2012 Relaxed Hair Buddy Thread

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I finally cowashed with HE LTR. I'm airdrying now. I had to bust out my detangler though:


My newgrowth was NOT playin'!
It's hard to find a buddy on here because you got to scroll down a lot to see how much post we are just to find out later on down the post they have a buddy

I am actually excited about co-washing today! I'm going to wait until this evening after I get my daughter out my hair, lock myself in the bathroom, put Kem on shuffle and take my sweet time. I'll make four sections, condition with the relaxer/color brush getting every square inch of my NG. QUESTION: Can I steam like this or should I just DC overnight? Which do you think will have the greatest DC and NG softening benefits? I've only steamed after a wash with DC.

I am so hairstyle challenged and now i'm just tired of looking at it. All I know how to do is do a low bun, phony-pony or braid down the middle but now that my nape is braided vertically, my styling choices have greatly decreased to just phony-ponys or low tired looking bun. Do you have any suggestions?

How about you? What are your weekend hair plans? BTW, what kind of wigs do you wear and where do you buy them. I want a full wig or breads but the later eat my hair up so that's not an option. I need a wig consultant, LOL!
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I finally cowashed with HE LTR. I'm airdrying now. I had to bust out my detangler though:


My newgrowth was NOT playin'!

Do you use this detangler after your leave-in conditioner or before? I am having to pull mine out as well and have been wondering if it's best to put my leave-in on first?.
10 weeks post...I have the front hairline (with a side part) in 2 flat twists a bun and a hair stick....It looks very 'lovely':grin:
I'm hopefully working with the Olympics in the summer so i wont be poor then. Gonna buy mountains of hair toys!

I'm currently roller setting and crossing my fingers about them. It's always hit and miss. Let this be a hit! I have to sleep in them though. Which is FUN!

Do you roller set?
TheNDofUO Haha. Rollersetting and I aren't really friends like that. I seem to lose more hair then when airdrying or wet styling. I do like the results, but I think I've only had good results twice myself.

Hoping this set is a hit for you!

Olympics will be an amazing work opportunity for you!

Should be doing my corrective this week, kinda mad that my previous relaxer didn't take as its bloody hard and expensive to get Mizani Butterblends round here.
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I am around 6-7 mos post...and I dont know what to do. I miss having straight edges so badly. I have been weaved up for most of the time. I had an issue with one side of my hair growing faster than the other...

I really am not sure if I want to relax or transition...HELP!!!
miss_cheveious the roller set was good at first but I think I sabotaged it by over finger combing it. So I wore it in a pony... That I later turned into a bun

My hair must really be healthy now because my curls are really popping... You know, the ones mid-strand in random parts of my head from almost a year of under processing There's a bit that's natural. I think I missed a spot :P
Do you use this detangler after your leave-in conditioner or before? I am having to pull mine out as well and have been wondering if it's best to put my leave-in on first?.

KiWiStyle - I use the detangler after my first two leave-ins (ORS Carrot Oil & NTM). Then I use Rusk Smoother and put on my scarf for airdrying.

I'm feeling very hair lazy, but I've got to do a dc tonight...:sad:

Lilmama1011 - will you be my buddy? I just turned 10 weeks post, so we are pretty much right there together. :yep:
I cracked up at that "natural" bit!!!

Glad your rollerset came out nicely. I'm currently airdrying, planning to flat iron my bangs tomorrow morning to somewhat hide my fuzzy edges.
I just dawned on me that I'm a little over 14 weeks post. 2 more weeks to go! I can do this! I think. LOL
sunnieb I swear I can't get Mane & Tail Detangler to work for the life of me... I loaded up my hair with like 6 different products after my wash last night trying to find the right detangling combo :perplexed The only thing that ended up doing something was the Hawaiian Silky that's been gathering dust in my closet. At least my twist-out today was super blingy and silky looking.. got lots of compliments, I'm just glad I had something to show for all that work smh.

While I love Rusk Smoother, I'm coming to terms with the fact that Rusk Brilliance keave-in does nothing for my wet hair.. in fact I think it tangled it more (though it claims to detangle). I'm gonna try it for setting my hair at night and if that doesn't work I gotta give it away ... it's a big bottle too *sigh*

I'm going back to basics.. after a wash I'm just gonna put coconut oil on my wet hair and use only one detangler/leave-in and some kind of serum/sealant. That's it.
Raspberry - Too bad about the M&T Detangler! If it wasn't for that stuff, I'd relax around 11 weeks post for sure!

