2015 Oils,Buttas,Grease,Lotions Pomades,Cremes Challenge

I need to get some more Mahabhringraj oil. People complained about the smell in the reviews, but I actually like it. I'm down to 2 oz. I think I'm gonna mix the rest with castor oil. I've been using it every other day on my scalp since April and plan to continue until my LC in December.
Applied castor/mustard/peppermint mix to scalp. Steamed then applied avocado oil all over and steamed again. Going to apply sunflower oil and cover with a cap for a few hours.
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I need to get some more Mahabhringraj oil. People complained about the smell in the reviews, but I actually like it. I'm down to 2 oz. I think I'm gonna mix the rest with castor oil. I've been using it every other day on my scalp since April and plan to continue until my LC in December.

How do you like this oil? Have you seen any affects yet? I was thinking about purchasing some in the future...
I haven't noticed anything, but that's usual for me. What's it called around here "hair anorexia" or something like that? I don't really notice my growth month to month.

Eta: i haven't noticed a change in shedding either, but im battling post partum shedding so that could be why
This a.m. used: Enso Naturals Wild Honey and Hibiscus Lotion. Will probably use it again this evening or either EN's Blue Malva with Agave Nectar.

I was gone ask you about the smell? :look:

I keep seeing this oil mentioned alot in various post.

I know @Bibliophile uses it and several others.

I may think about getting some. If I can put up with Funk-A Neem, I'm sure I can tolerate this.:barf:

It doesn't stink. It's very perfumey/floral though. I'll edit with the brand i use. I haven't used neem before. mustard oil is the worst smelling oil in the history of fire. My God.


Njoi had a great ayurvedic oil. A really nice mixture. I miss her shop.
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It doesn't stink. It's very perfumey/floral though. I'll edit with the brand i use. I haven't used neem before. mustard oil is the worst smelling oil in the history of fire. My God.


Njoi had a great ayurvedic oil. A really nice mixture. I miss her shop.

@Beany I wanted to try that brand of Mahabringaraj oil.
@IDareT'sHair I use these below. They have a mild earthy (like myrrh, spikenard or valerian) scent.
Pure maka brand (coconut oil based) from Myhenna.us

Baidynath (sessame oil based) from Butters-n-bars.com

At the bolded “Nah son". Unrefined Red Palm oil gets the crown.:king: The strong scent cannot be masked. Neem is tolerable:trophy: because it can be masked. Compared to those two Mustard oil smells like the Garden of Eden.
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Can you post the ingredients? I've been looking but can't seem to find any listed.

I'll edit this post with the ingredients from my bottles tonight.

ETA: @NappyNelle @IDareT'sHair Here are the ingredients as promised. Sorry for the delay.

Formula in each 100 grams
Coconut oil - Cocos Nucifera 50%
Til Oil - Sesame Indicum 50%
Maka - Eclipta Alba 20gms
Brahmi - Centella Asiatica 10gms
Hirda - Terminalia Chebula 1gm
Behada - Terminalia Belerica 1gm
Amla - Emblica Officinalis 1gm
Nagarmotha - Cyperus Rotundus 1gm
Kachora - Curcuma Zadoria 1gm
Bawachi - Psoralea Coryfolia 1gm
Jatamansi - Nardostachys Jatamansi 250 mg
Kapurkachri - Hedychium Spicatum 250 mg
Gulab - Rosa Centifolia 250 mg
Walla - Vetiveria Zizaniodes 250 mg
Permitted Colour - Cos oil green DVR

Each 10ML contains the following in refined Til (Sesame )oil
Kalka Manjista (Rubia Cordifolia), Lodhra (Sympiocus Racemosa), Padamaka (Prunus Cerosoides Rosaceae),
Rakta Chandana (Pterocarpus Santalinus), Bala (Sida Cordifolia), Handra (Curcuma Longa), Daruhandra (Berberis Aristata),
Garika (Cynodon datylon), Naga Kesara (Mesua Ferrea), Kamala Phal (Abelia Chinensis), Ananta Sariva (Hemidesmus Indicus),
Priyangu (Callicarpa Macrophylla) & Yasti (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) each 307.67mg
Kvath: Bhringaraj (eclipta Alba) 10mg, Murchit Tila Taila (Sesamum Indicum/Sesame oil) to 10ml
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LOCB twists with
Oyin Handmade Frank Juice
Tropic Isle Living JBCO Hair Therapy serum
PuraBody Naturals Sapote Hair Lotion
Nubian Heritage Frankincense & Myrrh infused Shea Butter on ends