2017 Collagen Challenge...! Let's Grow!

I have been busy lately but plan to do a straight length check by the end of this week. I planned my trim for next month, as much as I hate to do it, I have to to prevent setbacks.
Hey ladies i'm in. I am presently taking ProCaps (Andrew Lessman) Marine Collagen Peptide with MSM.. I have taken Neocell, Meiji collagen, and Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen peptides in the past...Giving this marine collagen a shot.

Did the other collagens did anything for you? I want to buy my mom collagen for general health but I don't think I want to get her Neo Cell.
@Keen I really liked the Meiji but it took a long time to ship through SASA, and as someone stated they add some type of milk product to it, an asian thing they do. It had the best taste. Neocell was good also. I am trying the Procaps as it already has MSM in it. I wanted to see the difference between Bovine and Marine collagen.. jury is still out, will report back once finish 2 tubs. Im still on tub #1 with Procaps. I take 2 scoops a day in warm water.
Guys what is the exact dose of the collagen that y'all are taking?
I bought a bottle of 180 caps each of which contains 1000 mg and it turns out that this is a 1 month supply because I have to take 6 caplets everyday!!
Is that for real? Are you all taking 6000 mg/day?
Guys what is the exact dose of the collagen that y'all are taking?
I bought a bottle of 180 caps each of which contains 1000 mg and it turns out that this is a 1 month supply because I have to take 6 caplets everyday!!
Is that for real? Are you all taking 6000 mg/day?

Yes I take 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening.
I'm not sure what effect the collagen is having on my hair, but my skin is looking great! I had some rolling scars on my cheeks, and the other day I noticed that they were greatly reduced on one side, and almost completely gone on the other. I've been taking Neocell Super Collagen + C
I'm not sure what effect the collagen is having on my hair, but my skin is looking great! I had some rolling scars on my cheeks, and the other day I noticed that they were greatly reduced on one side, and almost completely gone on the other. I've been taking Neocell Super Collagen + C

Hi @Jade Feria

What's the dose of collagen that you are taking?

That's why I don't split them up. Most of the time I forget to take the 2nd dosage.

@Keen, I think I am going to have to try this especially on the weekend since that is where I struggle the most. Does it make you sick to your stomach at all taking all six at once?
@Keen, I think I am going to have to try this especially on the weekend since that is where I struggle the most. Does it make you sick to your stomach at all taking all six at once?
I take a scoop of the powder (which is equivalent to six pills) on an empty stomach in the morning with Vitamin C. I don't feel any adverse effect.
It's 6,000mg, 6 pills per day. But honestly I usually end up taking only 3 and miss the second dosage ( I split them up into morning and evening).
I take that in the powder form of Neocell Super Collagen + C and forget a lot, perhaps I need to get the pills.
I take a scoop of the powder (which is equivalent to six pills) on an empty stomach in the morning with Vitamin C. I don't feel any adverse effect.
I think I will stick with the powder I never realized 1 scoop was equivalent to 6 pills. :up:
I tried to take a new brand... the one below. I like it but I think I am partial to the original one that I took.
View attachment 393645

This is the one that I took originally. I have been adding a half scoopp into a full scoop of the other one.

This is the original one that I took.
View attachment 393647

I also add powdered vitamin c and hyaluronic acid.

I just wanted to affirm your thinking, @Gr8ness83

I started out with the one you started out with . . . then I also tried the one you tried after that! :lol:

I will be returning to the original one we tried: It's not that I don't LIKE the one with hyuralonic acid and vitamin C . . . because I looooooove the affect it has on my skin and joints (I look and feel younger!!!). It's that my nails are flimsy taking it, and that makes me think that it's not doing much for my hair's health/growth.

I might take both? I'm not sure. But I know I will be returning to the FIRST ONE for the purpose of aiding my hair's health and growth.
Okay ladies time for another check in.
I have been taking my marine collagen consistently, it is a MUST otherwise I on deaths door when it is my time of the month. My hair has been growing like a weed, but I broke off a lot of it, I'll post the details below. I'd say that I have grown a little more than 3" since the beginning of the year but I will have to check when I get home, I'll be relying on the new growth since I can't base it on the entire length because I broke it off.

So as for my hair... I done F'd up. My hair has broken off something fierce after I got bomb twists, I think the ends of my hair would get tangelos and real of. THEN I decided to do wand curls but did not properly prepare my hair so.... yeah, it was pretty broke off. Idk if you can truly tell from the pics but you can see the color grown out and the colored portion becoming shorter. I am not back to square 1 but I have less length that what I had before, I can see less color on the ends and much more NG. I'll post pics to see if you can tell. The pics are in order from Jan/Feb until just earlier this week. The pic of me in my car and the ones with my hair mechanically curled is where I really F'D up. I am going to start putting in my loc extensions and I'm going to keep them in until Dec. I know what I need to do. I will say that I received great growth during this period, it was retaining it where I went wrong. I have to pull it up and manipulate it for work and I was doing an okay job with it but I know that I broke off my hair badly with the wand curls. With the amount of hair that I grew, my bangs should be touching my chin in its natural state. Back to PS !!!!!!

Anyone care to share their updates???

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@Gr8ness83, I'm sorry about your breakage. I was under a lot of stress and my hair broke off something awful. Ugh! All of my beautiful progress down the drain. So, I evened up the broken part and I'll grow it out with crochet braids. Not ready to go completely short. Let's get growing again
I'm in!

After a recent hair analysis, Collagen was one of the supplements recommended to me. I'll be using the Zint brand.

I will also be taking a few other vitamins in addition to the collagen. I plan on purchasing everything by the end of this week.

Excited to grow!
who did your hair analysis?
I am laying off on biotin or anything that has large amount of biotin in it and I am starting to take collagen instead (started a few weeks ago), because of severe break outs I had from biotin. I heard collagen is good for your hair and skin, so why not. I plan to purchase Murad acne supplements too.