30 Day Challenge- "Just Do it"


Well-Known Member
This challenge isn't necessary for me
But for anyone who feels like they could use a little spark. '


And guess where that tag line came from? My pastor

We have study series at my church (I love my church, it's teaching and not preaching) Anyway.....this is what we're being charged with. Have more abundant sex and be fruitful as God wants us to. For folx that don't think you can be married and have a healthy sexual relationship and be Christ-like, well here ya go!

Apparently our pastor said he can't get the single folks to STOP doing it and can't get married folks to do it. :giggle: What's up with that? I know your sex life falls off some......but apparently people get married and get bored. Married sex doesn't even sound exciting. Hot single, lusty sex does right?

Well who is down, put it on your calendar married ladies, and "JUST do it"

Other congregations (see link below) have done this very same challenge:yep::yep:

We can have a daily check in:look::lachen:To make sure everyone is on 'target'. If you ask your dh, he will be very happy.


* SO WHOSE IN for the challenge*
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I remember trying this challenge last year after one of our members mentioned it. I couldn't hang.:nono:
I remember trying this challenge last year after one of our members mentioned it. I couldn't hang.:nono:

girl I think this would be me too...I might last a good week..I would have to dig deep to pull this off hahahahaha
girl I think this would be me too...I might last a good week..I would have to dig deep to pull this off hahahahaha

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Look. my joints are already sore from running. Buttttt, maybe I could lose this extra weight with this exercise program.
girl I think this would be me too...I might last a good week..I would have to dig deep to pull this off hahahahaha

At my church, my pastor said "The single folks would do it in a minute and actually THEY are" :yep::yep::yep:

The reasons people give not even do the challenge---well that's the point:look::lachen:
I think it's true that our attitude towards sex changes when we get married.

From an article discussing this:

And more importantly, I am convinced that a healthy married woman, who deliberately starves her husband for sex is likely operating in the realm of the demonic. Think about it, God invented both marriage and sex. It was he who brought Eve to Adam and gave them the command to be fruitful and multiply. The fact that the world has perverted sex by taking it outside the realm of marriage, does not change the fact that God made sex for marriage. If you are married, you should be having sex with your spouse

We women must understand that our sexuality is a gift for the husband God has given us. That many of us have abused and misused our gift outside of marriage is a sad fact, but not a permanent hindrance to a healthy married sex life. If you were sexually active outside of marriage, you were disobedient to God. If you are not sexually active enough in your marriage - guess what? You are still being disobedient.

But a gesture from your wife, that affirms you as a man, reminds you that you are loved and appreciated, that soothes and celebrates all at once - can’t be beat. And the last time I checked - it’s still free. So ladies, if you are reading this article, and you know that you have been out of order, confess and repent, then go minister to your husband as only his wife can.
I pray that God blesses your efforts!
I've tried. The nana cannot handle it, and she makes me pay for it, later. I can do 4-5 days a week, though. That's been almost our norm, lately.
Maybe you and he can make a list of things you want to try or redo and check them off as you do them.

I was recently telling DH that this is beyond BORING. I think it hurt his feeling but he's been up on his game since.
Dh would LOVE that, yes he would. :yep:

Let me know how it works out. Don't forget going parking, being playful while at the movies, experimenting in every room in the house and in the back seat of the car (even if its in your driveway).:yep:
:look: But that leaves me unhappy. *pout*

Well, I mean, what are you doing:look:

Ahemm...he could :lick: and you could:lick: so that would count as sex:look: I'm going to be using that system on some of those days. Ok who am I kidding, I"m putting in my 30 days minus cycle days. And well...:look: oh nevermind.
Let me know how it works out. Don't forget going parking, being playful while at the movies, experimenting in every room in the house and in the back seat of the car (even if its in your driveway).:yep:

^^ :giggle: :giggle:

Ya'll don't have any kids JustKiya right? Oh it would be on and poppin :lol: Try some sundresses and go commando, make yourself feel sexy so you want to be in the mood all the time. Walk around naked or cook naked in your heels or something:grin:
^^ :giggle: :giggle:

Ya'll don't have any kids JustKiya right? Oh it would be on and poppin :lol: Try some sundresses and go commando, make yourself feel sexy so you want to be in the mood all the time. Walk around naked or cook naked in your heels or something:grin:

I did this recently, I bought this white linen dress :look: and didn't wear my delicates, so me and DH were out and he is always feeling on my butt. He feels and he asks me where my panties were, I looked at him and smiled.
When we got back home, he barely got in the door :lachen::lachen::lachen:He was lifting my dress up I am like NEIGHBORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little kids riding bikes and s*it in front of our driveway !:lachen:

I know you're down:rolleyes:
