2018 Oil Grease Butter Creme Lotion Pomade Challenge

So I've traded my grease in for whipped Shea butter and I definitely prefer the wsb. They're both greasy but the wsb absorbs after some time where as the grease just seemed to sit on the outside of the hair. The wsb also does a better job of softening my hair and retaining moisture
I wasn't going to but decided last minute to moisturize and seal with SSI Cococreme Leave-in Conditioner sealed with Sunshine Strawberry Heaven Shea Butter. Now my hair really is super super moisturized :lick:.
Okay I'm back. I had been wearing my hair in some feed in braids and then a super slicked high ponytail so I hadn't been using my moisturizer. But i'm back to using my am i am so much moisture. I'm not sure if my bottle is getting old because the product is getting really watery. had to add more jbco to thicken it up