2012 Relaxed Hair Buddy Thread

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yaay now i gots me two buddies,my advertisement worked!lol,whens the next time youre planning on relaxing?

OMG my bday is in october tooo we were made for each other:reddancer::reddancer: lollol by my birthday i want to be heading towards Mbl i think 7 months is enough time for you to be SL:yep:. *sigh* yeah self relaxing seems so scary ive looked up a ton of information on it and i feel like i have all the knowledge but im just afraid of messing up and regretting it :ohwell:
im trying to do no heat for at least 2months too,if i do use heat it will only be to straighten my roots when i do rollersets.im also getting trims as needed (about every 3-4 months) because im one of those ppl where if i dont trim my ends they end up looking tore up. is hendigo the same thing as henna?

At the bolded - that is awesome we have the same birth month!

Yeah I hope to at least be touching shoulder length. I have another trim set for next month to remove the remaining ssks I still have. I don't mind though as my hair is already very short now, so it doesn't bother me much.

I will definitely be keeping on top of my trims moving forward. I will not let myself get to this ugly place in my hair journey again. I realize that I also have to get regular tiny trims. On eis next month and I'll plan the next one around my next texlaxer in July:yep:.

You know what, I just might buy myself a hair scissor to do my own search and destroys instead of having to have a major trim too often. Now there's an idea!

Let me tell you, if you are not feeling comfortable about rleaxing your own hair, that is okay, you shouldn't have to. Don't mind us who have taken risks and did it ourselves. Everything is not for everyone and you shouldn't have to feel pressured to do them in any kind of discomfort.

When I did mine, yes it was very scary, but it really did get easier with time. But being texlaxed made it easy for me since I was not relaxing my hair straight anyway. I mix my relaxer up with oils and conditioner to lessen it's effect so I don't feel so scared anymore.

Wait until you are truly ready. Honestly though, if I had all the hair on my head as you do, I would never relax my hair myself either, especially for my first time at relaxing it:nono:.
My goal is to stretch until April 24 which would be 19 weeks post texlax. Who wants to be my buddy? :wave:

Whoa I missed your post @Lynnerie. I see you are texlaxed too and you stretch just about the length of time that I do (normally 16 weeks and aspiring to go a little longer with time).

If you haven't yet found a buddy, I will glady join with you and niqu92. I won't be needing another texlax until July though as I just texlaxed yesterday.
Aggie, Thanks for being my buddy! How are you wearing your hair? Right now I'm in a sew-in that probably needs to come out and then I plan on bunning it and getting another sew-in May 1.
@Aggie, Thanks for being my buddy! How are you wearing your hair? Right now I'm in a sew-in that probably needs to come out and then I plan on bunning it and getting another sew-in May 1.

:wave: Lynnerie. Thanks for becoming my hair buddy too. I am currently trying to wear it rollerset because it had some ssks from wearing it out. I got a trim but unfortunately some of those sneaky things managed to hide well. So I have another small trim scheduled for next month to hopefully take them all out.

I would prefer to get my hair braided with extensions but I may give the sew-in another try. Problem with that is, my scalp itches something fierce.

My preferred PS is wearing wigs. Once I can get my hair properly cornrowed down nice and flat, I can wear a wig over it for at least 3 weeks at a time.

But for now, I have some ssks to destroy. I was really thinking about getting that Chi Enviro Smoothing System single kit and trying it on myself but it involves so much heat - I donno, maybe I shouldn't fool with that:nono:!
@Nix08 - how did your pin curl set turn out?

@Lissa0821 - did you do your protein treatment? I'm jealous that you can rollerset! I haven't made the time to do a full head rollerset. I cheat with ponytail rollersets though! :drunk:

I think I've found that I need to clarify weekly instead of bi-weekly at this stage of my stretch. It's like giving my hair a "clean slate" every week before I load it up with daily moisturizers and cowashes. :yep:

Last night I clarified, shampooed with Nexxus Therrappe, and dc'd with Motions CPR (light protein). My hair feels so soft and my newgrowth is deliciously manageable! :lick:

I'm going to cowash tonight with HE LTR since I won't be able to cowash tomorrow.
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sunnieb it came out nice but I realize that I can get similar results with 2 bantu knots and less effort..
Whenever I wear my hair out dd, 1year old, pulls out several strands using it as an anchor point:nono:
Further I get into this stretch, I realize that I need to get more heavy handed and deliberate with my products.
@sunnieb it came out nice but I realize that I can get similar results with 2 bantu knots and less effort..
Whenever I wear my hair out dd, 1year old, pulls out several strands using it as an anchor point:nono:
Further I get into this stretch, I realize that I need to get more heavy handed and deliberate with my products.

