2012 Relaxed Hair Buddy Thread

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I use Aphogee 2-step and usually every 6 weeks but it's been at least 8-10 since my last one. I also rotate AOGPB, Aphogee 2 minute reconstuct and Joico K-Pak Reconstruct but it's been a while since I used the last two. In preparation for 'THE DAY" I'm going to prepoo with a moisture conditioner and oils, clarify with Giovanni Tea Tree Triple Treat Invigorating Shampoo (this stuff makes my scalp feel AMAZING!!), then steam with Kenra MC mixed with Grapeseed oil, Apricot oil and EVOO and air dry in my usual low ponytail. At this point I "plan" to leave my hair/scalp alone until relaxer day if I can hold out...CW is very addicting. What do you use to protect your strands? I think might use my Hollywood Beauty castor oil, it's a petroleum/mineral oil based product. My stylist usually base my scalp pretty well so no worries there.
I usually do my last wash 4-5 days prior to relaxing. My scalp is sensitive, so I don't touch it at all after that. I have to remember to stop using my growth aid oils that contain sulfur a week prior to relaxing. I plan on doing a rollerset so I won't touch my hair before my TU. The night before, I base my scalp, edges, and nape with that Summit pre-relaxer base. I usually coat my strands with a cheap conditioner and coconut oil. :grin:
Im so trying to fight, but Im so tired of fighting, lol!

I am 7 weeks post and I want to slap it on man!

Nope! I had to get in on 4/12. I just finished playing text tagging with my stylist a few hours ago. So, I'll be relaxing at 14 wks, 6 days. :grin:

Yeah, I gave my stylist a choice from 4/11-13 since this was my 2nd time rescheduling and wouldn't you know it, she gave me the latest date, lol. Oh well, at least it's first thing in the morning.
claudzie Are you relaxing next weekend? What are your plan for your final week? I'm doing a HOT tomorrow with a CO wash and DC. Then Wed I'm going to DC with Megatek for some extra protein. I just did a 2 step 2-3 weeks ago so it's too early to do another.

oh yes completely forgot :blush:. That means i need to take out my braids and do an intense protein treatment, i'm thinking ors hair mayo mixed with egg and a little keracare humecto followed by some ao white carmelia moisturizing conditioner. Im yet to figure it out with my last minute self. Are u itching to relax yet? do you have a lot on new growth?
claudzie I've been ready to relax since 11 weeks post. My new growth is out of control. I put a pic on my blog at 11 but I will put up a pre and post texlax pic. If my head wasn't itching I would relax today. I want to see my length
Hello niqu92 and Aggie

How everything going with your hair? I ended my stretch on 4/2. 16 weeks post. I discovered that unless I plan on transitioning I cannot stretch that long. Because I was coming out of my sew-in I had shed hair for DAYS and detangling was a nightmare. My hair looked a hot mess so I wore a wash n go- bad idea. I need to keep my hair straight if I'm stretching. I plan to go 12 weeks this time.

I'm wearing my hair straight and in a bun in the meantime. Any updates with you ladies?
Ok, all y'all gettin' on my nerves! :lol:

Me and my newgrowth are friends, but now reading this thread makes me want to relax! I, even dreamed about relaxing last night! I was running my fingers through my hair and could actually feel my scalp. :)

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You're lucky Sunnib - Me and my newgrowth are NOT friends, she is being very mean to me right now :(

Ok, all y'all gettin' on my nerves! :lol:

Me and my newgrowth are friends, but now reading this thread makes me want to relax! I, even dreamed about relaxing last night! I was running my fingers through my hair and could actually feel my scalp. :)

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Sunnib - Im only 7 weeks right now, which has me thinking maybe my last relaxer didnt take that well because I have sooooo much new growth!

I will be relaxing most likely next week..

Nix08 - you are SO not helping me keep going with this stretch!

KhandiB - when are you relaxing? Sounds like you are past being ready.

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So I'm sitting here in my hotel room and all I'm thinking of is how badly I want to go home and wash and apply my protein treatment. I did notice a little breakage small pieces before arriving here at the water park. Well, I didn't intend to get my hair wet in this uncontrolled environment but I flipped over while trying to get in my boat in the lazy river, lol! I HAD NO CAP ON!! NO SHAMPOO! The only shampoo in sight is the hotel shampoo and I dare not use that with out my equipment to properly detangle. Now I have to wait until tomorrow night to wash This chlorine out. I did run water over it while it was in a ponytail holder to prevent tangles and knots. I then applied my vatika frosting. Now I'm noticing small and longer broken strands...please lord, let it just be paranoia. Do you think I'll be fine until tomorrow night? HELP!!

Ok, I'm laughing at you! Aint't no way I could leave my house w/out my arsenal of products, especially going in or near water!:grin: :lol:

All jokes aside, I think you should be OK. Just make sure you clarify when you get home. Please don't stress out about how many hairs you see. My hair has been doing the same thing lately. It seems like when I touch it, I see two or three strands. Don't worry, one more week to go!:grin:
I co-washed last night and my NG has relaxed a lot! Im not generally a co-washer, but this changed my mind, I may be able to stretch longer now based on how my hair looks today :)
I co-washed last night and my NG has relaxed a lot! Im not generally a co-washer, but this changed my mind, I may be able to stretch longer now based on how my hair looks today :)

I know what you mean...my hair feels perfect today:yep: BUT I'm still relaxing on thursday night:look:
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