2016 Christian Random Thoughts

Psalm 37:4 has always been understood as: if you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart.

But in light of what Jesus said right before He was about to be crucified: not my will but Yours, I've come to understand this Scripture in a whole new way.

Someone explained it as follows: if you delight yourself in the Lord, He will show you the desires He has placed in your heart, so that you may actually discover them. Puts everything in perspective.
I want to raise my kids in a Christian household. I always have this urge in the back of my mind to go to church, but I haven't been in years due to sheer laziness. I want to be more active spiritually, but I don't know if church is the right way to do it because I struggle with some of the rules and stuff. But I believe in God and I also feel as if I have a Guardian Angel or something.

This is the most common reason people just give up on God then loose all faith. You have "rules" on proper table etiquette, how to drive within the law, how to do your job and act at work, state and country laws, parents have rules for their children to obey, so why shouldn't God our Father and Creator not have rules for us to follow.

Question to ask yourself: If we can follow the rules of men why can't we follow the rules of God?

Just think of God as our eternal Father who wants the BEST for us and since he's way smarter than we are he's given us rules to live by so our lives will be a little better, we can live under his authority and protection and receive the blessings from being obedient children of God. Just like a child that disobeys their parents opens the door to minor problems to major misfortunes takes themselves out from under the authority of their parents.

You don't have to change everything all at once, All we have to do is try everyday, fall get up again and keep trying we don't have to be perfect saints.

In fact don't change anything yet God will nudge and pull at your heart regarding when and what changes need to be made and you have to start somewhere so just try going to church, reading your bible 5 minutes a day, check,out different churches see where God wants you to be.
Not going to church not practicing, praying, participating in fellowship and procrastinating is just more time that you and your kids will miss out on the blessings and freedoms that come when you start following God again wholeheartedly.
Don't think of what you might have to give up, think of all you will gain especially how it will benefit your and your families immortal souls in this life and in heaven.

Proverbs 22:6
6 Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Pslam 23
The Lord is my Shepard
I shall not want...
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Moving story
Woman blamed for not having children gets hands cut off


Prayer Warriors: I know a lot is going on in the world, but please remember in you prayers women like her who are abused, attacked and sometimes killed. Fertility issues in some parts of Africa stigmatizes women; even it could be the male who has the fertility issues, the women bear the blame. Keep lifted up the female attorneys who are fearlessly fighting this tragic reality. I'm requesting prayer for them all... and not limiting the request to Africa, btw.

Thank you!

@Nice & Wavy

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Laela my Sister in Christ Jesus,

I will indeed add these women to my prayer list...and also the men that they will stop this evil madness.

Blessings to you and yours Precious for interceeding to The Father in Heaven, through is Only Begotton Son, by the aid of The Holy Spirit on their behalf!

If you feel in any way that you sometimes don't feel like you accept
yourself, please add this to your daily prayers. Or give it to somebody who
might need it. Say it every day from your heart, give it a month, wait until
you see changes in your heart and your behavior.

