2018 Curlyproverbz-inspired Regimen Challenge

I'm coming up with the plan for my next wash day. I think I might start with @Chicoro's pre poo (which I've never used, but my hair loves avg). My hair is feeling a little dry (no fault of this reggie, I don't have a good dc- the next thing to work on lol).

I also wanna get to the henna masques (not glosses), so... I guess two wash days devoted to moisture might prepare me enough.

Just a lot of thoughts bouncing around lol...
I'm mulling over my 2018 goals. One of the biggest goals isn't length, it's volume & fullness. I need every possible follicle popping with great quality hair. The most common things I've read comes down to regular scalp massages, oil usage and of course aruyvedic products.

Anyway, just shampooed my hair after a lovely henna & cassia mask. Need to order more cassia.
I shared the process in the CP oil thread but I'll stick them here as well. If you would be so kind to add them to the OP when you update it. That would be an easier way to reference if anyone else gets curious.

*The rest of this post is a copy of what I answered to @honeybee in the CP oil thread with a few tweaks*

The first video will explain the SoapCalc.net website and how to come up with a formulation. The 2nd video shows her actually doing the cold soap making process. *You would add your powders at the point where she is adding her essential oils after the trace phase*.

For the actual ingredients, it really just depends on your formulation....you have to actually go to the website and play around with plugging in oils and butters.

For my Ayurvedic Cleansing Conditioner bar you are asking about, here are my ingredients:
(Saponified oils of Castor, Safflower, Olive, Capuacu Butter & Mango Butter), Distilled water, Nupur 9 Henna, Aloe Vera Powder. Essential oils of Eucalyptus and Tea Tree.

This won't make much sense to you just by looking at the ingredients though until you actually play around with the site. Just note that in my cleansing conditioner bar, I used castor oil as my highest percentage of oil as it provides the richest lather, it is the creamiest of most oils and will provide the heaviest conditioning. I omitted coconut oil as when going through the saponification process, it is the most cleansing oil so it will be the most drying oil. I believe when it comes to shampoo bars and coconut oil, one should tread lightly. I did use a small amount in my other two bars though. I'll come back later and add pictures of my curing rack with the three different batches I made.

I made:

Ayurvedic Cleansing Conditioner Bar (for rinsing out Ayurvedic treatments)

Luxurious Ayurvedic Buttery Conditioning Shampoo Bar (for normal washing)

Coconut Milk, Honey & Rhassoul Conditioning Shampoo/Facial Bar

I finally got around to watching these two videos.

Awwwwwwwwww! It's on! :woot:

In Quarter 2 of 2018, Lord willing I'm going to start trying to hack my holy grail ayurvedic shampoo bar:
  1. I'm going to order that henna blend from cornerstoneskin.com (a black woman own's owns it). I might like the ingredients in it better than the ingredients in my HG shampoo bar! The owner of cornerstoneskin has provided us with a discount code (15%, I believe). :up:
  2. I'm going to start playing around at the soapcalc site.
  3. I'm going to learn more about the properties of various oils. I'm pretty sure I want to use castor oil, sesame oil (appreciated in ayurveda), macadamia oil (chemically the same as sebum!), vegetable glycerin, and probably olive oil. Maybe coconut oil, too.
Thanks for the tip about lye, @Saludable84. Guess I'll see what's at Home Depot??? (Who knew?!? :smile:)
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I got a candle warmer from Home Dept for 50% off of $4.99. Yaaaaaaaaay! Thanks, all!

I wasn't even going to look into getting one, even though I wanted one, because I'm trying to whittle possessions/purchases down going forward. HOWEVER, this is a purchase that makes sense: I am glad to now be able to keep my hair product cooking/warming separate from my cooking-for-eating pans and pots. :yep:
Aha! I know what I'ma do for added moisture: oil rinses! (A la @sareca, between the wash and conditioner) And it's perfect bc I have some grape seed oil to use up before it goes bad.

Question: should use infuse the oil with something? Idk... :scratchchin:

Also, as an aside, I was considering infusing some acv with aritha, since I use it as a cleansing rinse. (1st step of mhm)
I'm researching the properties of oils and butters for shampoo bars.

