40 DAYS for Life . . .


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Hi all... Happy MLK Day!

At service on Sunday, we agreed in prayer with other Believers nationwhide against abortion, and for all those whose lives have been affected by abortion ... if anyone is interested, here's a link to the upcoming campaign. There are local local events as well, so you can click on the map to see what's going on in your area!


We can do all things through Christ, who givs us the strength...

ETA: link had been changed on this site; corrected it
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Hi all... Happy MLK Day!

At service on Sunday, we agreed in prayer with other Believers nationwhide against abortion, and for all those whose lives have been affected by abortion ... if anyone is interested, here's a link to the upcoming campaign. There are local local events as well, so you can click on the map to see what's going on in your area!


We can do all things through Christ, who gives us the strength...


Thank you for sharing this. So many women are heartbroken over a decision that they made mainly from 'fear' and other pressures to have an abortion, only to regret their decision later.

What you are sharing is 'Loving them through the pain' and guiding them to sure deliverance and receiving their forgiveness in God with all of His heart for them.

Your post is so confirming as I've been involved with the following Ministries as well which relate to this.



God bless you for your loving heart and for taking a stand for 'Life'.
The National March for Life is taking place in Washington DC this Friday with a vigil at the National Shrine the night before. They are expecting record-breaking crowds (more than those who attended the inauguration). Of course, the media doesn't really cover it. :nono:


Abortion is a grave evil and until we as a society face up to it, this country (and others) will continue to go down the tubes. To paraphrase Mother Teresa, if a mother can kill her own child, what stops me from killing you? Nothing.
The National March for Life is taking place in Washington DC this Friday with a vigil at the National Shrine the night before. They are expecting record-breaking crowds (more than those who attended the inauguration). Of course, the media doesn't really cover it. :nono:


Abortion is a grave evil and until we as a society face up to it, this country (and others) will continue to go down the tubes. To paraphrase Mother Teresa, if a mother can kill her own child, what stops me from killing you? Nothing.

:wave: Hi Lady Belle...

I truly believe that if abortion were not so readily available, many would reconsider being so 'free' with unmarried sex. The seeded 'thought' is already planted that they have an option 'out' should they become pregnant, which is abortion with no questions asked. :nono:
:wave: Hi Lady Belle...

I truly believe that if abortion were not so readily available, many would reconsider being so 'free' with unmarried sex. The seeded 'thought' is already planted that they have an option 'out' should they become pregnant, which is abortion with no questions asked. :nono:

I'm going to take it one step further :look:

Contraception is actually what leads people to be so free and promiscuous. As we all know, contraception fails and when that happen, abortion becomes the back up plan. In Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI predicted in 1968 the general moral decline of society if contraception became accepted and widely available. He said:

1. Contraception would lead to conjugal infidelity. CHECK

2. Contraceptive practice would lead to a “general lowering of morality.” CHECK

3. Contraception would lead men to cease respecting woman in their totality and would cause them to treat women as “mere instruments of selfish enjoyment” rather than as cherished partners. CHECK

4. And finally, widespread acceptance of contraception by couples would lead to a massive imposition of contraception by unscrupulous governments. CHECK

Christian churches were unified on the topic of contraception being immoral until about the 1930s when the Anglican church broke away. Now, you would be hard pressed to find most Christians today think that there's anything wrong with contraception.

I know, I know, it seems so backwards and antiquated. What's the big deal? However, if we really think about how contraception really undermines man and woman from becoming one flesh and bearing fruit, we see how wrong it is. I know most would disagree with me (even on the Christian forum) but IMO contraception is really the first step down the slope to moral decline.

