30% off Sabino Moisture Block...

awww man im so bummed. i forgot to purchase this on the 30th the day i returned from vacation!!.... are they going to do a nother discount anytime soon?? i hope so!! if not b4 2009 ima have to wait until 2010 lol...

no product buying for the year 2009 :) lol

I am still emailing them once in a while to remind them that we love their product and to keep us in mind for a longer term thing. They emailed me about this discount. Hopefully they'll email me to let me know if there's another anytime soon.
I feel you. The same thing happened to me. By the time I went to order, it was too late. I e-mailed and Diane Sabino said they are considering another promotion and will run it mid-December. If she's true to her word, all you need to do is hold off for just a couple more weeks :)

Tried to get some and the coupon has expired. OP, will they give us another discount?
I feel you. The same thing happened to me. By the time I went to order, it was too late. I e-mailed and Diane Sabino said they are considering another promotion and will run it mid-December. If she's true to her word, all you need to do is hold off for just a couple more weeks :)

Thanks. I'll wait. :)
I got mine the other day, tried it...not sure if I like it...this thing is so darn thick, felt like I was putting glue in my hair.
Considering trying this. I pressed a section of my hair and it shriveled back up within minutes.

Does Sabino keep your hair straight after you press it? Reversion?
Just wanted to post and thank OP for posting this. I was waiting for a sale...

I ordered the day before thanksgiving and it was in my mail on sat! Diane is very nice and the customer service is excellent.
It comes to about 21 on amazon with S&H but that's still cheaper than the 21 on Sabino without the S&H. For me being in Canada I saved $15 buying on Amazon (even with the $30 S&H) versus buying it on Sabino. I bought 2 SMB + 1 lacio lacio.
I'm going to email and ask if they sell to Amazon because they created the product. I want to make sure I'm getting it from the source, and not a knock off. Anyone else try amazon, did they like the product?
I'm going to email and ask if they sell to Amazon because they created the product. I want to make sure I'm getting it from the source, and not a knock off. Anyone else try amazon, did they like the product?

I ordered two bottles (one from Amazon and one from Ebay) along with getting samples from Sabino. The bottles were different, one was slim and tall and the other short and wide). The one from Ebay was sooooo thick. Much much thicker than the original samples from Sabino. Also, the Ebay one didn't make my hair shine as much. The one from Amazon had a consistency close to the Sabino samples but I still question if it's the original. There is also a slight difference in the wording on the bottle but since I don't have a full sized bottle from Sabino (only the sample size) I can't compare. I was going to email Sabino but if you hear something first, please let us know. :)
When I spoke to Diane about a month ago, there were only two vendors selling moisture block. And one was her the other was a salon name(can't remember).:ohwell: After seeing an article about fake products I just sucked it up and paid the extra 5.00 to get the product from sabino.
so the general consensus is that the code expired, huh? thank goodness i have half a bottle left, i guess...i'll check amazon.

ETA: LOL@ the select results on amazon when i search for sabino...smb, mega tek, and amla oil??? i hate y'all, LMAO
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That's the general consensus. I keep emailing them to see if there's another deal starting. Also, I emailed them about the fake sabino...sorry I didn't do it sooner, but I was bogged down with classes. I'll see what they say, but it seems to me from what others are saying,, it's different. I want to make sure I get the real thing. I remember them saying a salon also had the product but that was it, which is why I questioned the validity. So anyways, I think I'll stick to ordering from them, unless they say otherwise about the product. I don't want fake sabino. I want the real deal. (I have a bottle right now that will probably last me until May or June anyways, so I'll be okay, but if I find out something I'll let y'all know)
When I spoke to Diane about a month ago, there were only two vendors selling moisture block. And one was her the other was a salon name(can't remember).:ohwell: After seeing an article about fake products I just sucked it up and paid the extra 5.00 to get the product from sabino.
Just as I thought.
I ordered mine and got it for $34 inc shipping after the discount.

Two weeks prior I ordered it from ebay and it took ages to arrive (the order from Sabino arrived first)

So the other day I used the ebay order to flat iron my mum's hair (she is natural too) and her hair reverted by the evening of the following day I was soooooooo disappointed
now i'm thinking that it might be fake :(

I want to attempt flat ironing my hair again on Saturday (my birthday is on Sunday .. trying to look fly lol) I will use the bottle I got direct from Sabino (i'm gonna have to label my bottles lol)
I'm glad I ordered directly from Sabino, is the 30% discount over?

I'm sorry ladies that got the bootleg Sabino...
Well, I'm not going to jump to any conclusions yet. I asked the seller on amazon where exactly they got their product from and gave them the link to sabinohair.com. If they answer that they got it from them then I'll ask Diane at sabinohair if it's true. She still hasn't replied to inquiries so...we shall see...hmm