I just read the information at these links and others:
Two excerpts about bergamot:
"If you find your hair is thin, dull, or breaks easily, bergamot oil may be a solution. When applied to hair, bergamot oil reportedly soaks into the scalp and strands. This stimulates the blood flow to the follicles around the roots and infuses into strands to give hair strength and shine."


"If you choose to add bergamot oil to your shampoo and conditioner, you’ll likely see very shiny, very thick locks in a month or so. Women with curly hair may benefit most from bergamot for hair because it is reported to help tame frizz, soften dry hair, and help loosen curls."

I'm thinking about adding bergamot oil to everything I use and seeing what that does, if my nose likes the smell.
First style (a twist out from 12 twists) done with CP products.

The shine and elongation are great, but not the definition. I will increase the shea butter in the butter cream recipe. I might need to add some aloe Vera gel, not sure yet.

I retwisted for the night. Hair felt tacky/sticky from the glycerin. However, my hair is indeed juicy and low on tangles. Hurray. :smile: I ponytailed the twists together and donned a loc sock -looking thing from Walgreens. I'll see what kind of definition I get from the retwist.

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My trust in the Ayuverdic method just went up a few notches. Yesterday I had some extra time and decided to do an egg treatment. After the clarifying shampoo, my hair felt stripped and hard. I was disappointed. I know I just used a hard protein but my hair hasn't felt so unruly since I started ayuverdic. I crossed my finger and decided to do my regular henna gloss.
  • 1/4 cup of my fernugreek puree (smoothie)
  • 1/4 cup of AVG
  • 1/4 cup of some coconut deep conditioner
  • about a tablespoon of henna (I didn't mean to add that much. So I didn't add any other powder)
  • Few drops of my oils
Left it on my hair for two hours (without heat). OMG! After I rinsed my hair it was fluffy, yet strong. Before Ayuverdic, when I deep conditioned, it would feel like butter while the product is on my hair, after rinsing, my hair would feel harsh again.
:yahoo:Everything I ordered came at once! Today! This morning! :woot::headspin::lachen:

I'll share later, I'm a bit overwhelmed. :lol: I need to catalogue everything and re-organize both my hair cabinet and 'the herbarium' aka 'the clinic' aka a corner of our LR devoted to my herbs :look:, wrought iron and glass shelving, very pretty. Anyway. Yeah. It's been over taken. :lol: But the hair cabinet should be easy. I might end up with a whole free shelf.

But let me tell yall! I bought fragrance oils and am pleased with every. single. one. :trophy: :lol:

I cannot wait- I'm washing my hair tonight! Steps...

1. Chicoro's prepoo (not overnight bc I have fine strands)
2. shampoo with Chi silk shampoo (trynna use it up)
3. oil rinse with grapeseed oil
4. dc (not sure what I'll use or what I'll add to it, I'll see what she needs)
5. clay masque + tea +eo's

(same tea as last week, rose/ hibiscus + green. I may try the spray bottle thing now that I have my preservatives. :yay: I'll use this as a mid wash refresher, but I'm working on making a 'real' leave in, my hair likes light, gel-like creams, ie PM The Conditioner, but a little thinner)
:yahoo:Everything I ordered came at once! Today! This morning! :woot::headspin::lachen:

I'll share later, I'm a bit overwhelmed. :lol: I need to catalogue everything and re-organize both my hair cabinet and 'the herbarium' aka 'the clinic' aka a corner of our LR devoted to my herbs :look:, wrought iron and glass shelving, very pretty. Anyway. Yeah. It's been over taken. :lol: But the hair cabinet should be easy. I might end up with a whole free shelf.

But let me tell yall! I bought fragrance oils and am pleased with every. single. one. :trophy: :lol:

I cannot wait- I'm washing my hair tonight! Steps...

1. Chicoro's prepoo (not overnight bc I have fine strands)
2. shampoo with Chi silk shampoo (trynna use it up)
3. oil rinse with grapeseed oil
4. dc (not sure what I'll use or what I'll add to it, I'll see what she needs)
5. clay masque + tea +eo's

(same tea as last week, rose/ hibiscus + green. I may try the spray bottle thing now that I have my preservatives. :yay: I'll use this as a mid wash refresher, but I'm working on making a 'real' leave in, my hair likes light, gel-like creams, ie PM The Conditioner, but a little thinner)

@Honey Bee

Ohhhhhh Snap!

