2012 Relaxed Hair Buddy Thread

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How are my team 5 weeks doing? I am thinking about a doing a corrective next week. I went 17 weeks last time and put a tablespoon of Castor Oil in my relaxer hoping to slow the process down to deal with all my new growth :ohwell:

I slowed the process down alright. I was very underprocessed. My five weeks of new growth look like eight today!
divachyk - Yes I had to let it go, my ends were not looking good. About to do a Protien and DC right now and try to decide what PS Im gonna do, tired of braidouts, lol!

KhandiB, your hair looks great but I am with you on the need to cut about 2 inches. I will likely cut an inch at a time because I'm chicken.
Confession which I rarely do publicly these days ---

I've had the worst hair issues as of late. I have seen more breakage than I care to admit. My hemline is uneven and see through on the right side. My current breakage is old issues joining forces with stretching to create the perfect storm. I stretched to 16 weeks before without any success whatsoever. Life and schedule forced me to stretch to 15 weeks this time but I refuse to do this again. My hair doesn't fair well beyond 12 or 13 weeks. My hair was doing great up until that point. Weeks 14 and 15 have been quite disappointing.

The old issues -- my hemline took a beating last year from a tangling episode that forced me to chop some matted locks. I'm now starting to see how badly my hemline suffered.

Team 12 weeks at @Nix08 and @Ms. Tiki!
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All of the relaxed buddies are here to support you divachyk:yep: You know what caused this so you're hair will be back in no time. Just so you know, you're hair is still fabulous as far as I'm concerned:grin:
@divachyk Welcome to Team 12 weeks. I had a similar issue with tangling not too long ago and my hair is lopsided. Well that and I had an incident of S & D gone wrong. I'm going to even it out bit by bit.
Thanks @Nix08. You are such a great bestie! @Ms. Tiki, do you self-trim? I want to so badly but just can't muster up the confidence. ETA: I have the split ender but I need an actual trim / cut not a simple dusting. The split ender can't handle the issue I'm working with.
Confession which I rarely do publicly these days ---

I've had the worst hair issues as of late. I have seen more breakage than I care to admit. My hemline is uneven and see through on the right side. My current breakage is old issues joining forces with stretching to create the perfect storm. I stretched to 16 weeks before without any success whatsoever. Life and schedule forced me to stretch to 15 weeks this time but I refuse to do this again. My hair doesn't fair well beyond 12 or 13 weeks. My hair was doing great up until that point. Weeks 14 and 15 have been quite disappointing.

The old issues -- my hemline took a beating last year from a tangling episode that forced me to chop some matted locks. I'm now starting to see how badly my hemline suffered.

Team 12 weeks at @Nix08 and @Ms. Tiki!

@divachyk Girl i understand what ur going through and have been ashamed to publicly admit to it myself, my nape area broke off i think it was due to really tight Flexi-rod sets, not sure if that's the culprit, i've had to cut my hair from MBL to BSL recently which hurts, but i'm on a mission to make sure my hemline is back to near perfection and that i have beautiful MBL hair.. so far i've seen great progress, my nape is now CBL while the rest of my hair is BSL so it looks thin when its down.

So we'll get pass this.. u have alot of knowledge and like @Nix08 said ur hair is still fab.
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divachyk I have a split ender also but I do minor trims myself. When I hit WL I'm going to the salon and make sure my hemline is all evened out with layers throughout
Thank you TeeSGee -- we will get past this. Your hair fab!!! My longer side is grazing well beyond MBL but I'm not quite WL. My shorter side is BSL in some places and MBL in others.
How many weeks post are you right now?
I am currently zero weeks post relaxer. I relaxed my hair yesterday.

How long are you stretching?
I'll relax again in 3-6 months. I'm not really sure.

Any other info?

Nope, except that I'm going to work on air-drying more and deep conditioning like crazy. Oh, and I almost transitioned, but randomly changed my mind yesterday and relaxed :spinning:. I love how my hair came out. I was texlaxed for a looooong time, like over 2 years, and that caused me crazy breakage, so I'm back to bone-straight :grin:.
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Solitude - I need to work on air drying too.
and in all other aspects, I've been slipplin lately!
Hope to get back on track!
Good Luck on 3-6 months!!

How many weeks post are you right now?
I am currently zero weeks post relaxer. I relaxed my hair yesterday.

