5 Minutes of Praise Challenge


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies:

I just heard a sermon that gave me an idea for a challenge. This is a challenge for me too.:D

I would like to challange everyone to give God 5 straight minutes of non-s stop praise every day. If you have to set a timer it's ok. If you go over five, let him have his way.

Maybe we can build up to more time but let's start out with 5.

Prepare for a blessing. Let's see how our lives change.

Now this is the PERFECT challenge. And really, it shouldn't be a challenge to us, bc God is sooooo good and worthy of ALL of our praise. I'm in. Thanks for this post Zeal. Let's give God what He is due: Our Praise

God Bless!!!!!!!!!!
Zeal said:
Hey Ladies:

I just heard a sermon that gave me an idea for a challenge. This is a challenge for me too.:D

I would like to challange everyone to give God 5 straight minutes of non-s stop praise every day. If you have to set a timer it's ok. If you go over five, let him have his way.

Maybe we can build up to more time but let's start out with 5.

Prepare for a blessing. Let's see how our lives change.


You have such a wonderful 'zeal' for God. It's comes from a pure heart which you truly have. I'm all for it. This is a wonderful way to spend our day...a great way to transition into Monday and each day thereafter. ;)

I'm going to call this a "Praise Celebration" for the only challenge is trying to stop giving Him glory, for His mercies are too far to count and unending.

Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him....;) ;) ;) ;) :) :) :) :) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Lord God All Mighty for thou art worthy of all the Praise...To Him who sits on the throne and unto the Lamb...Be blessings and glory and honor and power forever...

Lord Jesus...how we love you...Lord God All Mighty, O' how we do. For it is you who gives us the length and the breath of all our days. No one can come before you, no one and nothing. Unto you O' God do we give thanks. for all that you have done and for all that you are doing.

We worship you, All Mighty God, there is none like you. We worhip you, O' Prince of Peace...that is what we want to do. We give you Praise...for you are our Righteousness. We worship you, O' Mighty God. There is none like you....Our Dear Lord, there is none like you.

Just to worship you, Lord is a blessing, a dear one indeed...

Praise you, Praise you, Praise you, Praise you, Praise you...Lord God All Mighty, we praise you with all of our hearts; all of our souls, all of our might. Our love for you is here in pure sight for you to see. Create in us a new heart...more of you...less of 'we', we ask to be. Just more like you.

Jesus....Jesus....Jesus...we bow down and worship...Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, we bow down and worship, for there is none like you....Amen and Amen...

Lord Jesus, take my heart, make it pure again...again, and more like you. Amen...
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ShimmieGirl said:
You have such a wonderful 'zeal' for God. It's comes from a pure heart which you truly have. I'm all for it. This is a wonderful way to spend our day...a great way to transition into Monday and each day thereafter. ;)

I'm going to call this a "Praise Celebration" for the only challenge is trying to stop giving Him glory, for His mercies are too far to count and unending.

Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him....;) ;) ;) ;) :) :) :) :) ;) ;) ;) ;)

Lord God All Mighty for thou art worthy of all the Praise...To Him who sits on the throne and unto the Lamb...Be blessings and glory and honor and power forever...

Lord Jesus...how we love you...Lord God All Mighty, O' how we do. For it is you who gives us the length and the breath of all our days. No one can come before you, no one and nothing. Unto you O' God do we give thanks. for all that you have done and for all that you are doing.

We worship you, All Mighty God, there is none like you. We worhip you, O' Prince of Peace...that is what we want to do. We give you Praise...for you are our Righteousness. We worship you, O' Mighty God. There is none like you....Our Dear Lord, there is none like you.

Just to worship you, Lord is a blessing, a dear one indeed...

Praise you, Praise you, Praise you, Praise you, Praise you...Lord God All Mighty, we praise you with all of our hearts; all of our souls, all of our might. Our love for you is here in pure sight for you to see. Create in us a new heart...more of you...less of 'we', we ask to be. Just more like you.

Jesus....Jesus....Jesus...we bow down and worship...Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, we bow down and worship, for there is none like you....Amen and Amen...

Lord Jesus, take my heart, make it pure again...again, and more like you. Amen...

I wish I did have a pure heart. I must remember. I am what God says I am, and not what "I think" I am.

Um.... Shimmie... What are you doing? I am at work if you know what I am saying.

You are going to make me have to get up and go in a stall and lock the door.:lachen: :lachen:

That was some beautiful praise.
Count me in.

Shimmie, the praise was just what I needed.

Ladies, I started to go into another thread but something just would not let me I'm glad I came to this section.