Did an overnight henna treatment. Mixed a box of Jamila henna with a strong tea blend of aloe vera powder, rose hips, calendula, fenugreek & rosemary. Made sure to get the treatment all up and through my scalp. When I rinsed this morning....man oh man...my hair was feeling absolutely divine. I followed up with an indigo paste. Mixed it with the leftover tea from earlier and a little sea salt. It's still marinating. Will rinse in a few hours when the kiddos are down for a nap.


Sis! This was me, true story. :lachen:
Ladies, I can't make any major hair plans before December 30th, 2017. As of today, I will be pretty busy with work until then with a tiny break tomorrow and Wednesday. I have some CP oil that I will be using when I have time and it's enough to last until the end of the month. This is pretty much all I will have time for along with M&S hopefully.
I see yall mentioning fenugreek, so I might as well ask: what can I do with the leftover sludge from my 4 ingredient oil (fenugreek seeds, henna, msm, oil)?

I have the same question. I think CP may have mentioned using it in a gloss. I could be wrong though. Using the seeds in a gloss seem to be a bad idea
I see yall mentioning fenugreek, so I might as well ask: what can I do with the leftover sludge from my 4 ingredient oil (fenugreek seeds, henna, msm, oil)?
These I throw out because of the fenugreek seeds (don't want to fight to get them out of my hair), but the herbs from the henna tea rinse, I refrigerate and re-use later as a paste on my scalp and pre-oiled hair. I suppose you can use it as a paste but consider the seeds when you do. Of course, you can put them in a blender and grind them up finer, then use it as a paste.
These I throw out because of the fenugreek seeds (don't want to fight to get them out of my hair), but the herbs from the henna tea rinse, I refrigerate and re-use later as a paste on my scalp and pre-oiled hair. I suppose you can use it as a paste but consider the seeds when you do. Of course, you can put them in a blender and grind them up finer, then use it as a paste.
When you say blender... I have a Nutribullet. Is that the same thing? In this context, I mean, I know I can use it for smoothies and stuff, but will it get the seeds?
When you say blender... I have a Nutribullet. Is that the same thing? In this context, I mean, I know I can use it for smoothies and stuff, but will it get the seeds?
Yes it is a blender that can get food stuff a lot finer but I have not used mine for this purpose. I know it has a blade that can chop nuts, maybe use that blade first, and if it doesn't work, then try the other one. You could try using a food processor if this doesn't work.
I just finished using up my henna tea rinse and about to brew another one because I won't have time to do much once I get busy at work by the middle of this week. I'll be back to post what I used in it this time.
When you say blender... I have a Nutribullet. Is that the same thing? In this context, I mean, I know I can use it for smoothies and stuff, but will it get the seeds?
Nutribullet will not break the fenugreek seeds enough for it not to leave particles in your hair. I strain my smoothie to get around that problem. It's messy but totally beats the alternative.
Nutribullet will not break the fenugreek seeds enough for it not to leave particles in your hair. I strain my smoothie to get around that problem. It's messy but totally beats the alternative.
@Keen, yes but how would she achieve that smoothness with the seeds in the mix? Would a food processor work better/

This is why I don't bother with trying to re-use the seeds once I strain out my oil - just too much work for me.
I plan to do 3 CP wash days, then a "use anything I'd like" wash day, then 3 CP wash days, and so on.

My Hairveda stuff came in!!! I now get to test an HV wash day!

And, oh: Re-twist twist out is undefined. Issokay :smile: : I'll tweak the butter cream. I really like it, otherwise.

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It looks so fluffy and soft, like you could lay in it…
@Keen, yes but how would she achieve that smoothness with the seeds in the mix? Would a food processor work better/

This is why I don't bother with trying to re-use the seeds once I strain out my oil - just too much work for me.
It is a lot of work but I really like how fenugreek makes detangling a breeze for my coily hair.
It is a lot of work but I really like how fenugreek makes detangling a breeze for my coily hair.
I have both the seeds and the powder and I prefer to use the powder to make a tea rinse for detangling. I still strain the fenugreek tea before applying it to my hair and scalp.