2012 Relaxed Hair Buddy Thread

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yaaaaaayy:grin: aaww sheesh i wish i lived in the bahamas too lol its perfectly fine if youre texlaxed i used to be texlaxed about 2yrs ago.what length are you&when do you plan on getting your next relaxer? ooh and also are you a self texlaxer?i wanna start self relaxing but im too much of a punk to do it lol
my longest layer is grazing bsl but i want to be at least full bsl by august maybe we can reach our future goals together lol

This is awesome:yep:. I am neck length....again nad only trying to get to BSL long-term. I am trying to reach full shoulder length by my birthday in October this year as a newly texlaxed head. I just had another BC in January this year but not planning on another one moving forward - just small trims here and there as needed.

I do self-texlaxed with mild lye relaxer mixed with conditioner and sunflower oil so I don't have to rush the process too much. Altogether today, I took about 14-15 minutes from start to finish. That was fairly quick I know, but I really didn't want straight hair.

My normal texlaxer stretch is around 14-16 weeks. I relax whenever my hair is giving me static which is around this time. Today I was only 15 weeks post which is still fine for me.

I blow dried my hair on low and did a light flat iron too. I probably won't be using any heat again for a looooong while - possibly 2-3 months.

Self relaxing is scary at first, but it gets easier with time and practice. If you are not comfortable doing them yet, then don't! Wait until you have all the facts about relaxers and relaxing, products, including protective base for your scalp and for your previously relaxed hair strands, poo, mid-relaxer treatment, moisture conditioner, thermal protector, etc... Every detail is important.

Now I have to give myself a hendigo so I will probably do that one next week. I do it for color and conditioning but mostly for natural chemical-free coloring. Love the shiny and healthy results of them:yep:.
@xu93texas - I'm trying to stretch until April 28 or 29th. That'll put me at 15 weeks post.

How you doin?

You can chat with me too:wave: I have a wedding to go to on the 28th of April...I'm contemplating relaxing on the 27...because my stretch is going so well (so far:look:) I'm not sure if I'm asking for trouble doing that though...although really what's the big deal:ohwell: Any opinions???
@xu93texas - I'm trying to stretch until April 28 or 29th. That'll put me at 15 weeks post.

How you doin?

sunnieb and Nix08, thanks ladies!! I'd love to hang out with you guys while on this stretch. Things are going OK thus far. My hair is holding up well. I will be doing a protein treatment and following up with Alter Ego and ACV rinse tomorrow before getting cornrows to wear under my new wig.

Nix08, I'm sure your hair will hold up fine stretching to the end of April. What kind of style are you planning to wear to the wedding?
Counting down to being 9 weeks post tomorrow!

Doing the cowash last night really gave my hair a positive boost. I used HE LTR. I'm attaching pics of how I will wear my hair most days. This style lets me show off my hard earned length, and keeps my ever-thickening newgrowth happy because I don't comb it.

Here's how I looked today:

sunnieb, your hair is gorgeous in those pics you posted. :grin:
xu93texas I'm not sure but it's going to be down!! I may flat iron (I was planning to but I'm already lazy to:nono:) My dress has my entire back out so I want to feel my hair on my back:look: Plus I'm guaranteed that there won't be any material for it to rub up against:lol:
nazjha Yeah!! i have a hair buddy, now how does this work? :look: do we pm each other on what we'll be doing or do we just post in this thread everything we're doing to our hair.

I believe we post in this thread what were doing to our hair. To be honest I'm not doing nothing with my hair. I have it braided under a 3/4ths detachable wig. I have been slacking on the moisturizing and sealing though. U??
Hi ladies, I have a question. I'm converting back to a relaxer this week. Saturday I wash and deep conditioned my hair. Can I relax my hair today?

i want to wash/dc/air dry and bun my hair, but it starts to get rough after week 4-5. if i can to this, i will be able to protective style with minimum effort. i was able to air dry with no roughness and frizz using Argan Oil on damp hair. i am also going to try to detangle my hair before i wash. i am going to use an applicator bottle to shampoo with, just to i can focus on my scalp. i am going to dilute my shampoo with distilled water. i am going to try to hold out until friday to wash my hair. i am going to purchase a shower filter. the water here is wrecking havoc on my hair.

shortdub78 That sounds good. I usually go to salon to get a rollerset though. I can't rollerset to save my life. I do an air dry now and then but I mostly rollerset.
Hi ladies, I have a question. I'm converting back to a relaxer this week. Saturday I wash and deep conditioned my hair. Can I relax my hair today?

My scalp is very sensitive and there is no way I could do it. I' always wash/protein treatment/DC at least 4 days before relaxer, otherwise my scalp would be on fire.

How did you used to do it in the past? If you did it before, then it probably would be OK. :grin:
This looks like a lot of fun and encouragement!!
I'm in and need a hair buddy... xu93texas looks like my closest buddy, can we hang out.

I'm currently 11w 5d today and plan to relax at 14wks but would love to go to 16wks if I can keep my tangles at bay.
TheNDofUO I'll be your buddy!
I'm also a London chica. Self relaxed two weeks ago which was an utter waste of time as I don't think it processed my hair at all. I tend to stretch 14-16 weeks but will be doing a corrective next week. Let me know if your in.

