2014 Christian Random Thoughts -- Don't Lose Hope


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
"You must hold on, so you can do what God wants and receive what he has promised.

For in a very short time, “The One who is coming will come and will not be delayed.

Those who are right with me will live by faith.

But if they turn back with fear, I will not be pleased with them.”

But we are not those who turn back and are lost. We are people who have faith and are saved."

Hebrews 10:36-39 NCV

I'm so thankful to see another year! Last year was a year of resetting. Resetting my mind, body, and spirit. This year, I pray that it will be nothing short of fruitful. I am so ready to be used by God! He has perfectly molded me into His image not only on the outside, but on the inside as well.

Happy New Year everyone!
A leader at my church shared this with me today and I wanted to share this with others :)

Today, God, it is well with my soul.

When you look at your life, career, job or family life, what do you say? Do you praise God? Do you blame the devil? A good attitude towards God makes Him move on your behalf. Just sit down and say, Today, God, it is well with my soul; I am thankful I had a peaceful sleep, I am thankful I am alive with possibilities, I am thankful I have a roof over me, I am thankful I have a job, I am thankful that I have Family and Friends. Above all, I am thankful that I have the Lord Jesus Christ on my side. Be blessed and don't be envious or shocked when others are prospering, because you don't know what they have been through to get there (tests, trials and tribulations), so thank God for what you have.
This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. (Zech 4:6_

In 2013, I became intimate with this scripture and learned what it truly means.

But God.......
"You must hold on, so you can do what God wants and receive what he has promised.

For in a very short time, “The One who is coming will come and will not be delayed.

Those who are right with me will live by faith.

But if they turn back with fear, I will not be pleased with them.”

But we are not those who turn back and are lost. We are people who have faith and are saved."

Hebrews 10:36-39 NCV

Amen...right on time!
wow... Thank you LiftedUp for sharing such timely words...a Spirit of Praise indeed.
I almost did some cartwheels.. :lol:

A leader at my church shared this with me today and I wanted to share this with others :)
Happy New Year to everyone! I had a great year walking with the Lord and will be continuing watching his moves this year!! Be blessed!:yep:
I randomly decided to read the book of Ruth tonight. Definitely re emphasized the importance of humility in a woman and kindness in a man within a relationship.

I'm challenging myself to read some of the shorter books in one sitting and hopefully read a good chunk of the Bible this year. Hopefully I'll stick with it and retain what I learn.
What do you think about this New Year message:

A special Happy New Year to Everyone. As we embark on this new journey, be reminded that during this year of "God's FAVOR for my PERFECTION": 2014 (14: 1+4= 5=Favour| 2014: 2+0+1+4=7=Perfection) that Your set time for FAVOR has come... The LORD will PERFECT that which concern you (Psalm102:13; 138:8). Season Greeting and HAPPY NEW YEARS!

Does it involve numerology etc. I'm feeling conflicted and need some insight.
What do you think about this New Year message:

Does it involve numerology etc. I'm feeling conflicted and need some insight.

LiftedUp... :wave: Hi, thanks for sharing this.

To answer your question, the source will help. Where did this come from? Was there more to the message as well?

Thanks in Advance. :yep:
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Hi, I'm trying to protect my mind this year lol so I figured that the RT thread would be the best place for my questions.

I got it from this church's facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Miracle-Ministries-International/560307497357617

This is his website: http://www.miracleministries.org/index.htm

He is a Caribbean pastor.

eta: I've heard a couple of his sermons and he has never been into Numerology or anything of the sort so this side of him is new to me.

Okay... I'll take some time to read where he's coming from.

I can say this about the number system that was in your original post upwards.

We don't need numbers for God to bless us. We don't need a system or a method.

We don't need the dark practices of LOA (Laws of attraction); we don't need the Universe to release what God has in store for us.

All we need is God. Jesus made it soooooooooooooooooo very easy for all of us.

"If you ask anything in my Name, I will give it to you"

That's all! Really that's all. God even answers our thoughts. He says in His Word:

"Before you even ask, I will answer you"

Jesus even said to guard our hearts and minds simply by talking to God our Father. Jesus gave us the 'Holy Spirit' who is our Comforter and the One ... the True One who leads and guides us into ALL Truth.

What more do we need? Truly what more? When we are in a relationship with the Lord, He is indeed listening and answering our prayers.

We do not need to create vision boards, or repetitive affirmations for God to bless us. These are acts of 'Doubt, Fear and Unbelief', that God is real all by Himself. And we surely do not need to be and actually we have absolutely no business whatsoever joining in with the unbelievers to practice what they practice.... without God for God is not with them.

God says in Psalm 1:

Blessed is the man (woman) who sits not in the counsel of the 'ungodly' nor stands in the way (the actions) of sinners.

The way of sinners is separation from God... out of 'fellowship and relationship with Him who loves and adores us so very much that He will withhold no good thing from us. No good thing. How dare we seek another outside of Him who loves us so. :nono:

I've been here in this forum for a long, long time. Too long to be honest. Yet I have a mission, an assignment.

I watched when that LOA thread first began back in October 2006. In the beginning, it 'appeared' okay and as if it were a good thing. But then God opened my eyes, quick, fast and in a hurry to see that it was not of Him and how He was being used and excluded. God does not work in witchcraft.

Not one objective / goal of those in LOA seek a close or closer relationship with God. It's all about self-gain. And at anytime scriptures were used, it was exactly that, the Bible was being 'used' as a pawn, a doorrmat, not in any form of love for God or reverence of His glory. Folks were seeking the 'universe' as their god, instead.

Those in LOA who say that they have scriptures posted on their vision boards.... Really? :nono: Who are they fooling? God says, that His Word is to be in our hearts...

"Thy Word have I hidden in my heart so that I will not sin against thee"

When God's Word lives in our hearts, we are able to recall and pull it up at any given time.

We do not need a vision board to bring us closer to God.

No good thing .... why would any Christian seek the LOA when God, Himself has made it plain to each of us, that there is no good thing that He will withhold from us.... No good thing.

If you notice, the LOA threads are not as 'active' (as blown up) as they used to be. :nono:

Hmmmmmmmmmmm :scratchch: That's because of prayer. The effectual, fervent prayers of the saints who honor God and cherish the presence of God here on this Forum that the spirits of darkness will never own nor rule.

I've witnessed bizarre occurrences with two former members of this forum. The one who started the LOA here and the one who started the vision board thread. Things that should not have happened yet it did, because they were caught up in darkness. The devil is no one's friend; he will cut and stab you in the back no matter how much glory one may give him.

The point of all of this is simple:

God is our All in All and nothing and no one can give us what He has promised.

In Jesus' Name,
Amen and Amen
The Attitude of Christ

Philippians 2:7 KJV

5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.


5In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

6Who, being in very nature of God,

did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;

7rather, he made himself nothing

by taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

8And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself

by becoming obedient to death—

even death on a cross!
I can't get down with the vision board movement, a close friend of mine is creating one, and I want to tell her not to...I may just cut, paste, and email some information from this thread
Hosea 13:4

4 Yet I am the Lord your God from [the time you became a nation in] the land of Egypt, and you shall know or recognize no God but Me, for there is no Savior besides Me.


Do not dwell in that which you know not.

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The Attitude of Christ

Philippians 2:7 KJV

5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.


5In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

6Who, being in very nature of God,

did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;

7rather, he made himself nothing

by taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

8And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself

by becoming obedient to death—

even death on a cross!

Amen, Amen, and Amen!!!

And He gives grace to the humble James 4:6
A Day of Reflection: Four years ago today marks the earthquake in Haiti. We'll continue to keep the people of Haiti; all those who are aiding in the restoration of this nation; and everyone who is donating their money to help, in prayer. Lots have been done and more needs to be done. God bless you all...



PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Haitians are pausing to remember the tens of thousands of people who died in the catastrophic earthquake that struck four years ago.

The government of President Michel Martelly issued a decree declaring Sunday a day of remembrance and reflection. The Haitian flag is being flown at half-staff, and clubs are to remain closed.

Haiti's radio and television stations have been encouraged to schedule programs and music for the occasion in honor of the victims.

The 7.0-magnitude earthquake struck outside Haiti's capital on Jan. 12, 2010, and thousands of buildings toppled in Port-au-Prince and surrounding cities.

Officials say more than 300,000 died, but no one knows for certain how many people lost their lives.

The quake left 1.5 million people living in tent camps. That number has fallen to 146,000.
I have a question: why is it that there's no mention of hours, minutes or seconds in the Bible? I'm almost through with reading the Old Testament and there's not one mention of that. Absolutely none. They only speak of days and years...is it something the modern world invented which would explain why we're always in such a hurry with every.single.thing?
I have a question: why is it that there's no mention of hours, minutes or seconds in the Bible? I'm almost through with reading the Old Testament and there's not one mention of that. Absolutely none. They only speak of days and years...is it something the modern world invented which would explain why we're always in such a hurry with every.single.thing?

I think there is a lot of mention of hour in the New Testament. The first hour, the 12th hour etc. I never noticed that there was no mention of that in the Old Testament. Interesting.