How long are you stretching?
I'll relax again in 3-6 months. I'm not really sure.

Any other info?

Nope, except that I'm going to work on air-drying more and deep conditioning like crazy. Oh, and I almost transitioned, but randomly changed my mind yesterday and relaxed :spinning:. I love how my hair came out. I was texlaxed for a looooong time, like over 2 years, and that caused me crazy breakage, so I'm back to bone-straight :grin:.
Well, I've come to a decision:look: I'm relaxing next weekend @ 12 weeks. You see what happened was.....I'm just craving a fresh relaxer:look: I have issues I know but what the hey....I'm woman and its my perogative to change my mind (a million time):lachen:

I just realized that we are both relaxing next weekend.
claudzie Are you relaxing next weekend? What are your plan for your final week? I'm doing a HOT tomorrow with a CO wash and DC. Then Wed I'm going to DC with Megatek for some extra protein. I just did a 2 step 2-3 weeks ago so it's too early to do another.
I just realized that we are both relaxing next weekend.

@Ms. Tiki :yay: Let the itching begin:rolleyes:

ETA: Proteins used since friday: keratin, milk, glyco, SAA and soybean. Today I plan to use almond and collagen protein. I'll limit my oil rinses to the length of my hair and do my final cowash tuesday. Relax on thursday:grin:
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sunnieb & Nix08 yal are my buddies too!

April 6, 2012 will make me 9 weeks post

How many weeks post are you right now? 8 weeks

How long are you stretching? 20 weeks until June 22, 2012 that is the end of my GHE challenge, that I am so excited for!!!!!!

I am not having any issues beside the new growth being out of control lol

Any other info? So stoked.
DivaJones - hey buddy! How is your hair doing this morning?

Nix08 - congrats on your 12 week stretch! I know what you mean about craving that fresh relaxer. There's just something about it.

divachyk - sorry your hair is being difficult. How is everything? You okay?

Ms. Tiki - :lol: now that song is in my head!

Not sure why I don't burn with relaxers, I never have. That's why I love them! :yep:

My 11 weeks post hair is doing great! I'll definitely have to airdry in stretched ponytails until I relax, but I love my thick newgrowth!

I haven't bought my relaxer yet. Still planning to relax on April 28 or 29 @ 15 weeks.

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Ok hair buddy, how did your CW do this weekend? I am getting the itchies to relax...i'll be 14 weeks on Wednesday, my original date. On the side note, my silk headbands came in the mail today so now I can feel comfortable about having a headband on all the time without causing damage. We're leaving in the morning for the water park and i'm soo not wanting to get in the water and having to deal with my hair. I need to be in a controlled environment with "ALL" my equipment. Thankfully it's really just a short day trip...leave on Tuesday morning and return sometime on Wednesday. Real talk, if you're thinking of caving in...I just might be right there with you...whatcha think?

My CW came out really good. I bought a new leave in and new condition from Ulta on Friday night, so I can't wait to try those out tomorrow when I CW. Ok, so do you need a "kick in the rear" now? :lol: Just kidding. I'm actually ready to relax as well. My last visit to my stylist was on 3/02 and I'm so ready to get a "real do" ,KWIM? My grays are popping and it's time to get my black rinse. I know when I get in that chair she gonna be like "It's time to get a relaxer". Yeah, I think I've changed my mind about stretching beyond 13-14 weeks. When are you thinking about relaxing?? This week or next week?? I'll be 14 wks on Friday and I'm down. I originally planned on relaxing on 4/6 before the evolution of this thread. Anyhoo, let me know b/c it's Easter weekend and ya know these stylists are going to be busy. :grin:

Let's do it!! We can be losers together, LOl!! My stylist is going to think..."I wish this chick will make up her mind". Oh well, I can relax anytime next week, I have to be sure to get my hard protein in at least 5 days prior to relaxer. So if I do my treatment on Thursday (4/5), I can safely relax on or after 4/10. I'll be 15 weeks on 4/11 and you on 4/14, right? So how about it Chica?

I do a weekly protein treatment with Aphogee 2 min or Joico K-Pak. I use Joico before a relaxer and about 4 days after a relaxer. I had a hard protein treatment (Dudley's DRC 28) done at the salon on 3/2 and I usually do that every 8 weeks. I should be good. What do you use for your hard protein treatment?
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