Prayer for Self-Acceptance

Dearest Father God, in humility, I come to you, to ask you to help me accept myself as I am. I often criticize myself so badly, compare myself to others, that I often feel like I hate myself. I also don't like what I see in the mirror. These bad thoughts about myself make me feel small, resentful and unworthy of your love which makes me unable to contribute the beauty of my soul.
Please help me to love myself as I am. To see myself as you see me. Please
help me to accept my body with all its beauty and perfection just the way you made it. Give me the knowledge and the wisdom to know how to protect and keep it safe and healthy. Help me to never compromise my integrity, to be
authentic, truthful and honest in everything that I never again need to reject myself or sabotage my own happiness.
From now on, let every action, every word, every reaction, every thought, and every emotion of mine, be based on love. Help me, my dearest Father, to
trust you fully. Let the power of your love break all the lies I was programmed to believe, all the lies that tell me I am not good enough, not strong enough, smart enough, I am not rich enough, that I cannot make it. Let the power of your love be present in my whole being that I see myself and everyone through the eyes of your love. Help me that I no longer need to live my life according to other people’s expectations, but by your will.
Dearest Father, help me to know that you are always with me, so that I don't have any fear to make the choices I must make or take actions I must take. Help me to never again be afraid of facing the responsibilities in my life or afraid of facing any problems, to remember that we will resolve them together as they arise. And when I don't do things right, help me to be patient with myself, to have the courage and humility to make the necessary changes without beating myself down.
Starting today, dearest Father, help me to remember how loved I am, so that I never set up any circumstances that go against my own joy and peace or
anyone else's. Help me to live my life being myself and not pretending to be someone else. Help me to remember how much you rejoice in my efforts done
honesty more than my accomplishments.
Dear Father, please take away from me, the desire to need other people to
accept me or tell me how good I am. With the help of your grace, teach me to love what I see every time I look in the mirror and help me to see what I see when I close my eyes, the beauty of my soul.
Help me to accept everyone the way they are, to respect them and to love
them without judgment. Because when I judge, I carry blame and guilt, I become bitter and I lose my peace and the perspective of your love. Help me to remember that when I reject others, I reject myself and when I reject myself, I reject You.
Clean my mind of any emotional poison it has known through abusive words,
actions of others and of myself. Heal my soul from the harm I have done to it by judging or any other way so I can live in complete peace and love. With the help of your grace, let me transform every relationship I have, beginning with the relationship I have with You. Help me to be free of any conflict with others. Let me be happy to share my time with my loved ones and to forgive them for any injustice and hurt I feel in my mind.
Give me to love my family and friends unconditionally, to find better, loving ways to communicate with everyone, that there is no war of control, there is no winner or loser. Together let us work for love, for joy and harmony. And please help me to choose good friends. Let my relationships with everyone be based on respect and joy.
Today is a new beginning. Help me to start my life over, beginning today
knowing you love me so much. Help me to love my life, to love others and
treat them with dignity, to explore life, to take reasonable and meaningful
risks, to be happy to be alive and to no longer live in fear of love. Let me open my heart to the love that is my birthright. Help me to become great in
Gratitude, Generosity, Compassion, Kindness and Love so that I can be at
peace with all of your creations forever and ever. Amen.

Sometimes, you just come to the conclusion that some people are just bent on attempting to destroy others and trying to keep them from the truth and encourage weak believers to turn their backs on the Savior. They promote any and everything that leads people directly AWAY from Jesus - all manner of foolishness and anti-G-d philosophies, lifestyles etc. There is nothing good that Christians have done? Nothing? They are all bad because of European imperialism or someone who ticked you off here and there? People of color aren't supposed to know Jesus? Seriously? Hmm, I see. We're the only imperfect ones in the world? The real issue is that you do not want to face your sins but we all will one day. It is better now when there is time than when time has run out.
This is the most common reason people just give up on God then loose all faith. You have "rules" on proper table etiquette, how to drive within the law, how to do your job and act at work, state and country laws, parents have rules for their children to obey, so why shouldn't God our Father and Creator not have rules for us to follow.

Question to ask yourself: If we can follow the rules of men why can't we follow the rules of God?

Just think of God as our eternal Father who wants the BEST for us and since he's way smarter than we are he's given us rules to live by so our lives will be a little better, we can live under his authority and protection and receive the blessings from being obedient children of God. Just like a child that disobeys their parents opens the door to minor problems to major misfortunes takes themselves out from under the authority of their parents.

You don't have to change everything all at once, All we have to do is try everyday, fall get up again and keep trying we don't have to be perfect saints.

In fact don't change anything yet God will nudge and pull at your heart regarding when and what changes need to be made and you have to start somewhere so just try going to church, reading your bible 5 minutes a day, check,out different churches see where God wants you to be.
Not going to church not practicing, praying, participating in fellowship and procrastinating is just more time that you and your kids will miss out on the blessings and freedoms that come when you start following God again wholeheartedly.
Don't think of what you might have to give up, think of all you will gain especially how it will benefit your and your families immortal souls in this life and in heaven.

Proverbs 22:6
6 Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Pslam 23
The Lord is my Shepard
I shall not want...

I don't have children now. I meant in the future.:)

Maybe you guys are right in that I am being called towards Christ. I have been reading this new age blog off and on for a few years. Today I discovered that the blogger deleted all of her previous posts and is now writing about her new found Christian faith. She said it doesn't matter what our rules are, what matters is that we will be judged by His rules (Christ). Isn't that kind of eerie? I mean this women moved to India, was a yoga devotee, basically everything new age you can think of she was and all of a sudden one day she said her mind was opened and she began to see the truth. To have someone like that who I kind of looked up to proclaim the truth of Christ is kind of mind altering.

