2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

God specializes in goodness: Oh that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul. And fills the hungry soul with goodness. There is always good things on the horizon with you Lord for us and for us to convey to others. Lovin' it moment!
Father, even during these turbulent times I know you will keep me and my love ones.

I don't want to be afraid anymore.

I have no choice but to trust you.

Abba show me and my family what we need to do to prepare in these last days...
how to obtain food and everything.. may our hearts be receptive to YOU and OBEY YOU and not be stagnant and suffer with the rest of the world

Lord, help your children and we thank you have already met their needs. Help is on the way! ***Hugs***
When we pray, we get results--this has been pounded into me. God the more I think about it--You always affirm that the answer is on the way or prayers have made a difference in the lives of others that is interceded on the behalf of. Even for petitions for the unsaved. That's is your love, right there.

Now, it is time to be revolutionary in the positive sense to bring back life to ruined cities and desolate places by spreading your Light, Life and Love. I thank you Lord for a personal spiritual awakening and also, to be a participant in this generation. Don't want to lose sight of what is important. Help me not to bypass obvious opportunities by losing my focus or intensity in a positive light.........:heart2:
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Thank you lord for peace of mind.

Please grant me with confidence in the areas that I lack! I no longer want to struggle with those issues.
Nourishment For Soul (God's Love & Meditation on It)--Listen to Me, O house of Jacob, And all the remnant of the house of Israel, who have been upheld by Me from birth, who have been arried from the womb; even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.
-Isaiah 46:3-4

God never stops loving---Love always.
Sharing some inspirational quotes... be blessed today! :heart2:

"Worry is like a rocking chair - it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere." - Dorothy Galyean

"We would worry less about what others think of us if we realized how seldom they do." - Ethel Barrett

"The time is always right to do what is right." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

"As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." - Marianne Williamson

"If you are clear about what you want, the world responds with clarity." - Loretta Staples

"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." - Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

"Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary." - Mother Teresa
God I love how you make us go through ugly stuff as a children which leaves us damaged goods as adults..I want to walk away from this walk not because its hard but because it makes no sense..why so much dang pain I mean I know you God went through pain unspeakable on the cross but why keep your ppl suffering...I see so much mental despair and so much out of wed lock kids and just good ppl being looked over bc they arent what society deems as valuable..I know God doesn't make junk but why does society receive me as worthless and of no value bc Im dark skinned,large and too thoughtful.
Surely your goodness and mercy will follow us this week and we will experience the goodness of your Word for ourselves and to help others. This will be a great week!
I've finally come to terms with the ultimate reality. This is NOT it. This world is NOT it. My social status, my economic status, my facebook status... NOT it. Let us NOT dwell in the evil forthcomings of the earth, and, instead, rest upon the exceedingly immeasurable promise that The Prince of Peace has given us.

"The King is coming! The King is coming! Make way, for the King is coming!"
I can't wait to go home. :lick:
I love that God has a sense of humour.... I so love Him for that. :laugh:

An example of God's humor is the instance in which the Israelites were using the Ark of the Covenant like a good-luck charm in taking it to battle, and the Philistines ended up capturing it and placing it in their temple before their idol of Dagon. They came into the temple the next day and found Dagon flat on his face before the ark. They set him back up. The next morning, there he was again, but this time he had his hands and head cut off as a symbol of his powerlessness before the God of the ark (1 Samuel 5:1-5). God’s putting Dagon in a position of submission to His ark is a comical picture.
- GotQuestions.org
God's immense love for us is amazing and His great delight in us compelled him to send His Son for whole world. God's love is always fighting for u: Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned. God Never Stops Loving. Knowing His Love Makes The Difference In Life!
God is good. Never doubt it!

Satan can't even think about touching us without His say, so know that whatever we are going through It's already passed through His nail scarred hands!
Lord this working out has pushed me and Im making the time I workout to push physically but also mentally bc I view it as buffering my body which we christian women are suppose to do..have a wonderful day
I was going to make a thread about this but is anyone struggling with haircare being, I guess, a false god or a serious distraction from God in their lives? I recently went natural with a TWA and of course it's totally new to me as I do it all on my own. Without stylists it's all hands on deck and more mentally/physically consuming than before. On my own, I don't mind the process at all and love my hair but The Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about it and I'm realizing it's something I just cannot handle. It's not inherently sinful but the attention and focus I put on my hair takes away my attention from The Lord in a considerable way. It's been bothering me so badly and I've been fighting to not let go *red flag* but now that I'm seeing what it is truly doing to my walk with The Lord, I'm giving it over to Him completely.

