Well-Known Member
Thank you for this! I was wondering why folks had to still shampoo when these Ayurveda powders have deep cleansing properties and now I know it’s because we add oils and other ingredients to limit the drying effects.Deep conditioner is just a potent conditioner. So actually, your deep conditioner could already be Ayurvedic or have henna in it. The quantity of henna and its state when added to a DC (or mixture) changes its effects. There are Dabur brand DCs that already have henna in them for example, but they’re small quantities of henna and full of mineral oil (which may be fine for some people).
I used to be very firm on using only cheapie conditioners with henna for glosses but I have recently had some incredible results mixing henna into my DCs, so I say this is a matter of preference.
Clay masks can be many things depending on the ingredients. Shea Moisture’s Original Purification Mask is an excellent example of this. It had salycylic acid, Shea butter, kaolin clay, and coconut oil among its top ingredients. But you could use this as a moisturizing DC, or a cleansing mask, or a cowash. It was fantastic.
Clay’s main claim to fame are its detoxification and cleansing properties. BUT in really getting all the gunk out of your hair, you may find your hair reset from product buildup and therefore more capable of receiving moisture from your other products or the moisturizing ingredients in your clay mix. It’s why many report their hair feels very light and clean or voluminous and fluffy. It all depends on the ingredients. Straight clay and water is going to be a lot more clarifying than a mix of aloe vera, oil, conditioner etc.
The properties of the herbs/oils you mix into whatever recipes are also going to have an impact on your final results. (Why some realize MSM give them the growth crawlies or any kind of powder leaves their scalp itchy or rosemary works better than lavender for dandruff etc). Some things will always work better for some than others but that’s what’s makes customization/experimentation so fun and effective.