2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Was enjoying some Joseph Prince yesterday and this stuck with me....

Meditating on the Word is like a cow chewing fresh grass.. the cow has one big stomach with four compartments. Each time he takes his time to chew, extracting all the nutrients. He then swallows, it goes down into the first part of the stomach; he regurtitates it, chews on it, then swallows and it goes into the next compartment and so on.

Momma always taught me to chew my food well..take my time and chew, lest I choke or don't get the benefit of emulsifying the fat... :lol:

What Scripture have you been meditating on of late? Keep chewing on it...let it sink it...chew on it. The spiritual food you regurgitate day by day is packed with Rhema nutrient that will benefit only you. This is for someone today. God bless~
Little girl get cho life! Oh and keep living. LOL You couldn't teach me a damn thang but how to do some hair. You like stirring pots of mess and you admitted it this morning in another thread. I gave you the benefit of the doubt til I saw how you kept starting spin off after controversy after controversy in other threads. I advised them to check out your posting history so they can see for themselves that YOU know exactly what you are doing. None of ya'll are mind readers. I will be all in the CF for now on. So let em roll.

Starting a heated discussion is NOT starting mess. We can't have adult conversations on adult forums? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
This verse (amongst others) gives me peace ...

Philippians 4
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Some battles are for you to fight. Some battles are for the Lord to fight.

But both battles bring glory to only one - the Lord.

And the battles which you win are not won of your own strength but of the Lord's strength within you.
Was enjoying some Joseph Prince yesterday and this stuck with me....

Medita:ting on the Word is like a cow chewing fresh grass.. the cow has one big stomach with four compartments. Each time he takes his time to chew, extracting all the nutrients. He then swallows, it goes down into the first part of the stomach; he regurtitates it, chews on it, then swallows and it goes into the next compartment and so on.

Momma always taught me to chew my food well..take my time and chew, lest I choke or don't get the benefit of emulsifying the fat... :lol:

What Scripture have you been meditating on of late? Keep chewing on it...let it sink it...chew on it. The spiritual food you regurgitate day by day is packed with Rhema nutrient that will benefit only you. This is for someone today. God bless~

Psalm 89:10

Keeper of the Gate... :love3:
This little light of mine I'm going to let it shine let it shine let shine let shine..

Jesus I am your child you made me you knew when I would be created and why. I thank you for being merciful yet checking me as needed. I'm noticing that as I'm going through this rebuilding stage there a sense of peace and real conviction on many matters. I'm thankful for a job. May not be what I desired it's a blessing because God put me here for a reason. God give me wisdom and discernment on what the mission is and to be excellent. God be the glory.
I know this is basic and simple but oh well. God thank you for being able to go in my closet and get a roll of paper towel and soap..it may seem simple but see I know a time when my family would have to share a roll or a bar of soap until pay day. Lord thank you.
I know this is basic and simple but oh well. God thank you for being able to go in my closet and get a roll of paper towel and soap..it may seem simple but see I know a time when my family would have to share a roll or a bar of soap until pay day. Lord thank you.

I love God's Surprises! Thanking him for two bottles of antiperspirant attached to the back of the Dove body wash, that I didn't notice during checkout, but after I was home and putting my groceries away. And these weren't samples, they were full sized.

It may seem little but it was two less items that I had to place on my shopping list, especially for when I pack to travel home. I am just blessed over finding these 'little treasures'. When I pack to go away, I want everything fresh and unopened, new toiletries, toothpaste, and new underwear ... :blush: I know, it's one of my OCD's. :lol: .
Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkeness and the anxities of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap. For it will come upon all those who live on the face of the earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that will happen, and that you will be able to stand before the Son of Man.

I found this verse a few months ago. It reminds me to keep eternal things in mind. I want to stay focused on what God has called me to do. Theres a harvest of souls out there.