And I've been asking myself today, why have been so ready to believe certain things but totally dismiss Christianity?
I don't have children now. I meant in the future.:)

Maybe you guys are right in that I am being called towards Christ. I have been reading this new age blog off and on for a few years. Today I discovered that the blogger deleted all of her previous posts and is now writing about her new found Christian faith. She said it doesn't matter what our rules are, what matters is that we will be judged by His rules (Christ). Isn't that kind of eerie? I mean this women moved to India, was a yoga devotee, basically everything new age you can think of she was and all of a sudden one day she said her mind was opened and she began to see the truth. To have someone like that who I kind of looked up to proclaim the truth of Christ is kind of mind altering.

And I've been asking myself today, why have been so ready to believe certain things but totally dismiss Christianity?

GEEZ! Then I have hope for someone who is leading people to every manner of ung-dly man-losophy on the planet!!! Pray for me so that I don't lose hope and stop praying for them because looking back, it's SO deliberate and not just innocently mislead due to lack of knowledge. I truly believe it's a blatant attempt to pluck people from His flock.
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I don't have children now. I meant in the future.:)

Maybe you guys are right in that I am being called towards Christ. I have been reading this new age blog off and on for a few years. Today I discovered that the blogger deleted all of her previous posts and is now writing about her new found Christian faith. She said it doesn't matter what our rules are, what matters is that we will be judged by His rules (Christ). Isn't that kind of eerie? I mean this women moved to India, was a yoga devotee, basically everything new age you can think of she was and all of a sudden one day she said her mind was opened and she began to see the truth. To have someone like that who I kind of looked up to proclaim the truth of Christ is kind of mind altering.

And I've been asking myself today, why have been so ready to believe certain things but totally dismiss Christianity?

Sometimes it'll just hit you, and you have to stop and wonder where it came from. I understand.

The lady you mentioned sounds pretty awesome! I am a firm believer that Christ is constantly calling us to Him. When we start to examine ourselves and explore, "Well, why do I accept this but reject that?" I think it's God tugging at our hearts and helping us to take a deeper look. Whether consciously or sub-consciously, we can put up walls or roadblocks to conversion. I'll be keeping you in my prayers (and please do the same for me).
I don't have children now. I meant in the future.:)

Maybe you guys are right in that I am being called towards Christ. I have been reading this new age blog off and on for a few years. Today I discovered that the blogger deleted all of her previous posts and is now writing about her new found Christian faith. She said it doesn't matter what our rules are, what matters is that we will be judged by His rules (Christ). Isn't that kind of eerie? I mean this women moved to India, was a yoga devotee, basically everything new age you can think of she was and all of a sudden one day she said her mind was opened and she began to see the truth. To have someone like that who I kind of looked up to proclaim the truth of Christ is kind of mind altering.

And I've been asking myself today, why have been so ready to believe certain things but totally dismiss Christianity?

In response to the bolded:

I am being very prayerful about sharing this post, because I've been studying the bible for 30 years and am not your typical christian-from-childhood person (for serious lack of a better phrase).

When I was in my late twenties, this preacher shared his book with me. In the preface it said, "All truth is God's truth." In other words, if something is true, it's not something that man discovered as true that God knew nothing about!

John 17:17 says, "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth."

I believe that you will find that a lot of what you've been reading at the blog and other places is true or has nuggets of truth in it, and that when viewed through biblical scripture, they become refined. Here are two examples of this: http://www.thetao.info/tao/christ.htm and https://www.amazon.com/Tao-Christ-C...sr=8-1&keywords=christian+tao#customerReviews.

If you've enjoyed some of the aspects of new age works, I think you will love to read the Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, and the content in the New Testament that describe Jesus's actions, mannerisms, words, etc.

Also, you might REALLY enjoy "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. Very scripture laden, but presented in a voice I think you will really appreciate. If you get the chance to preview it at Amazon.com or flip through it at a bookstore, please let me know what you think of it!
Gal 6:9 (BLB)
"And we should not grow weary in well doing. For in due time we will reap a harvest, not giving up."

"...We are all very apt to tire in duty, particularly in doing good. This we should carefully watch and guard against. Only to perseverance in well-doing is the reward promised. Here is an exhortation to all to do good in their places. We should take care to do good in our life-time, and make this the business of our lives. Especially when fresh occasions offer, and as far as our power reaches.- Matthew Henry
I don't have children now. I meant in the future.:)

Maybe you guys are right in that I am being called towards Christ. I have been reading this new age blog off and on for a few years. Today I discovered that the blogger deleted all of her previous posts and is now writing about her new found Christian faith. She said it doesn't matter what our rules are, what matters is that we will be judged by His rules (Christ). Isn't that kind of eerie? I mean this women moved to India, was a yoga devotee, basically everything new age you can think of she was and all of a sudden one day she said her mind was opened and she began to see the truth. To have someone like that who I kind of looked up to proclaim the truth of Christ is kind of mind altering.

And I've been asking myself today, why have been so ready to believe certain things but totally dismiss Christianity?

No kids yet, oops thought you meant you already had them.
Well then you have more time to start new habits and getting in the word and a good church. My suggestion go to different churches before becoming a parishioner. This way you'll be even better prepared for your future family. ;)
If you want to start reading the Bible adding to psalms and proverbs which are excellent you might also like Gospel of John.

I'm not surprised that blogger erased the old blogs, and what she realized is right it doesn't matter what we say if it's not inline with Jesus then it's meaningless towards us getting to heaven.
it sounds like she literally woke up from the kundalini trance and is running back to Jesus, and she doesn't want to continue to lead sheep away from the Shepard a lot of people are waking up even atheists.

I spoke to someone about this recently they feel on the border of right and wrong Like their being pulled away from Jesus. This person started yoga (mistakenly believes it helps weight loss) thinks they can just do the stretches without invoking the Hindu gods that those positions represent, studied Sikhism etc... And finally said that it didn't sit well with their spirit. They were also trying to fuse yoga, Sikh, Hindu beliefs with Christian beliefs. So I quoted them Matt 6:24 no one can serve two masters...
asked them to get an Ignatuis compact large print bible, read the word, find and dust off their old catechism, bible study gospel of John book by Scott Hahn, start by read the bible daily 5-10 minutes, get back to church, sacraments, especially adoration etc...(this person is a cradle Catholic inconsistent church goer).

at bolded
IMO may or may not be your case

It's easier for people to do their own thing believe their own thing or what the world says because you are going with the flow and not against it. Most people want to think that they know npbetter tan the next person and they don't like being told what to do and how to live you know YOLO and don't judge me. But don't judge me people misinterpret that scripture to mean you can't correct me or intervene when I'm doing something wrong that can hurt myself and or others around me. So it's basically closeted passive aggressive rebellion and they don't want anyone to "correct" them or call them out on their ahem.... stuff.
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One of the great things about attending church, is to be immersed in diversity. Not just in terms of ethnicities, but also in terms of different age groups.

Last sunday I needed a ride home from church because my sister was coming over. So I'm talking to one of my brothers in Christ and asking him whether he came with his car so he could offer me a ride home. He says: "No, I'm sorry, I don't have my car with me today". The 14-year-old overhearing our conversation goes: "I have one suggestion for you: hoverboard (sp?)". That made me laugh so much on the inside. #comedicreliefatchurch
One of the great things about attending church, is to be immersed in diversity. Not just in terms of ethnicities, but also in terms of different age groups.

Last sunday I needed a ride home from church because my sister was coming over. So I'm talking to one of my brothers in Christ and asking him whether he came with his car so he could offer me a ride home. He says: "No, I'm sorry, I don't have my car with me today". The 14-year-old overhearing our conversation goes: "I have one suggestion for you: hoverboard (sp?)". That made me laugh so much on the inside. #comedicreliefatchurch

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Ok who's into bible stdy journals and/or prayer journals I'm looking to set up my prayer journal separate from my bible study lecture one. After watching videos and researching I think my bible study binder might an upgrade. I posted in the planner thread.

Has anyone studied or is studying now the Book of Revelations?
Know that it's really not about gloom and doom.

Revelation is about Jesus not vengeance
Ted Grimsrud—Purpose vol. 45, no. 6 (June 2012), p. 28.

If I had to pick one book from the Bible to have with me on a desert island, it would be the Revelation. Partly, because it is so fascinating and weird. But even more, because of its message.

While we need to pay attention to the at times overwhelming visions in Revelation, we must not let them distract us from the focus of the book: It’s “the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1:1).

Revelation 1:5 describes Jesus: “the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth,” who “freed us by” his self-sacrifice. Jesus won the victory, affirmed right at the start and throughout the book, by his “blood.” Jesus’ faithfulness to the ways of love even to the point of execution enables his triumph.

Two later visions of Jesus confirm that Revelation reveals him as a suffering servant, not a conquering avenger.

In chapter five, John weeps because he does not believe that anyone will be found who can bring history’s fulfillment. An angel tells him not to weep, someone has been found. This is the key moment of the entire book. Who may the scroll? John hears, mighty, conquering king. But what does he see? He sees a Lamb, standing (resurrected) as if slaughtered (crucified). This Lamb can open the scroll and therefore is praised by all creation.

Leading up to chapter 19, the book anticipates a great “battle of Armageddon.” The world’s armies gather. Then, the savior rides forth on a white horse to battle. But he is armed only with a sword coming out of his mouth—the word proclaiming the good news. He wears “a robe dipped in blood” (19:13)—that is, his blood has already been shed before the “battle.”

Jesus’ faithfulness to the point of execution has already happened. The powers of evil are gathered up and thrown into the lake of fire without a battle. And the kings of the earth (the human enemies of God) do not end up in the lake of fire but in the New Jerusalem (21:24). Jesus’ victory—won by his love—leads not to punishment of human enemies but their healing.

There are actually many fine books about Revelation that emphasis its peace message. These are two of the best: Michael Gorman, Reading Revelation Responsibly and Barbara Rossing, The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation.
I marvel at some black churches (and black leadership in general) who are painfully "quiet" about Donald Trump... he talks down - and apologetically hard - to blacks and they seem so weak-minded when they endorse any of his "ideas". That man doesn't have the interest of any person of color at heart. Please add black churches, esp the smaller ones, on your prayer list this evening. Thank you! :)
I marvel at some black churches (and black leadership in general) who are painfully "quiet" about Donald Trump... he talks down - and apologetically hard - to blacks and they seem so weak-minded when they endorse any of his "ideas". That man doesn't have the interest of any person of color at heart. Please add black churches, esp the smaller ones, on your prayer list this evening. Thank you! :)

Laela, you made me want to jump up out of my chair when I saw this.^^^^ What is wrong with too many of our leaders? Why are they so quiet, complacent, and not concerned about this evil man? And how in the world can so many of them support and encourage their congregants to do the same? Is Trump paying them or promising them high cabinet positions? Is this why they are so eager to betray their own people?

Laela, thanks for keeping us woke!

So many questions, too few answers.
Thinking about my old church that closed down, the Pastors are moving out of state. I can honestly say I am sad and am going to miss them. I was looking forward to them possibly doing something else in ministry in the city. I'm looking forward to what happens next for them. I was looking at old pictures, and really cherish those memories I have of them and their church. Their church was the first church that I actually began to know God for myself, and that church wasn't just a Sunday ritual. I only wish I had been more committed to the ministry. I am so thankful that our paths crossed, it was exactly what I needed when I needed it.
We watched the documentary "Holy Hell" last night and were like...

How can intelligent, highly-educated people get duped like this for two decades in such a sadistic cult, under the control of an evil man? He hypnotized them, so they were doing things against their will while "knowing" it felt/was wrong; he used sex to control their bodies. One "disciple" came from a "fire and brimesone" Christian upbringing, another from a Catholic upbringing...some were already searching for a "higher power" but looking in the wrong places. The devil preyed on their weaknesses and they turned to man and not to God in their deepest time of need. I'm glad to see some came out OK but others looked like they arenot healed of this experience. It's good to be careful who we allow into our heads... LOA, mind control methods, some mind "therapy"... those are subtle tools of the Enemy to claim souls.
I marvel at some black churches (and black leadership in general) who are painfully "quiet" about Donald Trump... he talks down - and apologetically hard - to blacks and they seem so weak-minded when they endorse any of his "ideas". That man doesn't have the interest of any person of color at heart. Please add black churches, esp the smaller ones, on your prayer list this evening. Thank you! :)

Let's talk real truth: Some churches and Pastors, Deacons, and Preists are deathly afraid of loosing their religious tax exempt status if they actually start preaching against the politicians or any public figure. I mean serioisly Trump is just a self proclaimed billionaire, he can't even prove that. He has no power or direct power over any church or pastor he's not the governor or or a senator and even if he was they should and would be able to speak the truth on anybody period.
All of our religious no matter the rank are supposed to be leaders, should speak out against all injustice and keep speaking out that's part of their job to let us know whats up so we don't fall for the cons.

That's what the pulpit is for to speak the TRUTH, not to hide behind. I'm glad the Pope publically called him out on the carpet.

So the real question is why are they bowing to the altar of Trump?
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