Yay! Hey! I'm the QUEEN of accidental underprocessing. I eventually gave up and let my mum relax it and of course she did it perfectly. But but now I have some texlaxed bits lower on my strands. So very annoying. Are you going to the salon to do your corrective?
I flat ironed last night to trim and my roots puffed right back up before I could finish. I'm glad I flat iron then run my split-ender over after each piece. Otherwise, I would've been mad a hell. My hair is ok despite the damage I caused detangling this weekend and my botched trim job last month. Once I curled it you couldn't tell one side was long.
:yep: that's right! 7.5" to APL. My game plan is to get another trim next month to remove all of the ssks that were left behind. I saw some this morning as I was removing my rollers. They seem easier to spot while my hair is straight. My hair is already short, so I don't feel bad about having to take this needed action now.

I'm making an effort to NOT flat iron it again until my ends are totally healthy and free of ssks and splits. Rollersetting with large rollers will be the way to get it straightened now and prepared for the trim next month (April 12th).

I don't think I will be wearing it curly at all until the trim. I intend to rollerset with every wash for now. Now after the trim, I will still rollerset it first to get it to stretch a bit, then keep it braided down under wigs. This will keep the ssks at bay for a while.

Doing this once a week is going to be quite a chore:dazed:, but I need to do everything I can to save my ends. My poor babies, they need my attention like they've never needed it before. This is a critical stage for them and I don't feel it will get easier until I reach APL and beyond. I need to stick to my guns and just do it!

I give myself 1 year to see some good progress. I should at least be full shoulder length even with all these trims:yep:.

Next texlaxer is not scheduled again until July, 2012, maybe June if my hair acts up before that.
TheNDofUO :nono: I just have to humbly return to my mum. She's done most of my previous relaxers but is a stick for leaving me with bone-laxed hair. Thankfully we've come to an agreement!

That is the one thing that scared me about texlaxing, the mutiple different textures.
yes you can be my buddy and @Aggie too!

yaay now i gots me two buddies,my advertisement worked!lol,whens the next time youre planning on relaxing?

This is awesome:yep:. I am neck length....again nad only trying to get to BSL long-term. I am trying to reach full shoulder length by my birthday in October this year as a newly texlaxed head. I just had another BC in January this year but not planning on another one moving forward - just small trims here and there as needed.

I do self-texlaxed with mild lye relaxer mixed with conditioner and sunflower oil so I don't have to rush the process too much. Altogether today, I took about 14-15 minutes from start to finish. That was fairly quick I know, but I really didn't want straight hair.

My normal texlaxer stretch is around 14-16 weeks. I relax whenever my hair is giving me static which is around this time. Today I was only 15 weeks post which is still fine for me.

I blow dried my hair on low and did a light flat iron too. I probably won't be using any heat again for a looooong while - possibly 2-3 months.

Self relaxing is scary at first, but it gets easier with time and practice. If you are not comfortable doing them yet, then don't! Wait until you have all the facts about relaxers and relaxing, products, including protective base for your scalp and for your previously relaxed hair strands, poo, mid-relaxer treatment, moisture conditioner, thermal protector, etc... Every detail is important.

Now I have to give myself a hendigo so I will probably do that one next week. I do it for color and conditioning but mostly for natural chemical-free coloring. Love the shiny and healthy results of them:yep:.

OMG my bday is in october tooo we were made for eachother:reddancer::reddancer: lollol by my birthday i want to be heading towards Mbl i think 7 months is enough time for you to be SL:yep:. *sigh* yeah self relaxing seems so scary ive looked up a ton of information on it and i feel like i have all the knowledge but im just afraid of messing up and regretting it :ohwell:
im trying to do no heat for at least 2months too,if i do use heat it will only be to straighten my roots when i do rollersets.im also getting trims as needed (about every 3-4 months) because im one of those ppl where if i dont trim my ends they end up looking tore up. is hendigo the same thing as henna?
@TheNDofUO :nono: I just have to humbly return to my mum. She's done most of my previous relaxers but is a stick for leaving me with bone-laxed hair. Thankfully we've come to an agreement!

That is the one thing that scared me about texlaxing, the mutiple different textures.

it's quite a pain. the texlaxed bits tangle when left to their own devices so I have so at least air dry in a bun. I've got a failed braid-out at the moment. Rocking a puff like a natural sista. I was supposed to do pin up hair styles but I'm too lazy to rollerset. :ohwell:

How about your styles?
This looks like a lot of fun and encouragement!!
I'm in and need a hair buddy... xu93texas looks like my closest buddy, can we hang out.

I'm currently 11w 5d today and plan to relax at 14wks but would love to go to 16wks if I can keep my tangles at bay.

Hey buddy!! I'd love to hang out with you. I just got my hair braided into cornrows to wear under my wigs and I'm ready to SSTTTRREETTCCHHHHHHH!!:lol:
My goal is to stretch until April 24 which would be 19 weeks post texlax. Who wants to be my buddy? :wave:

Do you want to be buddies with me?? I'm buddies with KiWiStyle and I'm also chatting with Nix08 and sunnieb. I plan on relaxing on 4/27 and everyone else is doing so around the same time. :wave:
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