I was moisturizing two section of my hair today because I am lazy. I noticed that my curls clump well, but in each section I have hairs that are not like the rest. They are.......straight!? How is that possible? How bizarre!
First I looked at the back and I was wondering why there were strangling pieces. I thought maybe it was wig hair stuck somehow. Nope. I pulled it and it hurt! Upon further investigation, these hairs are actually coming out of my head... straight. I mean they I tried running conditioner down the length a bunch of times to see if it would curl up. Nope. Straight with a little loose...something. a big curl that doesn't belong on my head.
That was the back section, so I thought it was an isolated incident. I have a random blonde hair on my arm (right arm near my elbow) that also grows straight and veerrry long. It's weird.
Well, then I moved to a front section because, like I said, I'm lazy. I'm going to just do two a day. While moisturizing it, there they were again. Hairs that do not match. Nope. They are straight. They did make really big curls after I kept trying, but they are just like that. Out of my head. From root to tip 0_o
You thought the roots were at least curly didn't you? So did i. They are not. Straight from the beginning to end.
I am officially a hair alien. You see I thought I've seen this before in life. But I didn't let my hair stay in its natural form. I stretched it with braid outs, so I dismissed it. Now that I've been doing a lazy version is the max moisture thing and seeing more clumping curls, they stand out. Like. ... straight hairs in a big curly poof! (I refuse to call my hair an afro for sone reason. Its not a style. Its my own hair).
Hmph. Chronicles of a hair texturezoid