Exactamundo!!!! That's why I've decided to go with weekly clarifying before my dc's.
Aggie Is the Chi Enviro Smoothing System single kit kinda like a Keratin treatment? I bought the one from Sally's called Ion. I think it was a waste of money. I used it when I was still natural and it didn't give me the results I was seeking thats why I just decided to texlax. I struggled with the knots and split-ends so I've had to trim alot so I know how you feel.

I think I will try the protective styling with a wig after the sew-in. I get the itchies too but after I oil my scalp its not a problem. I just really miss my hair when I'm in them.
shortdub78 How u doin' buddy? My hair is alright. I did a dry rollerset last night so that I could have some curls this morning. I put my hair in a ponytail today...it looks nice with the curls. Can't wait for it to grow so that I can have a long ponytail!
shortdub78 How u doin' buddy? My hair is alright. I did a dry rollerset last night so that I could have some curls this morning. I put my hair in a ponytail today...it looks nice with the curls. Can't wait for it to grow so that I can have a long ponytail!


still in a bun. i need to wash my hair it's been a week, but i am so scared of the water in my house. i need to purchase a shower filter. i was hoping to get one this weekend.
xu93texas, YAY!!! I am soo excited!! I was really planning to relax at 14wks on (4/5) but now with this hair buddy thing, I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN make it to 16wks. I just started shampooing & DC once a week to eliminate manipulation breakage but now i'm thinking of revisiting my mid-week co-washes. Last week I started washing my hair in four sections and I had fewer tangles so i'll co-wash tomorrow with moisturizing conditioners and see if the results are the same or better. I'm currently in a phony-pony with a twist across the front/middle and my nape is breaded (nursing it back to health from damage due to regular vs. Mild relaxer usage and application). Oh BTW, i'm SL, 4a(i think) with fine hair. Unfortunately it's not dense so not only is my hair thin but it looks this way too :-(. I think I just got my porosity in check, it's now staying moisturized longer and doesn't air dry as quickly. I only use heat after a relaxer and trims, which is usually every 12 weeks. I start to really get paranoid if I don't get trims by this time...I read that fine hair ladies should really get trims often, is there any truth to this? Anyhow, i'll be checking in often as well so TTYL.
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@xu93texas, YAY!!! I am soo excited!! I was really planning to relax at 14wks on (4/5) but now with this hair buddy thing, I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN make it to 16wks. I just started shampooing & DC once a week to eliminate manipulation breakage but now i'm thinking of revisiting my mid-week co-washes. Last week I started washing my hair in four sections and I had fewer tangles so i'll co-wash tomorrow with moisturizing conditioners and see if the results are the same or better. I'm currently in a phony-pony with a twist across the front/middle and my nape is breaded (nursing it back to health from damage due to regular vs. Mild relaxer usage and application). Oh BTW, i'm SL, 4a(i think) with fine hair. Unfortunately it's not dense so not only is my hair thin but it looks this way too :-(. I think I just got my porosity in check, it's now staying moisturized longer and doesn't air dry as quickly. I only use heat after a relaxer and trims, which is usually every 12 weeks. I start to really get paranoid if I don't get trims by this time...I read that fine hair ladies should really get trims often, is there any truth to this? Anyhow, i'll be checking in often as well so TTYL.

Funny, I was going to initially relax on 4/6, but I decided to stretch longer. Last year in 2011, I relaxed 13 weeks. This year, I'm aiming to relax three times a year, averaging 17-18 wk stretches.

I agree with the bolded above. You're going to like co-washing. It keeps the ng manageable. I started CW twice a week in addition to the weekly shampoo. This helped a lot. I'm wearing cornrows now, so I think I'll be CW exclusively 2-3 times/week and cleaning my scalp weekly with TW Moisture Clenz. I'll moisturize and seal daily and apply growth aid every night. I'll wear these for 2-3 weeks and shampoo/protein/DC/ACV rinse after taking them down and getting them redone. I think this is going to help me stretch and get the growth that I need to get to SL this summer.

