2012 Relaxed Hair Buddy Thread

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My hair appointment went very well. I think I retained most if not all my length!! It's styled in loose curls so I can't say for sure but I can safely say I grew at least 2 inches!! my nape hair is growing very nicely so overall I'm happy. I will post pics in the relaxer reveal thread sometime this weekend after it goes flat. When will you do your first post relaxer wash?

I can be your buddy. I'm relaxing tomorrow morning and plan to stretch until the 2nd or 3rd week in July. I'm also buddies with @xu93texas, she's relaxing tomorrow as well. So how about it?

@KiWiStyle Yea we can be buddies! :grin: :dance7:

So tomorrow morning I get relaxed and I'm sitting in bed feeling like a kid on Christmas Eve! I have never been this excited for a hair appointment. I put in a lot of time and effort and now I'm ready to see the fruits of my labors. Hopefully I can get to sleep soon soon. Anyone else feel like this the day before relaxer?? Or is it just me?

Yaaaasss.. I can't wait until my appt tomorrow afternoon, I'd love to see noticeable length increase, not to mention some air on my scalp lol. How did your hair turn out?? ETA: Just saw your update above, can't wait to see pics :)
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That's great!! I hope everything goes just as you hope tomorrow. If you see my post just above yours , my appointment went very well and i'm impressed with my retention! It was a bit dry so I came home and applied a tad bit of QB AOHC and grapeseed oil to my length, and my oh my! My hair is noticeably thicker and heavier and obviously longer. I said i'd probably not attempt another 15wk stretch but this is some serious motivation. I can't wait to hear about xu93texas, (my 1st buddy) results! I think she's getting her relaxer right now.
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I'm exactly 17 wks post today and my NG is a BEAST so I think i'm gonna relax tomorrow.

Nix08, sunnieb Can u ladies give me some advice on whether it's ok to relaxed tomorrow after cowashing on tuesday. I haven't combed my hair since wash day and was wondering if it's safe to do so.
@TeeSGee - you should be fine. I actually cowash the night before relaxing to loosen my newgrowth. I've never had a problem.

ETA: The main thing I consider is never relaxing wet or damp hair. As long as my hair is bone dry, it's good.

I would also recommend you lightly detangle your hair prior to relaxing to get rid of any shed hair you have accumulated.
I cowash a day or two before my relaxer with no issues. I also don't base my scalp (I self relax). I do use aloe vera gel on my scalp in the DC immediately following the neutralizing shampoo...just in case. I truly think you'll be fine:yep: Unless you were really scratching your scalp, like with your nails:look:
I cowash a day or two before my relaxer with no issues. I also don't base my scalp (I self relax). I do use aloe vera gel on my scalp in the DC immediately following the neutralizing shampoo...just in case. I truly think you'll be fine:yep: Unless you were really scratching your scalp, like with your nails:look:

Me either....:look:
@TeeSGee - you should be fine. I actually cowash the night before relaxing to loosen my newgrowth. I've never had a problem.

ETA: The main thing I consider is never relaxing wet or damp hair. As long as my hair is bone dry, it's good.

I would also recommend you lightly detangle your hair prior to relaxing to get rid of any shed hair you have accumulated.

I cowash a day or two before my relaxer with no issues. I also don't base my scalp (I self relax). I do use aloe vera gel on my scalp in the DC immediately following the neutralizing shampoo...just in case. I truly think you'll be fine:yep: Unless you were really scratching your scalp, like with your nails:look:

Nix08 sunnieb Thanks for responding. I haven't until just now feel the need to scratch my hair :blush:, but i'm resisting the urge. I moisturized my NG yesterday, but i only finger comb so,I'll make sure to comb my NG a bit tonight before bed. :bighug:
I'm here, girl! My hair looks great. I'm really loving this new relaxer my stylist is using. I think it's called Influance (sp). This is the third application with this relaxer and my hair loves it. I did take pics and I'll post in the relaxer reveal thread tomorrow. However, I'm not happy with the way she styled my hair. My stylist lacks creativity with my hair for some reason. She always styles it the same way each and every time. :ohwell:

I'm glad your hair appt. went well. That's great that you retained about 2 inches. I think I only got 1.5 inches. I thought I would've had more, but I'm grateful for what I did retain. Let me know how the pincurls come out tomorrow. When are you washing your hair? I'll be washing Sunday night and doing a rollerset.

@Raspberry, Hi!:grin: I would like to buddy up with you as well. I hope your relaxer turns out well. How long do you normally stretch?
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niqu92 and Lynnerie, where are you, my relaxer buddies? I need a little help. I am cutting my hair tomorrow to about 2 inches and texlaxing a little straighter than I was before in about 2.5 weeks to do a corrective at 6 weeks post. My hair is a big knotted mess on the ends.

I am literally starting all over again for the second time this year and I pray this is the last time too. Now I don't remember when you girls will be relaxing again and I wanted you to please let me know to see if I can line my next relaxer stretch up with yours. TIA

Aggie I'm sorry to hear you are starting over. Have you cut yet? Can you just cut the knots off instead of chopping 2 inches? I just relaxed April 2nd and that was about 16 week stretch. I'm not stretching that long anymore If I can make it 12 weeks I'll be relaxing June 25.

I had to do a corrective the second time i texlaxed. Instead of leaving it on 5 minutes I did 7 minutes. Once my newgrowth had the relaxer on for 5 minutes I just smoothed relaxer on the previously relaxed parts for 2 minutes. My advice is to test an inconspicuous part of your hair first just incase it doesnt come out how you like, it will be hidden. Also, being relaxer buddies is cool but if you need to go and relax your hair then please do so. I wanted to stretch 20 weeks but my hair will be a matted tangled mess and any progress I would hair I would probably lose trying to detangle. Let me know how things work out.

