I'm subbing! I'm a 4b/4c girl. The front of my hair is a tight wave, the sides of my hair coil more the size of pen springs, my crown is just a fuzzy cloud, my nape has a weird s and zig zag curl thing going on. It's cottony and not silky at all. Shrinkage is at least 75-90% if I let it. High porosity ends that like to tangle. It stays dry, has ssks galore, splits, split ends, mid shaft bubble splits... a lot of times I wonder why I even keep pushing on with this natural thing after 10 years.
But then I have days like today that remind me how much I love my hair. I need to do better to have more good days than bad.
My hair needs to be stretched and I should never let it dry loose to prevent tangles.
I need to shampoo with sulfates. My scalp and hair do better with tthe weekly removal of product buildup.
I need to heavy seal with a thick oil like melted shea butter. This helps my hair stretch and prevents ssks by giving a little slip. And it really helps keep the moisture in from wash day.
I need to comb to remove shed hair and keep hair smooth and in the same direction. I use Hercules Sagemann combs.
I'm starting a new regime to use the rest of the year to see if it helps with my issues. I've been really lazy and wearing puffs everyday and the ends of my hair has suffered.