2011 Cowash Challenge--September 1st through December 31st

cowashed last night with aussie moist. used the Generic redkin anti snap and shea mositure shea butter leave in sealed with castor oil
Cowashed with HE Hello Hydration. I was waiting on a decent sale to use my coupons and finally it happened.

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Cowashing 1-3x/week with TJ Yea Tree Tingle, Aubrey Organics GPB, or Nature's Gate Aloe Vera. Oil rinsing with castor oil then cowashing. I also have been using Hairveda's 24.7 condish, it is just so thin and doesnt cowash well with castor oil. May decrease my cw to 1x/week due to change in weather, I do love fall.
Have still been cowashing daily with a mix of Dark and Lovely Moisture Seal with White Rain Extra Body.
cowashed tonight with GD smooth as silk, moisturized with Hairveda whipped cream ends hydration, then followed up with castor oil. the best thing about this challenge is that I get to try out all of these conditioners that i have sitting around. I never would have thought that I would love my natural hair in an afro/wash n go as much as i do. i actually jumped out of the shower to look at my hair and i wanted to take a pic but couldn't find my camera. thanks for this challenge!!!
^^^I agree, with this challenge, I have learned so much about my hair and able to stretch with ease and learn my texture. My new growth is not at all bad and horrid as I thought. I just didn't know how to manage it well. Now I know how to infuse moisture in my hair and soften my new growth.
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cowashed w/sauve RM my fave, but i just realized it has a cone. cyclopentasiloxane and dimenthiconol. i think they evaporate though as i read about one of them, and my hair loves it. i might have to use a sulfate free shampoo once a month, to keep using it, and find an alternative no-cone condish. sigh:ohwell:
Yest was wash day so I washed & cond with my usual cream of nature argon oil. Im trying to use all of this up as well as the african pride shampoo & cond bc I ordered Wen ginger pumpkin the other day & cant wait for it to come in & start using it :) but not til my stash is gone :)
last night I went back to my Aussie moist cowash last night. I realized that the HE hello hydration made my hair crunchy and dry feeling. Cowashed with Aussie followed up with shea moisture shea butter leave in, braided into about 8 or 9 plaits then sealed with castor oil.
Cowashed with a mix of Destination Hydration, hemp oil and Nourish oil. :lick:
Cowashed with Aussie, followed with Alter Ego Nourishing leave in and sealed with Baidyanah castor oil.

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Hey Ladies - I won't be cowashing as much since I'm freshly TUd. I will start back cowashing at 6 weeks post. I'll periodically swing through to see what's up until I'm back on rotation.