If all else fails, I detangle the old-fashioned way: use your fingers to part out a small section, starting from the bottom, slowly work out the tangles with a wide-toothed comb. Repeat for whole head. Takes forever, but sometimes products don't work like they should...:ohwell:

And um where's a pic of this "super blingy, silky-looking twist-out"???? :pics:

Sorry, I didn't get back to you. It was a long weekend and DH was out of town. So it was me and my 4 kiddos-yeah, I'm pooped. How did the CW session turn out. Too funny about locking the door, I have to do that as well.:lol:

I did manage to sneak in a CW session while my baby napped today. I'm already tired of these cornrows after 7 days.:ohwell: What did you decide to do about DC? Did you use the steamer or overnight? I get the steamer treatment at the salon and I love it. Maybe one day I'll purchase one for home use.

I'm style challenged as well. That's why wigs work for me. You can go long, short, curly, straight and change your haircolor anytime you want to. IMO, I would go to a local bss and check out some wigs. Try them on before buying. I do this a lot when I find one I like online, but I need to see it in person to determine if it's a winner. I've lost a lot of money behind wigs. I've purchased 11 wigs within the last 7 or 8 months. I threw one away, gave one away, and sold 6 of them. Now I'm down to three and I'm going to rotate them throughout the spring and summer. I also bought a phony bun as well. I'll probably be buying a phony pony this week as well to switch things up. I may also go back to doing bantu-knot outs and braid-outs. Have you done anyone of these??

btw, I picked up PM Super Skinny serum this weekend. I'll let you know how that goes. :grin:
Ok everyone I need help with a decision....I am 10+ weeks now 11 on friday and was aiming for 14 or 15 BUT I'm recalling previous stretches where I ended up underprocessed because the new growth was a bit much to handle for me when I self relax. SOOOO do I go to say 12 weeks OR push through to 14/15 weeks. I think I want to be on a 12 week schedule until I get closer to my goal of WL which is still a good 6+ inches way. BUT I'm not really having hair issues (excessive shedding or breakage) so should I just push through...clearly I'm confused:perplexed:
Nix08 said:
Ok everyone I need help with a decision....I am 10+ weeks now 11 on friday and was aiming for 14 or 15 BUT I'm recalling previous stretches where I ended up underprocessed because the new growth was a bit much to handle for me when I self relax. SOOOO do I go to say 12 weeks OR push through to 14/15 weeks. I think I want to be on a 12 week schedule until I get closer to my goal of WL which is still a good 6+ inches way. BUT I'm not really having hair issues (excessive shedding or breakage) so should I just push through...clearly I'm confused:perplexed:

If your not experiencing breakage why not continue ?
Lilmama1011 said:
Im nine weeks post plan to relax the Friday coming up

Lilmama1011 I'LLC be nine weeks post tomorrow. I'm stretching to 12 weeks if I can hold the shedding at bay.

Nix08 how long is your new growth. I can't touchup more than an inch of new growth without experiencing underprocessing.
Lilmama1011 and mamaore thanks for responding...this is my exact concern @mamore, the last time I went about 14 week I ended up under processed and then had to relax at about 8 or 9 weeks to fix it all. Not pulling on my hair...there is maybe 3/4 of an inch. Maybe I'm similar to you and can't self relax too much (I don't do the half and half). Having said that maybe I'll aim for 12/13 (and stick with that).
Nix08 glad you are staying with it a little longer.

I really don't like my hair at this stage. But once I hit 12 weeks post, I love it again. :ohwell:

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sunnieb what happens at 12 weeks that makes you like it again? My main problem is that I don't like big hair on me...if I could like it I'd be better off. I'm not having hair issues just the look:ohwell:

I've decided to relax the weekend of 14/15/16 of April.
@Raspberry - Too bad about the M&T Detangler! If it wasn't for that stuff, I'd relax around 11 weeks post for sure!

If all else fails, I detangle the old-fashioned way: use your fingers to part out a small section, starting from the bottom, slowly work out the tangles with a wide-toothed comb. Repeat for whole head. Takes forever, but sometimes products don't work like they should...:ohwell:

And um where's a pic of this "super blingy, silky-looking twist-out"???? :pics:
sunnieb :giggle: I have no excuse.. I just didn't take any pics, I need to get my photo act together.

Im' realizing I need to cowash more after 8 weeks post for more slip. For whatever reason I have a hard time letting go of the shampoo.
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