2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

I feel but dont feel.I honestly feel like I don't know what to do.While in school I had a purpose a goal but now that I'm out I don't know what to do.I'm not that always in the church type that disturbs me beyond belief and but I'm so not trying to live the so called adult night life either.

I feel my weight has been a great thing from keeping me from being a whore,but now that I'm on a quest to lose weight and look nice for the world,a part of me is fearful that once it's gone and I attract nicer breeds I become too consumed with appearance and just give up on the walk.

I need prayer and thoughts ladies I really feel at a loss of life.The way I feel I may repeat my incident of last Feb..what's the point of living when you have no purpose for your own satisfactions and living to serve everyone else when no one returns the favor.
Greater Dependence On God: With Christian walk, we do our best, but then God is the one to give the results.
Queensland miraculously survived cyclone Yasi! Praise God! Let it be known that the Christians were praying! Let us never underestimate the power of prayer!
Thank you YHWH for using the men in my life that I cherish Respect and Admire to teach me about YOUR Word, to teach me about what to EXPECT in a husband, to teach me how I should be treated.. YOU LOVE ME SO MUCH and I often forget/don't know how to recieve it sometimes.. but YOU YOU ARE SO PAITENT AND MERCIFUL.. You are so loving and kind.. You are beautiful... I know I can be hardheaded/not easy to work with but YOU choose to sustain me ANYWAY.. I love YOU I GLORIFYYOU.. and I will not settle for any less than what YOU'VE shown me.. I LOVE YOU ABBA..

1Jn 5:20 And we know that the Son of Elohim has come and has given us an understanding, so that we might know the true One. And we are in the true One, in His Son יהושע Messiah. This is the true Elohim and everlasting life.
"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die in order that you may live as you wish."

Mother Teresa

Merriam Webster

Definition of POVERTY
a : the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions b : renunciation as a member of a religious order of the right as an individual to own property
: scarcity, dearth

"The hungry and the lonely, not only for food but for the Word of God; the thirsty and the ignorant, not only for water but also for knowledge, peace, truth, justice and love; the naked and the unloved, not only for clothes but also for human dignity; the unwanted, the unborn child, the racially discriminated against, the homeless and the abandoned - not only for a shelter made of bricks, but for a heart that understands, that covers, that loves; the sick, the dying destitutes and the captives - not only in body but also in mind and spirit; all those who have lost all hope and faith in life, the alcoholics and drug addicts and all those who have lost God ( for them God was but God is ) and who have lost all hope in the power of the Spirit."

A simple path
Lucinda Vardey, Mother Teresa
Page 30 - 31
ISBN: 0712674527
Lord help me to love you more. To focus on you and others rather than myself. I know you are working things out in my life and building my patience in the process. Building my dependence on You, Lord, and not in Man and this world.

I know you can heal all things so I give my heart to you knowing that you will keep it safe and put it back together. I give you my mind because it needs to understand that you are so much bigger than my thoughts and you can change my way of thinking and heal me of the pain of negative thoughts

PS. Lord could you not bring anyone into my life unless he is sent by you to be my husband. I can't handle the up & down the wrong men bring and the distraction from you. Thank you for your grace, mercy, patience, love, protection, healing . Love you Lord.
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I really am at a loss Lord on having relationships..Im not even talking about a boo but just friends honestly..I place such high standards on what I should give to others..I guess I still have that heaviness on me from childhood of what my step father would say no one like you your ugly fat and you will have to buy friends..Ladies plz be careful with words even though words don't mean much to me know those messages from growing up still in prison me..
This is basically an announcement but the band U2 will sponsor a U2Charist in Little Rock, AR in February. It will be a liturgical service at one of their methodist churches:

U2charist | U2 Eucharist : U2 Eucharist news and information (article about the origins and event info)

A U2Charist' (also spelled eU2charist or U2 Eucharist) is a communion service, or Eucharist, accompanied by U2 songs in lieu of traditional hymns and sometimes as part or all of the service music. The music can be played from a CD or, in less common cases, performed by a live band.