We have to obey God, those who obey will see him. God does not lie. I woke up with a vision of a man nailed to a cross. Tides are changing. This is real and his words are true. We dont know when he comes. May be years from, maybe now. But he is coming. But I have to see that I am able to stand before God about my actions and responsibilities. We spend so much time judging others. Reading into threads and self righteoudly defending ourselves when really all are guilty! So agree with your adversary, Satan quickly before he takes you to the bank. I am asking God to help me close my mouth and pray. There is nothing wrong with speaking up for righteousness. This is.a forum and we all paid our.6.50 and should discuss whatever we want. But why log onto a christian forum and heap judgement on yourself. Genesis 16 says He is the God that sees me. I appreciate women like Health& Hair28 and AliciaLynn. They speak life and truth. We have to stay focused.

We have to realize that our battles are not with flesh and blood, these are spiritual! Homosexuality, Adultery, Fornication, Pride, Couvetousness, etc are spirits! Homosexuality. We have to plead for people. Theres nothing wrong with discussing topics, but I hope there are more pleading for souls going on behind the scenes.

We have to keep petitioning for the lost. We have to stay near the cross. We recognize that our own righteousness is as filthy rags. We judge ourselves according to the word, how are we looking? Please forgive me for standing on a soap box this morning but I am seeing God do somethings I have never seen before and magnifying himself more than before. He is Not distant, we are distant. Lets draw closer to the cross. God is speaking but people are Not listening or have Not sought intimacy with him. And there are some who truly are and He sees it.

God is everything he says He is. Not one word is false and he is holding us accountable to his commandments. And so we are without excuse. Please do Not mistake this post for my own righteousness, I am Not trying to elevate myself.

Too many of us are serving God with religion but our hearts are far from him. I keep hearing him say the hour has come for those who will worship him in spirit and truth, the Father is seeking such. He is seeking such. This is Not about laws and checking off boxes, but why will we call him Lord unless we intend to obey him.

His words and standards are clear. Either we will stand up for God or we will defend men. This isnt about democracy, the Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereoff! If we deny him before men, he will deny us before God. We must becareful because the bible speaks of partaking in the sins of men.

We need to pray for those who are leaders. The Bible says the Kings heart is tin the hands of the Lord. He said should.we humble ourselves and pray and seek his face, he will heal the land. We pray for who he wants to lead.

I am posting this at the risk of sounding self righteouss that, is not my intent.
Please forgive me for this post if tit offends or if the tone is off. We all paid our 6.50 and can and should discuss whatever we like. I am enjoying fellowshipping with you ladies, but we should keep in mind that he is the God who sees and he does care about what happens in this forum. Please dont take it as me trying to tell anyone what to do, what I think is Not impt but what God sees and that does matter.

Me and my best friend went witnessing on Friday at the bus stop by her house. We started out nervous but we prayed beforehand. We spoke to several people, three of which were not saved. We are beginnners (though we've been in church and saved for forever!) but I thank God for using us. We're going to try to do this every week at different locations.

Its time out for us CHristians to be focused on doing church work instead of the work of the ministry. We need to wins souls for Christ! Yes our lives should be a witness but our MOUTH also! The harvest is RIPE but the LABOURERS are few...a church full of useless lazy workers? Thats what I was but Im determined to advance the kingdom of God on this earth!!!

Let the church say "Amen"

I pray that I am able to minister to more people...ideas and approaches/experiences would definately be appreciated.

This sounds like a nice challenge, right here sis :yep:

I've been wanting to do this more again
Most Gracious Heavenly Father, I thank you so much for allowing me to come across all of those intriguingly titled threads in OT today. It truly reminded me of the state of the world we live in today and the responsibility I have to always be able to give a reason for the faith that I have. Help us as your children to always be mindful of that responsibility and the seriousness of the warfare we're in with the enemy and his minions Father, so that we do not become complacent. Additionally I thank you that those threads somehow led me here.
Some sow seeds, others water, and God gives the increase. But who tills the soil? People's hearts have to be prepared to receive the Word.

