for moisture - may use this or hibiscus petal powder)
1 TBS of hibiscus petal powder (for more moisture, but not needed)
1 TBS of brahmi powder (for strength, growth and moisture)
5 drops of rosemary essential oil
5 drops of lavender essential oil
¼ cup of coconut oil
¼ cup of bhringraj oil
½ cup of suave or tressemme conditioner (or any other cheap one preferably without cones but not absolutely necessary)
Amla/shikakai/Vatika oil for oiling hair & scalp before applying the recipe
Distilled water
A bowl
A whip
fenugreek seed powder (optional) See bottom for a further tweaked version of this recipe.
Gloves (optional)
1 Plastic cap

Mix all ingredients together with enough distilled water to make a paste. The consistency should be like that of yogurt. Oil your hair and scritch your scalp well with either amla, shikakai, or vatika oil. Apply mixed conditioner to properly oiled hair from roots to ends and scritched scalp as you would your normal conditioner, put on a plastic cap and leave on for 15-20 minutes or longer if desired. Thoroughly wash out under running water until all herbs are gone. This may take a few minutes. You may use some additional cheapie conditioner to aid in the removal of the herbs.

In order for this to be a deeper conditioner, simply substitute the suave/tressemme for a thicker more moisturizing conditioner. You may leave it on the hair for half an hour or longer with a plastic cap on and wrapped with a hot towel. Wash out the same way as above.

With both treatments, it is advised to do a moisturizing deep conditioning treatment for 45 minutes to an hour under a hooded dryer or a conditioning heat cap.

Please note that this recipe can be multiplied to make and save time for about 4 treatments at a time, maybe more if desired.

Another way to tweak this recipe is to make a fenugreek seed tea rinse with the distilled water and use that for mixing the ingredients together instead of using just plain distilled water.

The FENUGREEK SEED TEA RINSE mixture would include about:
3 oz of fenugreek seed powder,
3 oz of coconut oil and mixed with about
5 cups of distilled water,
let it come to a boil and allow to cool for a few minutes, strain, (I use a stocking cap for straining) then mix in the above recipe.

The fenugreek will give added strength, conditioning, softness, slip and shine to your hair. It is also known to speed up hair growth. The extra fenugreek liquid can be refrigerated for later use alone or mixed with other powders.


Wow my hair feels GREAT! This has been my best co-wash ever!!!. I have never used these powders and had this soft a hair before...... NEVER before this conditioner. It was not drying at all.


I copied this from my fotki album and pasted it here. Youdo not have to use the fenugreek tea rinse - you can use distilled water only if you wish for the cowash. HTH!
Hi Aggie, I am braiding my hair for low mani hair style. How do you oil the length of your braids? Are you using synthetic hair? How much extra products are you using? Sorry for all the questions.
Hi Aggie, I am braiding my hair for low mani hair style.

How do you oil the length of your braids?
I don't. I simply spray them with Afican Royale BRX Braid Spray daily.

Are you using synthetic hair?
Yes, I use kanekalon synthetic fiber braids extensions.

How much extra products are you using?
I use an ayurveda powder spritzer one day and on alternating days I spray my braids with a mixture of Infusium 23 Moisturologie, water, and some other daily moisturizer shaken up in a spray bottle. The daily moisturizer I have been using in this spray bottle is WEN fig or Nexxus Humectress, but you could use whatever your hair likes. I even added some Eqyss Botanical Rehydrant Spray in there because it is ultra moisturizing, especially for braids and it smells yummy too:lick:.

Sorry for all the questions.

It was not a problem joib, glad to help:yep:.
I just gave my self a powder rinse...I boiled water and added Amla powder and a Henna powder that has amla brahmi, shikaki, coffee, etc and I added some Hairveda Cocasta Oil for good measure (though I think I was too heavy handed with the oil). I left this rinse in my hair for twenty minutes then cowashed with HE LTR. I sealed with African Royale BRX spray....good night folks!!
I henna'ed my hair last night, washed it out this morning and now DCing all day today. I will wash it out sometime this evening and apply my MN.

