2015 Oils,Buttas,Grease,Lotions Pomades,Cremes Challenge

Reset my curled twistout via (COB) with
SM Baby Red Tea & Babassu Healing Lotion (smells like Egyptian Musk)
Auromere+Sesa Ayurvedic hair oil mix
El Shaddai Shea Butter Egyptian Musk scent
Just finished steaming deep conditioner in and now I covered my head with a layer of sunflower oil and put a cap on. Will keep it on til I'm done baking.

I may get another Jar of Red Palm Oil. I'll do an "Oil Soak" with it on Saturday.

Either Red Palm, Neem or Mustard?

My vote's for Red Palm or Neem. Mustard did nothing for my hair...My scalp though:cupidarrow:

@CodeRed @Bibliophile
I used Red Palm Oil today on top of my DC'er.

I thought my hands would 'stain' but it washed right off.

@IDareT'sHair I wonder if the staining was due to hard FL water? My towels & shirts were permanently stained orange. I had to really scrub my hands.
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Did a Pure Red Palm "Oil Soak" for about 3 hours.

Will probably use EVOO on top my DC'er to Steam with

Will use Jakeala's Green Tea Hair Oil (mango madness) on top of my Leave-In

After my Hair Dries probably Claudie's.