I should add that I don't think people have to have 10 babies LOL. I believe in natural family planning. Most of us are too lazy though to figure out how our bodies work and how to regulate our fertility naturally. :blush:

ETA: Contraception itself can be an abortifacient. Women can ovulate on the pill but the way the pill primarily works is to keep the lining of the uterus thin and not primed to support a pregnancy. If a woman ovulates and that egg is fertilized, that embryo is prevented from implanting when it normally would. If you believe life begins at conception, then clearly that is a big no-no. :ohwell:
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Belle Du Jour ..thanks for the link on this weekend's event...I'm glad there is more than one way to show support. ITA with you on contraception!
It's such a 'controversial' topic for Christians these days...it's unfortunate, because times have changed so drastically from days of old. Thankfully, God remains the same :yep:

:lol: @ 'crickets'.. that's the CF for ya.. lol
It's such a 'controversial' topic for Christians these days...it's unfortunate, because times have changed so drastically from days of old. Thankfully, God remains the same :yep:

:lol: @ 'crickets'.. that's the CF for ya.. lol
Love you, Laela! :kiss: Thanks so much for posting this!
Good points in here ladies.:grin:

While i agree that certain tools make it easier to commit certain sins, i know that they are not the cause of people committing those sins. People have been committing all types of sexual sin before modern contraception. I blame the flesh.
Good points in here ladies.:grin:

While i agree that certain tools make it easier to commit certain sins, i know that they are not the cause of people committing those sins. People have been committing all types of sexual sin before modern contraception. I blame the flesh.

Access to contraception has facilitated the process of sinning, however the Church still teaches that use is also a sin. There is also Biblical precedent against contracepting (if you recall the story of Onan, who basically withdrew before he completed intercourse). The devil is so clever! He basically subverted a truth that all Christians believed until recently and has basically made the average person think it's "no big deal."

Look at it this way: some churches are now performing gay marriages ie the National Cathedral. I wonder if 80 years from now, people will look at it like they look at contraception--no big deal. :ohwell: Christians need to get hold of themselves! This is not the time to be falling asleep on "little" issues that are actually life and death issues--lamps need to be trimmed and ready.
Access to contraception has facilitated the process of sinning, however the Church still teaches that use is also a sin. There is also Biblical precedent against contracepting (if you recall the story of Onan, who basically withdrew before he completed intercourse). The devil is so clever! He basically subverted a truth that all Christians believed until recently and has basically made the average person think it's "no big deal."

Look at it this way: some churches are now performing gay marriages ie the National Cathedral. I wonder if 80 years from now, people will look at it like they look at contraception--no big deal. :ohwell: Christians need to get hold of themselves! This is not the time to be falling asleep on "little" issues that are actually life and death issues--lamps need to be trimmed and ready.

i understand the church's stance on certain contraceptions and support the use of natural birth control methods. However i'm not convinced that it's sin to use other types of birth control. Preventing pregnancy is preventing pregnancy.

I also agree that we need to stay aware of satan's tactics in these last days. Unfortunately things seem to get worse before people will wake up and acknowledge the truth.
i understand the church's stance on certain contraceptions and support the use of natural birth control methods. However i'm not convinced that it's sin to use other types of birth control. Preventing pregnancy is preventing pregnancy.

That's what I used to think too except the truth is, failed contraception is why many go on to have an abortion and hormonal contraception is an abortifacient. That combined with barrier and withdrawal methods that prevent a married couple from becoming one flesh, the only acceptable method IMO is natural family planning. I would challenge any Christian who believes contraception is okay to do his or her own research. . .

I'm no expert and I'm probably not explaining it well, but there's a reason the Church has a doctrine on sexuality (Theology of the Body). Contrary to what most people think, the Church doesn't teach that sex is dirty or bad. It's very very good and sacred. It's actually worship. Satan knows that sex gives humans the power to participate in the co-creation of life with God and has (almost) completely corrupted it. 55 million aborted babies since Roe vs Wade. :nono: We have become a culture of death instead of life.
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Thank God for the faithful on earth who pray and honor the sanctity of life! We win.

I'm no expert and I'm probably not explaining it well, but there's a reason the Church has a doctrine on sexuality (Theology of the Body). Contrary to what most people think, the Church doesn't teach that sex is dirty or bad. It's very very god and sacred. It's actually worship. Satan knows that sex gives humans the power to participate in the co-creation of life with God and has (almost) completely corrupted it. 55 million aborted babies since Roe vs Wade. :nono: We have become a culture of death instead of life.
Re: 40 DAYS for Life UPDATE

The largest-ever spring 40 Days for Life campaign starts
in two weeks -- and we are thrilled about one location
that will NOT have a campaign!