How many weeks post are you right now?

1 week and 5 days
How long are you stretching?
Did 20 weeks last time and the retention was great but i think i'll make it 14 weeks this time
Any other info?
my hair is rarely out, it's always up. I PS with wigs and phony ponys
15 weeks post right now... Won't relax until 22 weeks :-/ seems to being going good except when I sweat a lot at the gym my hair wants to curl up immediately. I can't wait to see my length after I relax :yep: hopefully I've retained a lot in 6 months.
xu93texas, Raspberry,

2 down 1 to go!! I,ve never heard of Influance relaxer but I'm glad it's working for you. I sometimes wonder if there are perfectly wonderful hair products out there that would do wonders for my hair but we tend to purchase what works for most around here. I never heard of Nairobi either before I met my stylist. She uses Nairobi Pamper Mild on me and I LOVE IT!!! I can get my hair bone straight and not worry about burns or over processing. This stretch has convinced me that stretching at 14-16 weeks is key to gaining thickness, I'm amazed!!

I'll let you guys know how my pin curls turn out. Depending on how my pincurls turn out, I could wash anytime between Sunday and Monday but right now I think I'm too cute, lol. I applied QB AOHC and grapeseed oil so my hair feels fine, I'm trying to curb my urge to bun my hair, it's become a habit:-).
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I relaxed last night .. Im drying in a bun today and will flat iron tonight and post pics.
I feel so much better :)

1 day Post :D
10 weeks and 2 days post. Trying to stretch to 12 weeks. Its wash day tomorrow, so I'll evaluate whether I need to TU soon. It all depends on how manageable my newgrowth is.
My new growth on 3/4 of my head is not tangled, I can easily part through it. However, the length of my hair is tangle city and it gets terrible as I stretch. Whats up with that?
KiWiStyle, Raspberry,
Funny, I woke up this morning and brushed all my hair back and decided to put my hair in a bun. I may even wash tomorrow b/c I've been scratching my scalp since waking up this morning.

I've seen Nairobi products in the bss. I used to use the Nairobi Foam Wrap and I really liked it. As for as the Influance brand, I want to say the owner used to work for Dudley's and ventured out on his own and started his own company.

I think stretching a relaxer is a good thing. It was kind of rough the last 2 weeks. I definitely was antsy once I got to 13 wks post. But, I'm glad we hung in there to 15 wks. My next stretch will probably be around the same length. I have a goal to move over to the APL challenge around the end of July, specifically a goal date of 7/28/12 I cut my hair last year on 7/28 down to an EL bob after giving birth to my son. I have a goal of growing my hair from EL to full SL (back only, not bangs) on or before that day.

Are you close to reaching APL? How many more inches do you need?
Raspberry, where are you on your hair journey?? What is your hair goal length for 2012?
xu93texas, Raspberry,

I'm smiling ear to ear, LOOK AT YOUR RETENTION!!! Great Job!! Girl those last two weeks were torture but soo worth it in the Long run. I'm planning to stretch at least 14 weeks because of my wedding Anniversary but I might get washed and flat ironed and continue on for 16 weeks (August 2nd).

My hair isn't straight so I can't really say for sure how far I am to APL. From the looks of things, I'm getting really close but I won't claim it until I'm full APL, so I'm still looking at my last relaxer of the year. My new length check t-shirt should come in the mail today and I can't wait to wash and wet wrap to see my length, I don't own a flat iron but I'm working on it for length check use ONLY. I'll probably pincurl afterwards and then back in a bun. BTW, my overnight pincurls set came out ok but I need more practice on rolling in the right direction. I decided to take acvantage of my curls and did a half/half style with the front up and soft curls in the back.
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Ms. Tiki at 1 week post it's a good idea to do a good protein treatment:yep: I just did mine and my hair feels AMAZING:yep:. I used agave syrup in my dc...oooh chile:lick:
Hello! I recently permed this past Tuesday and am planning on relaxing around 15 weeks post. Is there anyone out there that can be my buddy? :)

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Relaxed my hair today with no problems thus far. Im currently DC'ing with heat for 30 mins then i'll maybe rollerset or blow dry and flat iron(haven't done that in a long time) I with had no irritation but my hair didn't come out bone straight but im ok with that.
TeeSGee - Congrats on a successful relaxer!! :)

I just ordered my Design Essentials Sensitive Scalp relaxer kit! Can't wait to feel/see my scalp again! :woohoo:
@KiWiStyle Just got back from the salon... I'm tired but happy with my results, I see noticeable growth too :). I'll take some pics by the end of the weekend.

@xu93texas congrats your growth, looks great!

With this relaxer I consider myself full APL.. my length goal is MBL for 2012 - I think its possible. My relaxed hair has never been this long before so I'm happy with it growing in general..

ETA: The longest I've stretched is 11 weeks. I want to stretch to 12 on a regular basis but who knows, maybe I'll get comfortable enough to try 14-16 weeks.. I'm aiming low for now lol.
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@TeeSGee - Congrats on a successful relaxer!! :)

I just ordered my Design Essentials Sensitive Scalp relaxer kit! Can't wait to feel/see my scalp again! :woohoo:
@ Sunnieb, thank u for everything.. I still have DC on my hair right now..:look: got a bit tired. i started the whole process around 1pm and it's 6pm my time.. Neutralizing took the longest cuz i wanted to make sure i got all the relaxer out.:yep: I did half method and i'm thrilled with the outcome.

I used Hawiian Silky No base Regular and yes my scalp feels so good right now.
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