Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Was enjoying some Joseph Prince yesterday and this stuck with me....
Meditating on the Word is like a cow chewing fresh grass.. the cow has one big stomach with four compartments. Each time he takes his time to chew, extracting all the nutrients. He then swallows, it goes down into the first part of the stomach; he regurtitates it, chews on it, then swallows and it goes into the next compartment and so on.
Momma always taught me to chew my food well..take my time and chew, lest I choke or don't get the benefit of emulsifying the fat...
What Scripture have you been meditating on of late? Keep chewing on it...let it sink it...chew on it. The spiritual food you regurgitate day by day is packed with Rhema nutrient that will benefit only you. This is for someone today. God bless~
Meditating on the Word is like a cow chewing fresh grass.. the cow has one big stomach with four compartments. Each time he takes his time to chew, extracting all the nutrients. He then swallows, it goes down into the first part of the stomach; he regurtitates it, chews on it, then swallows and it goes into the next compartment and so on.
Momma always taught me to chew my food well..take my time and chew, lest I choke or don't get the benefit of emulsifying the fat...
What Scripture have you been meditating on of late? Keep chewing on it...let it sink it...chew on it. The spiritual food you regurgitate day by day is packed with Rhema nutrient that will benefit only you. This is for someone today. God bless~