2012 Ayurvedic Challenge

@Nyssa How was the shampoo? I saw it in my local market but it has sulfate and I was afraid to try it. Do the other ingredients balance it out and make it moisturing?
@Nyssa How was the shampoo? I saw it in my local market but it has sulfate and I was afraid to try it. Do the other ingredients balance it out and make it moisturing?

That was a concern for me at first, but I tried it anyway. I'm glad I did, because it was very moisturizing to my hair.
I went to my local Indian store the other day and they had a very small section :sad:. I was only able to pick up amla and neem powders. I ordered the rest from butters-n-bars and ayurnatural beauty. I made my own version of vatika frosting but I tweak it a bit. I used coconut oil, vatika oil, and aloe vera gel. I also bought a box of fenugreek seed tea bags cuz I figure that's one less thing I will have to make :lol:. I am planning on using the fenugreek seed tea as my base for my paste. I learned that from reading older threads. Thanks @ Aggie :grin:.
I would like to join but I don't have my gameplan down yet. I know I'm going to add Vatika, Amla & Bhingraj oils to my routine. I will do daily oiling with the Vatika & Bhingraj & prepoos with the Amla.

I want to incorporate the powders but I'm going to have to buy a cheap coffee machine or something. I keep my hair in plaits & I hate the grit that is left behind when I make a paste.

I've read a lot of good things about hibiscus & that is on my list definitely.

I'm a 4a/b natural, hiding my hair 100% of the time & looking for increased moisture/growth. Any suggestions?
okkkk so i decided to try this.....I am having major shedding and i dooo mean major a whole hand full of hair, WHOLE HAND....
I henna with Napur on the 18th then I deep cond on the 27th and 31st by putting brahmi and amla in condtioner and letting it sit for about 30 minutes under dryer and 1 hour after....i then rinsed once added alter ego garlic con sit for overnight, rinsed and spritz rose water, aloevera, and hawaiian silk 10 n 1. then sealed with coconut oil was out of castor oul.......i have been wearing a wig all week. i decided to comb my hair today inorder to oil my scalp....but WHOOOOAAA im having MAJOR SHeddding......IS Napur safe for relaxed hair???????? What did i do wrong? did i do it to close to henna???
ohhhh i forgot to mention that i used the whole box of amla and half of brami mixed in boiling water, then I added the paste to about 20 ounces of deep conditioner and it filled the 32oz bottle up....what i didnt use i placed it in the refrigerator,,, is this safe???
tajaun Nupur is safe for relaxed hair.:yep: As for your shedding issue, please understand that the average person loses 50-100 strands a day so if you haven't combed your hair in 5-7 days, you may see up to 700 strands during your detangling/combing session. However if you're seeing excessive shedding daily, you can try taking garlic capsules daily.

Hope this helps!

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ohhhh i forgot to mention that i used the whole box of amla and half of brami mixed in boiling water, then I added the paste to about 20 ounces of deep conditioner and it filled the 32oz bottle up....what i didnt use i placed it in the refrigerator,,, is this safe???

It's safe. You can freeze your mix as well. In the future, I would suggest not adding water if you're going to mix powders with conditioner if you're making a large batch. Adding water to the mix may cause it to become "soupy" or runny. When I add my powders to my condishes, I usually make just enough for one treatment.

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So my Chagrin Valley ayurvedic shampoo bar came today :grin:! I am planning on trying the poo bar this week then the following week I will try a paste. Do any of u ladies still use or still like Afroveda products? Do u have any preference of products that compliments ur ayurvedic reggie? Any naturals out there that are incorporating ayurvedics into ur reggie? If so, what are u using to moisturize and seal ur hair after using ayurvedics items? Has any naturals experience loosening of ur curl pattern? I read on an older post that ayurvedics can loosen ur curl pattern. Is that really true? Can anybody out there please answer a few of my questions? Thx :grin:
I'm natural, with an Ayurvedic reggie. I can't say it's loosened my curl pattern, but then again it was pretty loose to begin with. I don't use Afroveda, I prefer to use the pure powders. I mix them according to what I need, so I always get what I'm looking for. So far, it's working out great!
HHG, ladies!
I will be stalking this thread as well. Ayurveda is a big part of my regi.
Don't want to join too many challenges and forget to participate :(

