50% off Sabino Moisture Block


Active Member
I got an email from Sabino today telling about a way to get 50% off until 7/1/09 for one order.

Here is the text:

Sabino Hair Solutions has a new forum on our website and a special offer for you. Sign up on our forum http://www.sabinohair.com/phpBB/ and post a thread. Tell about your experiences with Moisture Block, things that you have found that work for you or you can ask a question about your hair. Please refrain from derogatory statements, obscene comments or any information that has nothing to do about hair. Please do not use the forum for advertising or promotional purposes.

Once you have posted your thread we will send you a coupon for 50% off on up to three bottles of Moisture Block.

I have a theory that the Sabino will help the BKT last longer because its an extra layer of insulation and heat protection...I plan to use it all summer. Thanks for posting this!
joined, posted (about 20 times, including a new thread)...I betta get a coupon! LOL

I saw all ya'll LHCFs over there posting it up:lachen:
Woot woot!!

I live in Scottsdale where Sabino has his Salon, but I still haven't worked up the courage to let them touch my hair. :lachen:

I love me some SMB though!
I got the email too I just came in here to check if anyone else did and I guess so lol.

I just posted too I hope I get my coupon lol
Thanks OP...I've been wanting to try this out and how better to do that then with a coupon.

When someone gets there coupon please let us know.

Posted and now waiting...:sekret:
LMAO.....at all the "black hair related threads" in the sabino forum now:
sabino & bantu
sabino & kinky coils
sabino & transitioning

thos white folks are gonna be like "whhhaaaaa?"

(i joined...and can't wait to get my coupon. It better hurry up and get here cuz I want mine by next week)
I have a theory that the Sabino will help the BKT last longer because its an extra layer of insulation and heat protection...I plan to use it all summer. Thanks for posting this!

No you didn't! I already love sabino, now you've started something cause I was going to bkt at the end of the summer!!!!
Thanks. Joined and posted. Looks like 99.9% of the posters are LHCF members. I guess we've taken over there too :lachen:.
Thank you so much. I bought mine for $15 on ebay and spilled 75% of the bottle on the floor. I was so upset and knew I would not get anymore for a long time.
Thank you so much. I bought mine for $15 on ebay and spilled 75% of the bottle on the floor. I was so upset and knew I would not get anymore for a long time.

I did this once and I wanted to cry. Like REALLY cry. I don't like wasting money :perplexedand I just love SMB when I wear my hair straight.