As I understand it, the soil is thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, worldviews, past experiences...all those things that make people open or closed to the truth. Through lies and the evil of this world, people's hearts are hardened to the truth.

We know that things will become increasingly worse, deception will abound, such that even the elect might be deceived if it were possible. There's a correlation between deception, societal evil, and diminishing faith in the land. We know that these things will come to pass, but still, in the meantime we work to restrain evil so that the Gospel can continue to go forth and be a fruitful as possible for as long as possible.
My God is awesome, He can move mountains
Keep me in the valley, hide me from the rain
My God is awesome, heals me when I’m broken
Strength where I’ve been weakened, forever He will reign

My God is awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome
My God is awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome

My God is awesome, Savior of the whole world
Giver of salvation, by His stripes I am healed
My God is awesome, today I am forgiven
His grace is why I’m living, praise His holy name

He’s mighty, He’s mighty, He’s mighty, He’s mighty, Awesome, awesome
He’s Holy…
He’s Great…
He’s mighty…
He’s holy…

My God is awesome, He can move mountains
Keep me in the valley, hide me from the rain
My God is awesome, heals me when I’m broken
Strength where I’ve been weakened, praise His holy name


Charles Jenkins, Fellowship Chicago
I forgive you. I don't like you, as a whole, but I forgive you. And I realize you can't help it. That's why I rise to the higher point. I know better and you do not.
Okay so she was 'just' a dog, but not to me she was much much more than that, I get that you dont understand ...I'm beyond sad, but I know it will past...

If dogs go to heaven then Pebbles should definitely be there...
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:bighug: I'm so sorry about Pebbles Iwanthealthyhair67.

Iwanthealthyhair67 said:
Okay so she was 'just' a dog, but not to me she was much much more than that, I get that you dont understand ...I'm beyond sad, but I know it will past...

If dogs go to heaven then Pebbles should definitely be there...

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People mocked Jesus, I could really care less about them mocking me. Sometimes you just have to mediate on Proverbs 18:2 a fool takes no pleasure in understanding but only expressing his opinion.

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*sings while walking in thread Jesus loves the little children all the children of the world, yellow,black and white they are precious in his sight Jesus loves the little children of the world.*

As I'm reflecting right now I think God you say I must believe in you and that all things are possible. I am to stand firm when things are going all astray in this world. I know you words says I should come before you with child like faith. Now this isn't to be misconstrued with childlike behavior see child like faith is very pure and very faithfilled. As we age we become so clouded and become so distracted. But when we think of a child if you ask a baby when your going to get that toy you wanted they will say my momma said she is going to get it for me. I don't know when but she said she would. That baby faith in her momma is unshakable. Even that baby who waits on the porch all day long for their daddy who will never come but they seat waiting and focused that my daddy is going to come. They said they would. Now one must translate that to God. My daddy said he would supply all my needs I don't know how or when but he said he would. Now this daddy I'm speaking of is God. So my daddy said he won't forsake the righteous and my daddy said that I'm the head and not the tail and above and not beneath,and if my daddy is before me why should I be afraid because my daddy said so.

Ok I'm done I felt a bit happy right now in my spirit and wanted to share.
It is good to depend upon the L-rd and not yourselves. It is good to see the world through His eyes and not yours. Let's thank Him that He shows this to us each and every day and pray that we heed His gentle direction.
I'm sorry to hear about Pebbles :Rose:


Okay so she was 'just' a dog, but not to me she was much much more than that, I get that you dont understand ...I'm beyond sad, but I know it will past...

If dogs go to heaven then Pebbles should definitely be there...
Lord I just want to say thank you again for yesterday, even though I feel such a lost I could still see your hand in operation and I just want to thank you again for that.

You made it possible so that she would be discovered within hours of her death it rained but the weather seemed to have cooperated with me and she was buried so loving and carefully by my Uncle who made all the preparations so quickly and you provided me with a Boss who loves dogs and gave me the rest of the day off (even though I didn't take it, I just couldn't be home).

That meant so much to me Thank you! Thank you!