From Wednesday, February 13, through Sunday, March 24,
40-day campaigns of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil
and community outreach will be held in ...

... 261 cities ...

... all across the United States (44 states and the
District of Columbia) plus Canada, Australia, England,
Spain, Poland and four NEW countries:

* Nigeria
* South Africa
* Wales
* Russia (right in the heart of MOSCOW!)

Twenty-one of the cities are launching their FIRST-EVER
40 Days for Life campaigns.

This will be the biggest spring campaign in 40 Days for
Life history, and YOU can be a part! To see the location
closest to you, go to:


Now for the great news.

We were about to announce the launch of campaigns in
262 locations ... but we lost one.

Doesn't sound like good news?

Well, the reason there will not be a campaign in that
262nd city -- Lima, Ohio -- is that the local abortion
center shut down this week ... and PERMANENTLY went
out of business.

Praise God!

"We called the Capital Care abortion center," said one
of the volunteers, "and they said they were 'all done
in Lima' and not taking appointments."

"We were a little skeptical, but we went out to pray,"
she said. "At the end of the day, one of the abortion
workers started throwing furniture from the abortion
center in the dumpster! They were taking boxes out of
the building and putting them in their cars. It was a
wonderful sight!"

Faithful Christians have held FOUR 40 Days for Life
vigils in front of that abortion center in Lima, Ohio.
"God has heard the prayers of all those who have been
praying and witnessing to life," said the volunteer.

This now makes 27 abortion facilities that have gone
out of business following peaceful 40 Days for Life
vigils outside their doors.

To God be the glory!

If you've not taken part in 40 Days for Life before,
I hope this shows you what can happen when you put
your trust in God and step forward in faith.

Could YOUR community be next?

Find the 40 Days for Life campaign nearest you and
learn how you can help make a life-saving difference
in your own community by going to:


Look for your nearest location, click on that city's
name, and then sign up to help however you can.

I'm excited ... and I'd like to invite
you to join us on this journey. Together, let's look
forward to what blessings God has in store!

Yours in Christ,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life
Re: 40 DAYS for Life UPDATE

Well, the reason there will not be a campaign in that
262nd city -- Lima, Ohio -- is that the local abortion
center shut down this week ... and PERMANENTLY went
out of business.

Praise God!

"We called the Capital Care abortion center," said one
of the volunteers, "and they said they were 'all done
in Lima' and not taking appointments."

"We were a little skeptical, but we went out to pray,"
she said. "At the end of the day, one of the abortion
workers started throwing furniture from the abortion
center in the dumpster! They were taking boxes out of
the building and putting them in their cars. It was a
wonderful sight!"

Faithful Christians have held FOUR 40 Days for Life
vigils in front of that abortion center in Lima, Ohio.
"God has heard the prayers of all those who have been
praying and witnessing to life," said the volunteer.

This now makes 27 abortion facilities that have gone
out of business following peaceful 40 Days for Life
vigils outside their doors.

To God be the glory!

Wow, that's amazing! Prayer is still our biggest defense against the enemy :yep:
Just fyi for those interested...this nationwide event starts in two days, Feb 13.

Be blessed!
Tomorrow kicks off the 40 Days... I can't make my local kickoff vigil, but will head to church instead since they're participating as well. I know this issue isn't on everyone's radar in this forum; but each day of this event, I plan to post an encouraging story or update or prayer, as encouraged to do so. Everyone is invited to share and post, as the Spirit of God leads you to.

Abortion advocates are aggressive with their campaign....while it's encouraging to see people of faith stand firm, my prayer is that Christians do so with the Love of God. It all can be done in decency and in order.


33 weeks! Lord, God... :nono:

I'm glad they're investigating....

Oh Dear Jesus.... 33 weeks ???? This is so grieving in so many ways than one.
Abortion at 33 weeks? When 27 weeks are surviving in neonatal? I only believe in abortion and early on if the mother's life is in danger. If a pregnancy became dangerous to her at 33 weeks, I'd opt with my doctor to have an early BIRTH. This is murder.