Last night my henna consisted of henna, brahmi, kalpi tone, amla, ginger root and bhringraj powders, coconut milk and lime and a little bit of hot water, lastly some shikakai oil. It was very softening and it helped loosen my curls a little bit and allowed me to detangle just a tad bit better. I will try it again for better results in a couple of weeks.
Does anyone mix these powders with their conditioner to cowash instead of making the tea rinse?...if so, what conditioner and herbs do you use?...how much and how often?...do/did you get the same results as you did when using the rinse?

I mix the powders with cond. all the time. I use a cheapie cond. like Suave or Aussie Moist for cowashing. And my more heavier, richer conds. for dcing. What I mix in depends on what I'm trying to acheive. I use Amla, Skikakai, & Bhrami when I want to cleanse. Although I'm currently hooked on the Shikakai bar. For strength, growth, and moisture. I mix Bhringraj, Bhrami, Amla, Nettle, and Horsetail if it's early, because Horsetail hypes me up. The differience I have noticed with mixing with cond. instead of doing the paste or teas is, the paste mixed with water is more potent and I have to rinse sooner and follow up with a dc. So my theory way why not skip a step and mix with cond., and save a step if I have to cond. anyway? I do mix with water every now and then when I want a stronger treatment. The teas stop shedding in their tracks and on my hair seem to act as a protein, so I have to be careful not to incorporate too much Protien from my cond. when I'm doing these. I usually do tea rinses a few times a month. Although I'm liking the idea of the spritz you guys are doing. I usually save my Fenugreek for tea rinses along with Bhrami, Bhriningraj, and Amla. Also for some reason when I mix in Horsetail and Nettle my hair comes out suuuper soft. Lol, I'm pretty lazy in my approach when it comes to Ayurveda, so mixing the herbs with cond. has been a God send for me. I forgot to add , I tend to do more of the tea rinsing near the end of my relaxer stretch. When my roots are really tight, It makes rinsing the powders/pastes a tad bit harder.
Aggie my review of the Hibiscus powder is good, the only thing is the other night when I did my treatment I was tired because I didn't get off work till 9:30, so I think I mixed a tad too much powder in my cond. Also I don't think I rinsed well because my scalp itched like crazy that night. I pooed with the Shikakai bar yesterday and cond. with Aussie Moist, and it felt much better. I'll make sure I have enough energy before attempting this the next time. My hair did however come out soft and I liked the way it smelled. I can't wait to try it in a tea. I ordered some Hibiscus oil from Afroveda.
Checking in. Scritched hair last night with Shikakai oil, applied Cocasta to length of hair, left in overnight. Pooed this morning with CON red mixed with shikakai and amla powder. DC'd with mix of Miss Jessie's rapid recovery treament, CON Reconstructing condish, JBCO, avocado oil, and Bragg's amino acids. Left in for hour without heat, 10 minutes with heat. Rinsed and applied QB CTDG to hair, left for 5 minutes and detangled hair. Rinsed, applied acv rinse. Applied KBB Hair Milk, followed by QB AOHC and Afroveda Hibiscus oil to hair in sections. Currently twisting with Afroveda Cocolatte Moisture Mask and JC Leave-in.
Checking in. Scritched hair last night with Shikakai oil, applied Cocasta to length of hair, left in overnight. Pooed this morning with CON red mixed with shikakai and amla powder. DC'd with mix of Miss Jessie's rapid recovery treament, CON Reconstructing condish, JBCO, avocado oil, and Bragg's amino acids. Left in for hour without heat, 10 minutes with heat. Rinsed and applied QB CTDG to hair, left for 5 minutes and detangled hair. Rinsed, applied acv rinse. Applied KBB Hair Milk, followed by QB AOHC and Afroveda Hibiscus oil to hair in sections. Currently twisting with Afroveda Cocolatte Moisture Mask and JC Leave-in.

How do you like this oil?
I prepoo/cowash with amla/shikaki,make/brahmi/hib with VO5 tea therapy,dc, tea rinse with amla/fenugreek/brahmi/nettle, leave in cantu, oil/moisture.
How do you like this oil?

