2024 2025 Oil Butter Creme Lotion Serum Pomade Grease Challenge

I have been heavy sealing my hair with the heavier Blue Magic (Indian Hemp and Castor Oil), my hair in this summer heat looks good no matter I how I style. I still have frizz with the grey hair but it's weighted down just enough for me. Grease is here to stay for me year round.
I used Hawaiian Silky 14 n 1, Camille Rose Cocoa nibs oil, and my Dax melted a little bit lol so I used that on my tails along with the other two things I mentioned.
I haven’t bought hair products in an awhile. I cut around 6 inches of hair off and I am wiggin it until it gets warmer. I’m about to dye it too. Gotta figure out the color @IDareT'sHair
I was just sitting here thinking about stripping the black demi color from my hair and lightening things up a bit. I have about 6 or 7 inches of gray hair on my head right now and need a color stat! Like you @Bette Davis Eyes, I don't know what color I want as yet. I'm thinking maybe a nice honey blonde. Let me go check out some sites for light color options in demi permanents.
By the way, hello everyone. I have not been active in the forum for quite some time but I really need to take better care of my hair. It's been a while since I've even bothered with it. I keep it mostly plait down flat under wigs. It's growing back again and I believe it's between APL and BSL, but closer to BSL.

How are you doing @IDareT'sHair?