I also have fine hair. My stylist clips my ends every 2-3 months. I do think it's important to keep that up. My hair looks and feels so much better afterwards.

I think this buddy thing is so cool. Kudos to OP for starting. This will be fun! TTYL :grin:
@Aggie Is the Chi Enviro Smoothing System single kit kinda like a Keratin treatment? I bought the one from Sally's called Ion. I think it was a waste of money. I used it when I was still natural and it didn't give me the results I was seeking thats why I just decided to texlax. I struggled with the knots and split-ends so I've had to trim alot so I know how you feel.

I think I will try the protective styling with a wig after the sew-in. I get the itchies too but after I oil my scalp its not a problem. I just really miss my hair when I'm in them.

It's a straightening sysytem that is not supposed to alter the texture of your hair. From what I've heard and reviews I've read, your hair reverts back as soon as you wash it with any sulfate shampoo.

I believe you have to use the complete set (shampoo, conditioner, and serum) to have lasting results. It's supposed to last anywhere from 2-4 months.

Yeah I'm texlaxed too and my texlax is a little straighter than the last 3 I've done. I gave myself a corrective this time to straighten the ends out a little more. It's still curly though.

Yeah, I don't know if I can do the wig thing again:nono:. It was just too much of a hassle to wash my hair, play in it and misturize it. I will stick to my wigs - they are so much easier to deal with.

Have you ever thought about using the weaves that have the combs attached? I believe they are removable daily too but the way I see people put them in is also a :nono: for me.

I watched it on youtube and they literally teased the hair a bit then hook the tiny combs through. I have the combs but if I decide to attach them to my weaves, I will have my hair finely and not so tightly cornrowed and hook the combs in the cornrow instead.

This way I can choose to wear them perhaps for a week at a time and alternate them with my wigs. I really like a lot of variety with my wigs - short, long, medium, curly, afro, straight, colored, I like them all. Check out my fotki album, you'll see and I don't even have them all in there:lol:.
Since I'm not cowashing tonight (my only real night off from cowashing each week as I do my nails on wednesdays:look:) I'm thinking I'll do some bantu knots and wear my hair in a ball cap tomorrow...it looks so cute with the curly hair hanging down from the cap:yep: Maybe I'll start with a half up half down style then progress to the hat mid day:giggle:
@Nix08 - ball caps tend to bring out the cuteness of almost any style. I love my caps!

Last night was a rare no-cowashing night for me. I moisturized and put in two bantu knots.

Here are the results:

My newgrowth is gettin thick!

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I hope your hair turns out great! Don't want to lose you as a buddy so soon.:grin: What conditioner will you be using? Do you air dry? My hair really has responded to co-washing. I will CW tonight or tomorrow. Let me know how it turns out tomorrow. :grin:

So I just just CW'd and am currently air drying in a low ponytail. Here is today's regimen:
- CW w/Suave Professionals Humectant Moisture conditione.r
- Aphogee Keratin & Green Tea Reconstructor (to strengthen my strands).
- Darcy's Botanicals Daily leave-in conditioner.
- Chi Silk Infusion for slippage.

I usually have great slippage with the Darcy's Botanicals conditioner but I think the reconstructor was my problem today. I won't add that to my next CW. I don't know if it's paranoia or i'm actually losing a lot of hair. My baby fine strands are just tangling like crazy. It took forever to detangle, I even had to cut 2 very small knots, I lost a few strands because of the cut but nothing to really cry about. I used the Aphogee green tea reconstructor before I used my leave-in and for some reason the slip wasn't all that great. I think the reconstructor caused the lack of slippage. I'm not ready to give up just yet, I really, really want to make it to 16 weeks. Also, I was being lazy and didn't part my hair in four sections prior to cw, I just couldn't get myself to part through all this NG. Do you spray your NG with anything to help you stretch? What is your hair type?
TheNDofUO hey, I do a whole lot of buns, textured ones are my fave as I just have to pin my hair as opposed to tuck so it looks bigger, and updos inspired by youtubers. I will be washing or cowashing tonight as I just played dodgeball. What sort of style do you do at this stage?
miss_cheveious oops I spelt your name wrong earlier. I'm 2 and a half inches away from APL. Don't worry I know how long APL is to attain. It feels so close but... It's felt close for a while.

I'm bunning most of the time. Pretty much out of laziness. I love wet sets of any kind though and will do them if I feel I have time to spare.
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