3 Reasons Why I Love my Man.


Well-Known Member
Ok...I'll go first :grin:

1) When my car got stuck on a hill in yesterday's blizzard he went and 'un-stuck' it for me. He had to park 4 blocks away from our house and he walked back in the cold. :cold:

2) He didn't make me feel bad about it getting stuck because I made a bone-head error while driving that caused it to get stuck. :driver:

3) He got up @ 5:30 this morning to walk those same 4 blocks to go get my car and bring it to our front door so I could get in a warm car to drive to work in :love2:....(well, he parked it 3 houses down cause it would have gotten stuck again :lol:)
^^ Awww How sweet. I love my Sweetie because...

...When I'm sick, he takes really good care of me. I'm a nurse so you know I make the worst patient. He puts up with my stubbornness, my "know it all about healthcare" attitude, and my refusal to take medications when I know I need them.

...He will wake up extra early just to make me a cup of my favorite tea and my favorite breakfast if he knows I'm facing a particularly long day at work.

...He is one of the most caring and understanding men I have ever met. He try's hard to take care of me. He is a nurturer, a comforter, and an amazing best friend.

I could go on for days...but you only asked for 3...
He finally took my poor fishy out of his travel jar and into his tank..

He listens to my rants and agrees that im not crazy lol

He supports my decisions and my right to make them..he's also a great impartial judge surprisingly :)
He puts up with me and my nonsense
He thinks I am beautiful even when I look a hot mess
He makes me feel as though I am perfect even though I am far from it
He stimulates my mind, we have the most interesting conversations!
He emotionally supports me and isn't afraid to be affectionate.
He gives me little gifts. :)
He is very selfLESS--- he once drove 3.5 hours just to clean my apt and buy me groceries while I was sick.

He rubs my back until I fall asleep.

He Cooks! Annd... It tastes great! Lol

He loves me and shows me everyday!

That was 4 but I could go on even more. I love him :)
Remembers all the important days/dates throughout the year.
Checks on me throughout the day.
Makes me feel beautiful.

I thank God for him every single day.
I find myself thinking in a more creative way when I'm around him.

He inspires me to live each day to the fullest!

He openly expresses his love for me everyday.
WOW! What a nice thread!! I have been single for a long time, and this has been really encouraging. It's the little things sometimes that makes the biggest empact in a society that tends to focus more on the outward appearance. Not once did I hear I love him because he is FINE!! which is all good too. Thanks for sharing ladies.
1. He sets my hair on rollers for me before we go to bed.

2. He makes sure that I have everything I need (gas, food, money, whatever, if I need it he will make sure that I have it.

3. He puts cocoa butter on my stretch marks.
After we'd been dating for 4 months, he surprised me with a trip to Paris.
He listens to me moan and complain and never gets tired of hearing it and asks me about my day every day
He always makes me feel beautiful when I'm looking a hot mess
1. He always always wants to make sure I'm fed, comfortable and well-rested. For example, he makes a fuss and will hurriedly get them if I forget to put my slippers on to walk on the bare tiles in my bathroom and kitchen area. He says he doesn't want me to catch a cold. LOL.

2. He loves helping and seeing others happy, including strangers. He puts the needs of others before his needs.

3. He loves the Lord. He prays with me before we go to bed, before we rise and before each meal. Sometimes he will pray in my presence to thank the Lord for bringing me into his life.
1. When I was in the hospital he rubbed lotion on my legs and washed my back.

2. Sometimes in the winter he will come home with caramal apple cider from Starbucks because he knows I love it.

3. He never questions me about the purchases I make and even though I know he gets a little heartburn when I balance the checkbook (he likes it done a certain way and I do it a little different from him) he doesn't say a word.
1. He's funny
2. He runs my bath water
3. He is handsome
4. He has a wonderful personality
5. He loves to see me happy
6. Loves God

I know you said 3 resons but I can go on and on....
He's a newbie but i think he is a keeper cause

he is on board to do anything with me and motivates me to go super duper hard at it
when I feel like I cant, he shows me how i can, and reaches out a hand to help
He expresses such kindness... to everyone its refreshing
I've got 3 more!!! Feel free to post as many "3's" as you like ladies ;)

1) I'm never bored with him. We have the most interesting conversations. We can literally talk about ANYTHING

2) He is hilarious!! I love our little inside jokes. We laugh about things for months on end. I especially love watching funny movies with him, my side literally hurts.

3) He's a giver. He makes sure I never want for anything. He fills my car up, even if it was half empty before he drove it.

4) He's just awesome!!
1. He always always wants to make sure I'm fed, comfortable and well-rested. For example, he makes a fuss and will hurriedly get them if I forget to put my slippers on to walk on the bare tiles in my bathroom and kitchen area. He says he doesn't want me to catch a cold. LOL.

2. He loves helping and seeing others happy, including strangers. He puts the needs of others before his needs.

3. He loves the Lord. He prays with me before we go to bed, before we rise and before each meal. Sometimes he will pray in my presence to thank the Lord for bringing me into his life.

Does he have a brother??!?! LOL God bless your relationship!
1. He understands me. I admit that I can moody, irrational and difficult, but even when I am being a raging b**** he can see right though it and remain calm and rational. Even though sometimes I may need a cussing out.

2. He puts things in perspective for me. I am the type of person who worries about whether the sun is gonna rise tomorrow. Whenever I tell him the million things I am worried about he helps me see that I am over reacting.

3. He has seen me at my ugliest and still tells me I am pretty everyday. Even when I am tired, sick, stanking, fat, whatever, he always tells me I am pretty.
1. He calms me down when I get too hyped up!

2. He makes me breakfast and packs my lunch whenever I stay at his house

3. He accepts me for who I am, and even loves my extra pounds. :)
I love my sweetie because
1) He pulls me out of my dark side and shows me the light
2) He accepts the craziness I impose on him one week out of the month
3) He is a man of God.
  1. He has class and is a gentleman.
  2. Makes sure I have some part in everything that he does/always wants me involved.
  3. Reassures me that everything will be alright and never gets upset when Im in my depressed/worrying mode.
1. He knows and accepts the real me.
2. He's a good provider and will be an excellent father.
3. Most importantly, he loves me. I never have to question his sincerity and dedication.
There are too many to list.... and I feel so incredibly blessed to have found the love of my life. :yep:

1. He's attentive and listens VERY closely. I have to be careful of what I say because anything I "think" I want, he'll try to go and get it for me. He makes a point to take care of me when I'm sick. He surprises me with something special like books from my favorite author or my favorite things that he knows that I love.

2. He loves me for who I truly am (a complete goofball :lol: ) He's real. He loves my body as it is (chocolate chunks and all) and tells/shows me so. He makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. To him, I am. :grin: Even if I'm in a t-shirt and sweats.

3. He's patient and kind. An old school gentleman that's full of love, very affectionate, and a home-bodied respectful family/goal oriented man. We have alot of laughter, love, and good conversation. We connect on so many levels and I love that about him and our relationship.

And.... He rubs my abdomen when I have cramps. :love: :blush: (Sorry if it's tmi)
Makes sure I have spending money
About to buy me a new House
Wants to replace my old tin can
makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, even with crazy hair:lol: Okay I know its more than 3 but cant help it
He's handsome, smart, n he loves me like no one else does.... I have more than 3 reasons.

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