Checking in. Scritched hair last night with Shikakai oil, applied Cocasta to length of hair, left in overnight. Pooed this morning with CON red mixed with shikakai and amla powder. DC'd with mix of Miss Jessie's rapid recovery treament, CON Reconstructing condish, JBCO, avocado oil, and Bragg's amino acids. Left in for hour without heat, 10 minutes with heat. Rinsed and applied QB CTDG to hair, left for 5 minutes and detangled hair. Rinsed, applied acv rinse. Applied KBB Hair Milk, followed by QB AOHC and Afroveda Hibiscus oil to hair in sections. Currently twisting with Afroveda Cocolatte Moisture Mask and JC Leave-in.

How did u like the CMM I have that in my cart to order on the 30th, did u make your shikakai oil? thanks
Aggie my review of the Hibiscus powder is good, the only thing is the other night when I did my treatment I was tired because I didn't get off work till 9:30, so I think I mixed a tad too much powder in my cond. Also I don't think I rinsed well because my scalp itched like crazy that night. I pooed with the Shikakai bar yesterday and cond. with Aussie Moist, and it felt much better. I'll make sure I have enough energy before attempting this the next time. My hair did however come out soft and I liked the way it smelled. I can't wait to try it in a tea. I ordered some Hibiscus oil from Afroveda.

I loveeeeee HP, it makes my hair so soft, and gives it a burgundy tint, I use it alot had to order 2lbs of it again from FNWL.
I don't make my oils yet, so this was a store bought shikakai oil. I'm trying to use it up because it has mineral oil in it, and then I'll start trying to make my own.

I really like the Hibiscus Oil. It smells like jasmine and is light in texture. I've also used it as a prepoo before and liked it that way. I'm thinking of adding it to my MT mix too, since it has MSM in it. Light, non-greasy, smells good, and my hair feels moisturized. What more could I ask for?

I also like the Cocolatte MM. I layered this on top of QB AOHC and the Hibiscus oil and the KBB Hair Milk, so there was a lot of product in my hair. This doesn't have too thick of a texture; I think it's thinner than the Shea Amla. It absorbed well, a little too well in some spots because I had to reapply in a few areas. I'll give it a couple more days before I give a definitive assessment. If my hair still feels moisturized on Monday it gets a big 2 thumbs up.
I did order a box of Kalpi tone since it will be my first time trying it, so do you use more of the kalpi tone than the other powders? If kalpi tone has everything in it why use other powders?, how often can you use Kalpi tone? Sorry for all the ?? still learning about Kalpi Tone:yep:

I know this was for Aggie, but I use Kalpi Tone up to twice/week. My hair loves it, but I do add extra amla. I would try just a little the first time and see how your hair likes it. If it does, then try again a week later. If your hair is still doing well, try a mid week with your co-wash. I know it has a little of everything, but you can still tip the balance by adding more of other powders. When my hair needs extra conditioning or moisture, I add brahmi or maka as well, but the Amla/Kalpi Tone is my normal mix.
Aggie my review of the Hibiscus powder is good, the only thing is the other night when I did my treatment I was tired because I didn't get off work till 9:30, so I think I mixed a tad too much powder in my cond. Also I don't think I rinsed well because my scalp itched like crazy that night. I pooed with the Shikakai bar yesterday and cond. with Aussie Moist, and it felt much better. I'll make sure I have enough energy before attempting this the next time. My hair did however come out soft and I liked the way it smelled. I can't wait to try it in a tea. I ordered some Hibiscus oil from Afroveda.

