Pictures of Protective Styles for "Almost" Shoulder Length Hair

My hair is between shoulder and APL but jaw length when shrunken.
Here is a pic of my hair in a bun. I braided the front whilst wet in a fan style and pulled the rest into a low side sock bun.

Bublin, very cute! I might try this, my only problem is a sparse hairline you have any pictures from the front o I can see how you made the lines?
The style is 2 days old now so a bit fluffy as i don't use gel. I'll post a pick this evening for you.
My hair is between shoulder and APL but jaw length when shrunken.
Here is a pic of my hair in a bun. I braided the front whilst wet in a fan style and pulled the rest into a low side sock bun.

That's a really cute style! I'll have to try that this fall. Subscribing to this thread. I hope there are some other ideas out there for this length.
@Bublin, very cute! I might try this, my only problem is a sparse hairline you have any pictures from the front o I can see how you made the lines?

Here is the pic of the front of my hair as promised.
Disclaimer - this is the first time i'm doing cornrows at an angle like this so excuse the big braid, i didn't get the section sizes equal. Also ignore the big zit :look:

Bublin, thank you! It is really cute and seeing it from the front makes it clearer. I already tried this morning, but was making the lines wrongly. This is just your hair right?
@Bublin, thank you! It is really cute and seeing it from the front makes it clearer. I already tried this morning, but was making the lines wrongly. This is just your hair right?

You're welcome @ajoke
Yes, it's my hair.
Well.....i expect you to post a pic when you give it another go....practice makes perfect :yep: ,i know i need to make it look alot sharper but then i only used a thick shower comb to make the parts.
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Awww, i am very flattered at all the compliments. That was my first attempt at angled cornrows. xxx
