5 Years Natural, Still Not Past Shoulder Length

Not sure what's going on with them now, but I had an analysis back in '03/'04 and they saved my hair. Based on my experience, I recommend them wholeheartedly.


I hear that Komaza is an EXCELLENT company and that their products are the BOMB!

People started sharing their Komaza results here, and they all read really similarly, from what I read and what folks were reflecting on. But I was reading REALLY QUICKLY and could be 1,000% wrong. I just felt compelled to tell you to read through the forums here or ask around. Komaza analyses might be great, for all I know. I never tried to get one. If the shoes were reversed, though, I would hope you would post a little warning to me to check up on it, if you thought something could be better for me.

Good luck with it! I'm getting my hair checked out in a salon tomorrow, and I hope I learn a bit!
Not sure what's going on with them now, but I had an analysis back in '03/'04 and they saved my hair. Based on my experience, I recommend them wholeheartedly.

We almost jammed their site all running over there to buy that analysis. I still trust them wholeheartedly and I've had 2 with them. The first time relaxed and the second as a natural. They really do give good tips. I always think if the reviews seem similar it's because most of us treat our hair the same way and are suffering from similar problems. Lots of naturals think they don't need protein, some of us don't trim often enough, some of trim too much so a lot of the analysis were saying the same thing. The photos of your hair help a lot too.

I have been taking 50,000 units of Vit D per week for almost 6 months. Everything else was within normal levels.
I am nearly done with the prescription and need to go back for a check up. My nails started splitting a while ago which prompted the checkup.

@sikora I have no idea what my ferritin level is but will ask about that after I take my last 2 Vit D pills and get a checkup later this month.

Had my follow-up last week, waiting on results.
Just got the EOB from the routine checkup about 6 months ago. $2,300 billed for routine lab services. $300 paid by insurance with no balance due.
I've noticed it for years that the contracted pricing is incredibly low but seriously, a routine check up with labs is $2,300?!?!
I'm not very familiar with ferritin levels but ferritin contains iron, right? How is your ferritin level low but your iron was fine? Low ferritin would mean an iron deficiency, so your iron level wouldn't be fine.

Ferritin refers to the amount of iron stored in the body. It doesn't make sense to me either, but the numbers don't lie.
How's your hair doing since your Komaza analysis last year?

My growth still sucks, but the health of my hair is much better. I lost density from 2014 to 2015 and I feel like it's coming back. Since following Jennifer's advice to fall back on moisture deep conditioners and focus on protein, my breakage is under control.

I've been wearing crochet braids since January and it wasn't until last month that I finally saw significant difference in length. She told me that there was definitely something internal that was hindering my growth and I'm hoping that increasing my ferritin levels would be the key to improving that. I'm already moticing a difference in the texture of my trouble spot and she predicted that would happen when the problem was solved.
That's encouraging. I have hair color that is a year old; so I have proof that my hair has only grown 4 inches in a year. I look forward to learning the root of the issue.
Had my follow-up last week, waiting on results.
Just got the EOB from the routine checkup about 6 months ago. $2,300 billed for routine lab services. $300 paid by insurance with no balance due.
I've noticed it for years that the contracted pricing is incredibly low but seriously, a routine check up with labs is $2,300?!?!
2300 wow