On break
I'm not subscribed to CP and haven't been for a few months. I say the rest of this post with love because she has one of the sweetest spirits and dispositions on YT hands down.
I find her videos very scattered...almost like she is confused herself. The last video I did make it through left me like:
Outside of henna, our regimens are nothing alike from what I can gather. But I remain in this thread because it's active, I like the chill flow and some of my favorite members are in here.

And you are SO LOVED HERE. We love your contributions so much.

I had to really pray about the resource I'm making. I don't want to overstep, step on toes, etc., but I was reading the exasperated questions and comments one day and read a response that clarified nothing, and just had it with it that day.
I decided she's busy. I decided to work with what was clear and just move forward, listening to my hair and reading ayurvedic tips.