2011 Cowash Challenge--September 1st through December 31st

cowashed yesterday and sunday with sauve rosemary mint. want to try another condish this week
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I've had a bit of a cold so i only co-washed twice with in the past two weeks. but i shampooed , DC, detangled, and retwisted today.
deep condish with lustra cholestorol mixed w/olive,canola, and wheatgerm oil, and hibiscus powder i had under dryer for 15 min. proceeded to cowash w/ sauve rm. hair feels great!
I plan to co wash 1-2 times a week with ORS hair mayonnaise, Motions CPR for deep condition and wash with VO5 clarifying conditioner herbal escape kiwi lime. Aiming for hair strength, thickness, retention, and overall, better hair maintenance.
The last few days have been super busy.

I decided to clarify today.

I used ORS Aloe shampoo, followed with Joico K-Pak Reconstruter conditioner, final step VS So Soft conditioner.

I so needed this. With me cowashing twice a weeke and shampooing with Wen in combinations with the the daily moisturizers, oil and gels. My hair was almost glued together.

I also detangled with the VS conditioner on my hair.

No issues.
2 years since my last relaxer, yippy!!!

Cowashing tonight with Tresemme Naturals/olive oil/sunflower oil.

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MyAngelEyez~C~U happy anniversary! :)

Co-washed with suave waterfall mist this morning after my workout. Decided to seal with vaseline, I wanna see what this heavy sealing stuff is all about :yep:
Between all the working out, protein shakes, water, plus co-washing and hiding my hair (under half wigs), I think I'm experiencing a growth spurt.

Can't be too sure, since my hair is flat twisted under a wig 95% of the time, but last night as I let it free and gathered into a puff, I noticed it was a bit...."puff"-ier :look:
I haven't checked in in a while, but I've been keeping up with my cowashing. :grin:

Just cowashed with AOHSR, hemp, wheat germ and Nourish oils.