2018 2019 Pre Poo Challenge

Umm...So Tell Me...How did you pull off a 6 Day Pre-Poo?:scratchchin:

I might keep this in overnight.:eek:...:look:

So you dipping a toe?

It was a headscarf week. My hair was all cosy and snug under there and I didn't wanna disturb her. In all honesty, sickness took it out of me and the approach to Christmas left me with no proper time to wash it out. It also helps that I was off from work, and I occasionally wear a headwrap of some kind.
I meant to post about my jojoba oil prepoo last week.

My hair felt like a silk scarf when I rinsed it out. I use this oil sparingly because it's so expensive. However, if it makes my hair feel like that, Imma have to take the hit and buy more.

Plan to prepoo with it again tonight. :yep: