2016 A P L/b S L Challenge

I massaged my scalp with my hairdrenalin potion last night for about 5 minutes. I won't do my inversions until next month. I skipped it this month entirely.
Hey Ladies!!! I haven't been on in a week or so because I have was prepping for foot surgery (that I had today). Everything went well, but I am off of my feet for 6 weeks! Needless to say, my hair is in two big goddess braids so that I don't have to worry about my hair during this healing process.

@Janet', missed you around these parts...I pray you recovery go well!:bighug:
Hey Ladies!!! I haven't been on in a week or so because I have was prepping for foot surgery (that I had today). Everything went well, but I am off of my feet for 6 weeks! Needless to say, my hair is in two big goddess braids so that I don't have to worry about my hair during this healing process.
Glad everything went well. Hope you are feeling better and better each day.
@Daina @faithVA @Aggie Thanks Ladies, yes-- I suppose since I'll be off of work for 5 weeks, you'll be seeing a lot more of me:look::look:...once I get this pain under control that is...:cry3:
Aww, sweetie, I hope you recover quickly and get back to your hair game as soon as possible. Make sure to eat right, drink lots of water and take your vitamins to keep all the progress you've made so far okay @Janet' ?
I prepooed with a mixture of aloe vera gel, coconut and olive oils for 30 minutes this morning.

I clarified with Elucence Clarifying shampoo followed with KurleeBelle Moisture shampoo.

Now I'm deep conditioning with Kerastase Therapiste Mask. This mask smells awesome and feels really great on my strands. I had to use something strengthening because my hairdrenalin potion is extremely moisturizing.

I will use Redken Anti Snap as my leave-in for added strength.

Moisturize and seal with Keracare Jojoba Moisturizer.
I prepooed with a mixture of aloe vera gel, coconut and olive oils for 30 minutes this morning.

I clarified with Elucence Clarifying shampoo followed with KurleeBelle Moisture shampoo.

Now I'm deep conditioning with Kerastase Therapiste Mask. This mask smells awesome and feels really great on my strands. I had to use something strengthening because my hairdrenalin potion is extremely moisturizing.

I will use Redken Anti Snap as my leave-in for added strength.

Moisturize and seal with Keracare Jojoba Moisturizer.

You make sure you take care of all the brands huh? Elucence, Kerastase, Redken, Keracare. Nice selections. :yep:
Get better soon @Janet'!

Here trucking along with my hair regimen. I need to buy some new wigs and test out these APB goodies I bought recently.

I am really hoping to see progress at each length check. The longest my hair has been is grazing APL. To be full APL would be great!
You make sure you take care of all the brands huh? Elucence, Kerastase, Redken, Keracare. Nice selections. :yep:
I love all these brands too. I don't know if I will ever change them since they work so well on my hair. Thank you sweetie.
@bajandoc86 Thank you! I'm trucking along!! This is how I'm wearing my hair right now since I cannot deal with it (I can't be on my feet for 6 weeks). My friend comes over and re-braids for me every week and a half. She's trying to figure out how she can wash my hair and deep condition it for me but I'm looking at her like :badidea:, I know that you have a license (cosmetology and such) but :catfight: I don't trust you with my hair :nono:...But, "I do love you and I appreciate everything that you have done for me..." I just can't!!!:nono::nono::nono:

OAN: I'm in my mid-30s and do you see ALL the grey????? This is why I color/dye ladies!!! I'm dying over here!!! :angry2::angry2:
Goddess Braids Sick 2.jpg Goddess Braids Sick 1.jpg
Your braid looks nice @Janet'. Have you been washing your hair yourself?

No, that's what I was saying in the previous post...I'm nervous because I haven't washed...I haven't been able to wash because I can't walk...nor can I stand on my feet...My dear friend (doing what friends do) offered to come over and wash and deep condition and re-braid...I'm all for the re-braiding but the way I detangle, the way I deep condition...it's all different and I don't want to make her feel bad when she's attempting to help me... :wallbash: :wallbash:
@Aggie @AbsyBlvd Thank you Ladies!!! I must admit, this pain has been really crazy-- this past week, I had stopped taking all other medications (medicinal and prescribed) until I could get a handle on the pain...Now that I have, I will re-introduce my traditions...and to think, this was a relatively "simple" surgery...
No, that's what I was saying in the previous post...I'm nervous because I haven't washed...I haven't been able to wash because I can't walk...nor can I stand on my feet...My dear friend (doing what friends do) offered to come over and wash and deep condition and re-braid...I'm all for the re-braiding but the way I detangle, the way I deep condition...it's all different and I don't want to make her feel bad when she's attempting to help me... :wallbash: :wallbash:
know this feeling all too well @Janet'. Girl I don't think anyone can handle my hair as gently and as patiently as I do:yep:. As a result, I rarely let anyone in my hair:nono:.
I massaged some hairdrenalin potion on my scalp tonight for 5 minutes but will not be inverting until tomorrow.
I end up doing a trim at the end of april instead of waiting. I did need it. Before the trim I was about a half inch from apl. Now I am an inch from apl. I feel like I have been manipulating my hair too much which may have caused a lil breakage. So I gotta watch that and just keep my hair moisturizred but my hands out of it all the time.
I really miss having an LHCF app. I rarely get on nowadays. Anywho I celebrated my 5 year naturalversary yesterday by doing another big chop. I'm back to neck length...not sad; rather, I'm hopeful that I can develop a regimen to strengthen and grow my hair.

In the last year, I've had a difficult time rebounding from neglect and an adverse affect to medicine. My texture has changed and the Shea Moisture products are not working...it may be too much protein. So I'm searching the forum to find out what was working a few years ago and I'll go back to that.
Day 6 of this month's inversion is complete with 3 minute massage tonight. I am very tired and heading to bed in a few.
In made another wig (u part). Ive been wearing my wigs more often, washing my hair weekly alternating bt cowashing & regular washing. Co washed sunday Air dried & flat ironed my new growth only. Im stretching my relaxer until next month so this is the best way for me to handle my roots. Im still having some breakage from residual damage, but my hair is getting a little thickness. I'll do a major trim when i relax next month so I probably wont be apl. More like shoulder length but o well.