natural for good
baddison sunnieb Cherry89 divachyk I have my plans to relax on the 24th...I can't wait either only because I'm looking forward to swinging my hair. This stretch has taught me a couple things:
1 - I truly have different textures on my the ng end of shed hairs vary from mainly tight coils to loose waves....very interesting
2 - I now see how people stretch forever or end up transitioning - I had my first every dream last night of going natural and being a flat ironed natural...likely not going to happen but interesting as well.
3 - my hair is not nearly as unmanageable as I thought it was
4 - Once you manage your viewpoint regarding how your newgrowth looks it's much easier to stretch.
Love your observations. I can truly agree with them all. I, too, have been entertaining thoughts/dreams of just leaving this ng alone to grow forever, and going natural. But then I "wake up"....LOL!!

Like you, I have come to realize that managing natural hair - even managing the two textures of relaxed and natural - its not that difficult at all. I do everything in sections. And I am especially careful to treat my hair like pure silk and gentle lace. This means starting to comb and detangle from the ends at the bottom, and then slowly working my way up to the roots of my hair.
I love long stretches because it gives me the best of both worlds. The ability to play in my kinky-curly 4B new growth from time-to-time, and then the ability to enjoy flowing relaxed hair too.
Hmmmm.....I wonder if I can get away with stretching six months at at time, thus reducing my relaxers to only twice a year? Well - we'll see what 2014 holds.