I am going to commit to 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no new products for 2 months. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here is my starting point picture:


Pressed + Trimmed off 1inch -1.5 inches

It looks uneven because I started pressing the right side, then went to go fix my closet, then went back to pressing the other side. So the right side reverted compare to the left side. :spinning:

ETA: :blush: So sorry didn't realize it would come out so big, if anyone knows how to resize, pls let me know.
I am going to commit to 3 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be tae bo 10 times in 2 weeks. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here is my starting point picture:


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I am going to commit to 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no LHFC, BBM, &TWITTER FOR 2 WEEKS. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

ETA: I'll post my pics sometime this week. Happy Holidays!
I am going to commit to __2__ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no pizza for a month. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!
I fell off this year so I am going to commit to this in 2011, plus I want my hair long by my wedding.

I am going to commit to __3__ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be ______No shopping for 90 days after violation_________. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!
I am going to commit to __4__ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be _______no shopping for 2 months________. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Nov 10
my hair was in micro braids at 4.5 inches
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I am going to commit to all 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no facebook/social life for 2 weeks. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Will certainly be documenting my progress over at my blog Afroniquely You

Starting Photo:

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I am going to commit to 3_sessions
of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence
for violating Bootcamp Rules will be
No sweets for 2 weeks_. I am excited to see
the hair progress I will make by
participating in this challenge!!
Here is my starting point
picture: is my avatar.
I am going to commit to 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be No new products for two months. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Starting pics
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Ok, I think I joined this on the other Bootcamp thread but I hadn't read the rules yet so now that I have I'm *really* joining:lachen:

I am going to commit to 1(maybe 2) sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no new itunes music for a week (that's a really long time for me). I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!
I am going to commit to __3__ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no baking for 2 months. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here is my starting point picture:
Will post soon.
I'm in!!! I am going to commit to ALL 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp! My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no Facebook for 2 weeks (that is a real punishment for me). I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here is my starting pic (this was 11 months into my 1 year transition. I have since relaxed and dusted my ends).
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I am going to commit to __4__ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be No Facebook for 2 weeks. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

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I am very excited and nervous about this challenge.

I am going to commit to 3 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp (and reserve the right to commit to the fourth session).
My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be to sign up for a half marathon. :ohwell: I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!! :yep:


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I am going to commit to 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no dessert for a week
. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here is my starting point picture:
What is my starting length? BSB? BSL? My back fat is confusing me! :lachen:

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Starting this session off right. Tomorrow I'm getting a quickweave on a cap, which I may keep it on for 3-4 wks....I'll upload pics of both (starting pics and the new do) tomorrow ladies.
Hello All! I'm new... Well kinda, lol. This will be my first challenge.

I am committing to 2 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp, for now..My consequence for violating the bootcamp rules are no ice cream for 2 weeks!

Here is my starting picture:



I am going to commit to __4__ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be __no new hair care products for 2 months_____________. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!:grin:

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?---Length and health
2. What is your current hair length? ----SL??
3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?--RELAXED
4. What are your hair goals for 2011?--Achieving length and maintaining hair health (apl,bsl)<this year I hope!!:yep:
5. What is your hair reggie?-- I co-wash on Wednesdays, pre-poo, shampoo,dc, and apply my leave in and cornrow after airdrying on Sundays ,
I also take hairfinity vitamins,garlic pill,and multi-vitamin, and my WL shake daily.
I also apply megatek every other day and moisturize and seal daily.
I am currently 3 months post come January 10th and will be relaxing in 6 months on April 10th! Lets grow ladies!

This is my starting pic: my hair is maybe a inch longer now.(I cut off damaged ends in November)I will be going back to cornrows today since I am co-washing and coffee rinsing and wearing wigs on top(I will try my best to keep them in for 4 weeks! I am very excited and ready to see some serious growth! :lick:


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Starting pics....

Imma post my protective style soon.


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I am going to commit to __4__ sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be __No new nail polish for a month (it hurts me)_____________. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

1. What is your purpose for joining this challenge?---Health and then length
2. What is your current hair length? ----NL
3. Are you Natural or Relaxed?--RELAXED
4. What are your hair goals for 2011?-- claiming both SL and APL (big dream)
5. What is your hair reggie?-- relax every 9-12 weeks, DCing every 4-5 days, sulfur, msm, biotin and chlorella. I love oils - jojoba, EVOO, EVCO, JBCO, Emu, grapeseed oil.
This is my starting pic: on my siggy as at dec 26th
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I am going to commit to sessions 1,2 and 4 of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no facebook for 2 weeks. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!


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I am going to commit to 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be exclusion from our weekly Family Fast Food Night for a month after the violation
. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

See siggy for starting length. Thanks!!
I am going to commit to _all four___ sessions of LHCF Boot-camp. My consequence for violating Boot-camp Rules will be _____no new hair products for 4 months___. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here is my starting point picture:
(Please add no later than January 1, 2011)
1 year and 3 months


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I am going to commit to 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no ice cream for 2 weeks. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Here are my starting pics:

My regimen is:

My regimen is:

1. Cleanse my scalp, detangle, & DC weekly in sections.
2. DC with a light protein weekly.
3. Alternate my protein & moisture spritzes every other day.
4. Oil my scalp with my growth oils 3x week.
5. Co-wash once a week.
6. Pre-poo before each wash.
7. Baggy at least 2x week.
8. Wear a protective style a minimum of 2 weeks out of the month.
9. Treat my hair to my Ayurvedic paste and rinse weekly.
10. Henna monthly.
12. Indigo every 3 months.
13. Clarify monthly with ACV.
14. Moisturize & seal in sections
15. Massage my scalp at least 3x week.
16. Wear my satin bonnet or scarf nightly or sleep on satin pillowcase.

In addition to my regimen I'm going to work on drinking more water. I already take a daily multivitamin & a skin, hair & nail vitamin. I'm also going to make sure I drink my protein smoothies at least 3-4 times a week.
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I am going to commit to 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be exclusion from our weekly Family Fast Food Night for a month after the violation
. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

See siggy for starting length. Thanks!!
your giving me hope!! I hope and pray and have faith I can be where you are!!!
your giving me hope!! I hope and pray and have faith I can be where you are!!!
You'll make it DivaStyle!! I'm about to cut off about 6 inches of those dead ends in an effort to get the thick healthy even ends that I crave so we are about take a faith walk together.