I'm thinking of cutting all my hair off for now because I can't even handle not looking at it in the mirror and figuring out how to fix or figure out something. I think about it so much sometimes and spend hours researching natural hair care when I could be spending time with God. :sad: I would put it in braids but it's too short and I even tried a KISS approach numerous times but it always snowballs into something more complicated almost immediately. In the long term, I have no clue what I will do but I know right now is not the time. I know I desire to stay natural but whatever The Holy Spirit guides me to do, it will be of utmost perfection for my life. I'm so glad nothing is off limits because our God is infinite in wisdom!

Anyway, I'm not trying to put this out there to say that everyone who puts effort and time into taking care of their hair is sacrificing their relationship with God or anything. Anything can be a false god or as a preacher put it a suitcase weighing us down in this race and sadly, mine right now is my hair.
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I could do all things through Christ who strengthened me today...including changing the wax ring on the toilet without barfing, dropping in the pliers, screwdriver, bolts and not flooding the bathroom. Thank G-d! It's fixed. It's the little things that are often the biggest things.
Lord this working out has pushed me and Im making the time I workout to push physically but also mentally bc I view it as buffering my body which we christian women are suppose to do..have a wonderful day

I like that--that's good that you are working out!
In God I trust: The words of the Lord are pure words. Like silver tried in a furnance of earth, purified seven times. God's word never fails.
My neighbors are fighting a lot and he overreacts...she nags like crazy...they have 2 kids and he's always speeding off up the hill now. They don't shovel the snow like they used to...and she kinda disappeared for a few days...so it seems.

I hope they make it. I pray the spark of love returns for them cuz he's a good guy, truly. Praying for them...y'all do the same, too.
I just dont understand as much as I want to abstain from certain behaviors I just seem to fall back in.Then Im reading about the whole sex thing and its like were human and etc we should fill our needs and it makes me feel like dang are we animals or ppl..I thought we were a step above such things that we can fight our urges..Im so perplexed about way too much Christianity is for the birds.
One day of missing prayer feels like an eternity away from God. In God I Trust: Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
PJ-ism is being out of control. I have to cut my losses and throw away some things so I can actually see what it is I have...and be diligent with it. It worked in the past, it'll work now. I have to be thankful that I was able to purchase those because they are a blessing, but I need to narrow that down and stop wasting money. It's a better way to live.
Thank God this will be a great week and goodness and mercy will follow us around. Great things will happen. We are in expectancy and you will crown this year with goodness and even the hard pathways will overflow with your abudance.
Thank you Lord that you are a revealer of secrets and hidden things for anything in this life. So many untapped treasures and riches in You. The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him and He will show them His covenant.
I dont know if this is the right spot to put this but here it goes.In this life I feel so perplexed with my perceptions of things.I often look at myself in the mirror and think man Im pretty and thats at my hefty size.However in society your not allowed to think your something or to expect goodness until your on point in every way.

I often speak so negatively about myself and life bc I feel its more acceptable to speak this way than being confident in myself bc if you do your seen as something weird like how you going to like yourself your fat,dark,live at home,make 16 an hr didnt go to a awesome college etc.

I know what the bible says typically thats not the issue but its hard to accept this when your so often shown your not lovely even when I love seeing what I see I love my edgy self and my ability to be deeper than most.I guess I finally am coming to grips of accepting me instead of worrying about society.
I guess it is important to follow your inner promptings because the one time you don't then you find yourself making an error. An apology smoothes things over, but next time.........

In God I trust: All he does is good and all his commandments are trustworthy.
I just dont understand as much as I want to abstain from certain behaviors I just seem to fall back in.Then Im reading about the whole sex thing and its like were human and etc we should fill our needs and it makes me feel like dang are we animals or ppl..I thought we were a step above such things that we can fight our urges..Im so perplexed about way too much Christianity is for the birds.

Embrace being beautiful, loved and human. Urges mean 'life' is in you. Life from God above. If you felt them, not... you'd be void of life. A vast empty shell, no warmth, no blood flowing in your veins, no purpose.

A vessel of life you are... embrace the beauty of 'feeling'. It quickens, brings to life your spirit within. Embrace the power who lives within you for this power is Jesus, the Greater One who lives on the inside of you.

You are the 'Goddess' of your feelings, and God is the God of them. You and He are in total control. Embrace being one in Him for in this you will have the peace, the tranquility, the fulfillment of all feelings destined your way.

Don't let your 'urges' throw you around nor over the edge. Throw them over instead. You have the power... You have Jesus, not Christianity. There is a difference. :love3:
I guess it is important to follow your inner promptings because the one time you don't then you find yourself making an error. An apology smoothes things over, but next time.........

In God I trust: All he does is good and all his commandments are trustworthy.

Nice Lady, thank you for being such a constant poster in this thread. I'm not in the forum as much, yet your posts have been coming into my home email.

Your messages have come forth into a reality, a Word in Season, fitly spoken in my life. Again... I thank you. :kiss: