KaramelDiva1978. I'm how ever many weeks are in my siggy. I quit counting lol. I'm holding up pretty well this stretch and don't plan on relaxing until a week before my birthday (march 21). I have tree braids now but they're already slipping so I might need to find new stretch styles but I'm on a personal hide my hair 'til 30 challenge. I did a pull test and I'm grazing bsl in front which means I should be in the back too but my camera was acting up so I didn't take pics. I think my hair journey is going pretty well so far.
12 weeks is a big one for you. Good luck.....I bet that stinky sulfur is helping but I just can't lol.
Oan, I've been working since Halloween at a really good job so if I just get my love life together and lose these 30lbs then life would be grand lol.
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