I as well. Ayurveda is part of my regi as well. I will be stalking instead of joining for the same reason. Good luck everyone.
I'm natural, with an Ayurvedic reggie. I can't say it's loosened my curl pattern, but then again it was pretty loose to begin with. I don't use Afroveda, I prefer to use the pure powders. I mix them according to what I need, so I always get what I'm looking for. So far, it's working out great!
Thx for answering my questions :grin:. What do u use to moisturize and seal after using the powders? Do u apply a leave-in, a type of butter, a gel, or a combo of these items to moisturize, seal & style?
So my Chagrin Valley ayurvedic shampoo bar came today :grin:! I am planning on trying the poo bar this week then the following week I will try a paste. Do any of u ladies still use or still like Afroveda products? Do u have any preference of products that compliments ur ayurvedic reggie? Any naturals out there that are incorporating ayurvedics into ur reggie? If so, what are u using to moisturize and seal ur hair after using ayurvedics items? Has any naturals experience loosening of ur curl pattern? I read on an older post that ayurvedics can loosen ur curl pattern. Is that really true? Can anybody out there please answer a few of my questions? Thx :grin:

tashboog I'm natural. I've never used Afroveda and don't have any intentions on trying it. I mostly use Ayurvedic oils, powders, and Henna. I usually moisturizer with Hairtrition leave in conditioner and seal with Coconut oil and Castor oils. I'll probably start using Vatika oil again as well. I'm an over the road truck driver so I try to keep my regimen simple. I mainly add my powders (Brahmi, Amla, Maka, Shikaikai) to my conditioners and DCs and either cowash or DC with it.

I've never heard of any powders loosing curl patterns other than henna. Amla can be used to tighten your curls though. Good luck!

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I'm a little late but I'm definitely in once I restock on my powders. I used to be all about my paste's and Henna last year, but got lazy.
So my Chagrin Valley ayurvedic shampoo bar came today :grin:! I am planning on trying the poo bar this week then the following week I will try a paste. Do any of u ladies still use or still like Afroveda products? Do u have any preference of products that compliments ur ayurvedic reggie? Any naturals out there that are incorporating ayurvedics into ur reggie? If so, what are u using to moisturize and seal ur hair after using ayurvedics items? Has any naturals experience loosening of ur curl pattern? I read on an older post that ayurvedics can loosen ur curl pattern. Is that really true? Can anybody out there please answer a few of my questions? Thx :grin:

I've been using henna on and off for over a year now. I also branched out into using other herbs. I moisturize and seal with leave-ins such as Shea Moisture, Oyin and some rinse out conditioners. Sealing oils usually consist of castor oil and a ceramide oil blended with other oils.

I never used Afroveda products and don't have a desire to for unrelated reasons.

Though some people experience curl loosening with henna, I haven't and the other herbs typically don't loosen curls anyway.
Update: So today I tried the Chagrin Valley ayurvedic poo bar today. I can honestly say that I do like this poo bar a lot :yep:. I did prepoo overnite and then washed with this poo bar. My hair felt soft as I rinsed and it didn't leave a film or coating on my hair. My other ayurvedic products are all finally here :grin:. I made a moisturizing spritz using water, AVG, hibiscus flower, & marshmallow root. Next week, I will experiment with some type of conditioning paste. I also got the organic amla oil from butters-n-bars and it's sesame oil based and it has a very pleasant smell & other goodies in it like castor oil, organic olive oil, rosemary oil, bergamot, & grapefruit oil.
I will be ordering more powders soon. Last night I did a alma and bhringaraj mask, I mixed CD Lisa Eilxir oil, coconut milk, and bottled water into the powders and left this on for 3 hrs and then cowashed out with Tresseme condish. I love the way this made my curls pop. :-)