To God be the glory dominion and power now and forever.

Zeal said:
I wish I did have a pure heart. I must remember. I am what God says I am, and not what "I think" I am.

Um.... Shimmie... What are you doing? I am at work if you know what I am saying.

You are going to make me have to get up and go in a stall and lock the door.:lachen: :lachen:

That was some beautiful praise.

Zeal...YOU started it. :lol: All I did was what you asked...:look: I was on my way to bed last night and saw your post and....YOU started it....:look:

Love you...;)
shalom said:
Count me in.

Shimmie, the praise was just what I needed.

Ladies, I started to go into another thread but something just would not let me I'm glad I came to this section.

To God be the glory dominion and power now and forever.


"Shalom" , the peace of our Lord God All Mighty. How wonderful it is to be in the very presence of His peace. Peace that surpasses all understanding and peace that surpasses all dissention and fear. Peace that surpasses financial needs, surpasses infirmities, be it spirit, soul, or body.

Peace that surpasses the storm which has tried to arise in our homes; for in our husbands, you have ordained PEACE. Be we married now or soon to be, Peace has been ordained between us and thee.

Oh Lord...Your Peace...truly it reigns far above and beyond any obstacle upon this earth and beyond. For it is you that spoke it into being against the rage of the sea..."Peace be Still"...Lord we give You the Praise for You've spoken this Peace to me....O' Lord...My Lord...Our God...you Peace that makes us still. Still to know your Peace.

Jesus...Peace....Shalom...means Peace and Peace we have for You give and never take away for Lord your gift of Peace is without repentance.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. The Peace of our hearts you are. Jesus, your peace; how it flows from each tiny vessel to the greatest of my entire being. The 'Blood Flow' of your Total Peace. O' God...It's You, we Praise and you completely release...your Peace.

Peace...Peace...Peace. Lord, God...Your Wonderful Peace. And Lord as we love on you and praise you...we remember the love of who you are and who we are to you...and in this we believe and receive...in you we have eternal Peace. Peace...In Jesus' name...Amen and Amen.

And "Daddie"....Zeal Started it....;)

And we love her for being obedient to You, by your Holy Spirit to begin this thread to spread your Peace and loving Praise.

You are Jehovah Shalom....Our Eternal God, the Alpha and the Omega of Peace...
LadyR said:
Oh I am so in, Praise the Lord. It doesn't matter what time of the day right.

You started it, too...:lol: And I told our Daddie... who's going get you...He's gonna get you with a great big blessing...;)

Shalom, He's gonna get you too.

And everyone else joining in on the praise. A great praise overflow all to our Father above. We praise and give Him all glory and all of our love. Amen. ;)
Giving you your word Lord.

Hallelujah. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the firmament of His power. Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to His abundant greatness.
Praise Him with the blast of the horn; praise Him with the psaltery and harp.
Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; praise Him with stringed instruments and the pipe.
Praise Him with the loud-sounding cymbals; praise Him with the clanging cymbals.
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Hallelujah.

1Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name.
2Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and do not forget all his benefits—
3who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases,
4who redeems your life from the Pit,
who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,
5who satisfies you with good as long as you live
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!

Oh Lord your worthy! Your Worhy! Lord! Bless your holy name! We love you Lord! We worship you Lord! We adore you Lord! You're awsome Lord!

You reign forever. I could never thank you enough Lord God! I don't deserve it Lord. I am not worthy of your many blessings.

He does not deal with us according to our sins,
nor repay us according to our iniquities.
11For as the heavens are high above the earth,
so great is his steadfast love towards those who fear him;
12as far as the east is from the west,
so far he removes our transgressions from us.

17But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting
on those who fear him,

This is a powerful challenge. I did this yesterday and I basically broke down crying through my praise because I just kept remembering so many htings that the Lord has done for me..... The idea of this challenge is so beneficial because I have been going through a serious valley experience for about a year now and it has left me spiritually and emotionally exhausted.... I needed to start somewhere so I KNOW if I can do five minutes on LCHF, I can CERTAINLY give five minutes to the Lord!

I want to expand this to five minutes of:
speaking in tongues
quoting scriptures

and anything else I can think of to rebuild my devotional time.

Thank you for this idea.
More and more of a CELEBRATION!

For Someone who deserves all the
Praise and Glory and Honor and Worship!!!

His Name is Jesus!

This is something I do all the time and I tell you there is nothing like praising God just for who he is. Not asking him for anything but just loving on him just because.

I'm getting excited just typing this post.

Yes ladies if you can get into the habit of just praising God just because you will see your life will change, mine has for the better.

I love it.