2015 APL/BSL Challenge

@PlainJane That's sweet of you. :rose:I have plenty of products given to me by my friends. If my sisters were closer, I'm sure we'd be product swapping champs. The idea of donating was fresh on my mind because I coordinated a team building exercise where my work group cooked breakfast and handed out gift bags to the parents who had children in the hospital at FedEx Family House. It was awesome to see the smiles on their faces. They weren't forgotten for Christmas.

@Prettymetty The holidays can be stressful. Hang in there. :bighug:
Current hair length = ~APL

Relaxed/Natura/Texlaxed/Transitioning = Transitioning

Goal Month = December 2015

Current Reggie and styling choices
1. Daily = spritz hair, baggy & massage scalp;

2. 3 Times/Week = moisturize & seal;

3. Biweekly = sponge wash scalp;

4. Monthly = pre-poo, wash, co-wash, DC, reconstruct, ACV rinse, leave in 75% of a moisturizing conditioner, & use LOC method when 80% dry;

5. Monthly = invert for a week; and

6. Monthly = install braids/twists. NOTE: Wigs, buns, & updos are used 1-2 weeks between installs.

What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL/BSL? = I will use braids/twists for all of 2015; drink more water; eat cleaner & exercise.

Post a beginning picture = I will BC on December 14, 2014 and will post a picture then.

Below is my final picture and I am 2.5 inches away from BSL, but I hope to be there by June 2016!

It's okie to me! @beauti unless you feel like you may be very close, I don't see the pull test as a bad idea.

I clipped my ends and put in leave in conditioner. I didn't blow it out, so I'm not going to get a really accurate check, but all my length checks are kind of ackward like this. I have a braid out on one. Ceely french braids in one this August. I may as well keep up the ceely braid checks. I can see a little growth I think since August
I didn't make my lofty goal of APL this year. I didn't have any setbacks to speak of and I was still a couple of inches away...before today. I had a crazy detangling session today and ended up getting a blow dry and trim (about an inch). I decided to flat iron just to see what my hair would look like styled straight. I still feel some snagging ends so I am going to revisit the trim tomorrow and maybe get another inch taken off. I'll post my final pic then.