Woo hoo, I'm glad you liked it.
Oiled scalp and strands with Amla and coconut oil last night.
Co-washed today with Kalpi Tone, Hibiscus powder, coconut oil and VO5 conditioner. DCing currently with Banana Brulee.
Ok my review on the Kalpi Tone, I used 2 tlbs. of Kalpi tone and 1 tlbs. of each Bhrami and Hibiscus for added moisture. I mixed it with Suave Humectant because I wanted this as a cowash . A weird thing happened. The powders started to swell as usual, but this time the mixture separated and the water from the cond. stayed on top. It quickly became very runny. I tried to use it anyway, but it was drippy mess.:nono: I had red juice dripping every where. The only time I get this is when I use Indigo or if I mix the powders with water first then add cond., but never with cond. alone. By the time I was done the sink vanity was a mess from me trying to get it into my hair. Fast forward, as soon as this mixture hit my head it started to itch. I'm hoping I'm not allergic to the Hibiscus. It was so messy that I rinsed in 5 mins. My hair felt clean and soft. I can already tell that I'll be using Kalpi Tone for cleansing and not dcing unless I tweak this recipe. My hair takes Shikakai powder in small doses and for a short amount of time. It doesn't like Aritha at all, so I'm kinda glad it was off in 5 mins. I'm sitting here now with Suave and Aussie Moist on my hair.
I can't remember if I reported in at all last week. I'm following the routine I laid out to a t so I tea rinsed 3x last week. Things are going really well. My hair is soooo soft. I also figured out when I tea rinse that my waves are really defined. I like that. Matter of fact I love that. I think I figured this out before but forgot because I stopped using ayurveda for a minute.
Ok my review on the Kalpi Tone, I used 2 tlbs. of Kalpi tone and 1 tlbs. of each Bhrami and Hibiscus for added moisture. I mixed it with Suave Humectant because I wanted this as a cowash . A weird thing happened. The powders started to swell as usual, but this time the mixture separated and the water from the cond. stayed on top. It quickly became very runny. I tried to use it anyway, but it was drippy mess.:nono: I had red juice dripping every where. The only time I get this is when I use Indigo or if I mix the powders with water first then add cond., but never with cond. alone. By the time I was done the sink vanity was a mess from me trying to get it into my hair. Fast forward, as soon as this mixture hit my head it started to itch. I'm hoping I'm not allergic to the Hibiscus. It was so messy that I rinsed in 5 mins. My hair felt clean and soft. I can already tell that I'll be using Kalpi Tone for cleansing and not dcing unless I tweak this recipe. My hair takes Shikakai powder in small doses and for a short amount of time. It doesn't like Aritha at all, so I'm kinda glad it was off in 5 mins. I'm sitting here now with Suave and Aussie Moist on my hair.

My first Ayurvedic co-wash today was almost the same mixture. I used VO5 instead of Suave, but my mixture also seperated. I thought the separation was normal.:ohwell:
Do you think it was the Kalpi Tone or Hibiscus that caused the seperation?
My first Ayurvedic co-wash today was almost the same mixture. I used VO5 instead of Suave, but my mixture also separated. I thought the separation was normal.:ohwell:
Do you think it was the Kalpi Tone or Hibiscus that caused the separation?

I never get this, I know Suave is not as thick as my other conds., but I never had this issue in the past. I'm new to Kalpi Tone and Hibiscus. I'm kinda thinking it was the Kalpi tone, because I made batch the other night and it didn't separate. I used Hibiscus, Bhrami, Bhringraj, ORS, and cheapie conds. mixed in. Granted the cond. itself was thicker, but still. And the weird part also was the fact that it turned from creamy to runny before my eyes. Like some sort of weird reaction. I don't know, but I just rinsed my cond. out and my hair is really soft. Maybe I'll use these as teas. Aggie where are you? :look:
This was my first use of the powders so I didn't know what to expect. It wasn't extremely runny because I didn't use a lot of conditioner. I was able to get it in my hair without too much mess, and I left it in for an hour. My hair felt nice after the rinse and I can't wait to see how it feels after my DC rinses out.
This was my first use of the powders so I didn't know what to expect. It wasn't extremely runny because I didn't use a lot of conditioner. I was able to get it in my hair without too much mess, and I left it in for an hour. My hair felt nice after the rinse and I can't wait to see how it feels after my DC rinses out.

Normally I put a few spoons of whatever powder in a bowl and mix with cond. till it turns creamy and smooth, kinda like a thick cake batter. And it doesn't run.:nono:
I know this was for Aggie, but I use Kalpi Tone up to twice/week. My hair loves it, but I do add extra amla. I would try just a little the first time and see how your hair likes it. If it does, then try again a week later. If your hair is still doing well, try a mid week with your co-wash. I know it has a little of everything, but you can still tip the balance by adding more of other powders. When my hair needs extra conditioning or moisture, I add brahmi or maka as well, but the Amla/Kalpi Tone is my normal mix.

Hey when I post something under anyones name, I dont care who replies, I just didnt want to be redandant in my post, I am hoping my order comes monday and try the Kalpi Tone w/o mixing anything else with it, not sure if I am to do it as a paste or tea, and how much should I use, my hair is 2 inches from BSL(yahooooo)
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