The U2charist was initially started in the U.S. Episcopal Church but has been adapted by several other denominations. It is typically a liturgical service (including communion) that features the music of the rock band U2 and a message about God's call to rally around the Millennium Development Goals. The U2charist is held by supporters to be a great opportunity to reach out to people in their congregations and larger communities, especially young people, with messages of global reconciliation and justice for the poor and oppressed. Bono, U2's lead singer, has been a particularly vocal proponent of the Millennium Development Goals, and has been proclaimed as a global MDG ambassador. The U2charist seeks to raise awareness of the MDGs and call people worldwide to a deeper faith and engagement with God's mission.
I hate apologizing, God-not because it hurts my pride, although it does. I hate apologizing because the damage is already done. Help me God to catch my actions which proceed from my heart before I hurt another person.
Happy New Year ladies! Just wanted to say hello, especially to the ladies that have pm'd me...thank you for your love and prayers!

Take care!

@ zora, you and your dh will be in my prayers. your mariage situation is in God's hands. He was there at the beginning and is still with you right now.He will never leave or forsake, nevre. sending you some :bighug:.

@ GoddessMaker, you're loved hun girl and you're blessed. I hear you and my prayers are with you. He's working in you, on you and the fact that you may not see it will not change a thing. You're beautiful and so worthy that's why the devil is trying to get you with all his lies. I wish I could say more powerful and wise words but those are just what comes from my heart :bighug:.

@ Nice and Wavy, it's nice to see you back here :yay:
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paradise79 you are so lovely and encouraging.I just finished writing out my goals for 2011 and looking at it I seem so horrid.I know I still have a hard time accepting love or even support.I always feel Im lacking when I have to ask for anything I know there probable is some pride issues but I also know its just to keep me safe as I know ppl will try to make you feel guilty to do something..

2011 is going to be or already is a challenging year so much is popping out I guess since I was in school for the last 4 yrs it was just too much to handle at once..I need to develop spiritual support group.I know some will say if you go to church you could get that but that hasn't happen ever..ppl are too consumed with appearance to get dirty but I guess maybe if I could find a few here things may be a touch better in my walk esp love walk
Praying for revelation knowledge about the current man I am dating. Lord please let your will be done in my life and I exhalt your holy name. Guide me in all of my decisions.
Thank you Lord for a good week and I thank you that this week is going to be even better for all the women in the Christian Fellowship. This is a Psalm 65:11 year: You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.

I am focused on what your Word says and it is where it begins and ends for me. My conversation with my aunt confirmed that the Word of God is the final and be all in everything--confirmation of my inner thoughts.
Why do I always care about people who always hurt me? I'm done YHWH. I'm done with the being u created called men.. From the beginning all they've done is hurt me.. With their selfish words...
Why do I always care about people who always hurt me? I'm done YHWH. I'm done with the being u created called men.. From the beginning all they've done is hurt me.. With their selfish words...

:bighug: Now you know he wasn't the one. Sux, nonetheless...but he's out there...pray for him.:yep:
I'll pray for you...
You pray for me
And watch God change things....
Be blessed my sisters

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We are always triumphant: "Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ." As Christians, we are always victorious.
Father, even during these turbulent times I know you will keep me and my love ones.

I don't want to be afraid anymore.

I have no choice but to trust you.
Matt 25:40-God takes it personal when we hurt or dishonor His people. So many times we talk about honoring God but yet we are nasty to His people.We ask the Lord to use us anyway He wants, yet we won't give someone a ride to/from church. God is not pleased when we behave like this, so let's do better

a friend
Abba show me and my family what we need to do to prepare in these last days...
how to obtain food and everything.. may our hearts be receptive to YOU and OBEY YOU and not be stagnant and suffer with the rest of the world
Geez, I know confession hurts, especially if you accidentally walk into the face-to-face and he's aleady seen you. :blush::lachen: But approving an I-phone app for confession...hmmmm. What if I have a motorola? Or better yet, what about 1-800-CONFESS. But can you imagine the delays during high peak hours after certain holidays, especially Fat Tuesday? 5 min. before obligatory Christmas Mass or Easter Sunday? "We're sorry, all representatives are busy...estimated wait-time is 6 hours...please try your call later." :lachen:
I really wish someone in my life could be there for me.I know that God is all you need but it isn't true.We were created to be near ppl yada yada however I can't seem to have at least one person that I can trust and be open with.I can go days without touch and even opening my mouth.My voice isn't used at all.

So because of this Im decided to help in a prison ministry because at least I can be there for others.I may never have anyone and might as well except it but others dont have to feel the ugly pain I feel.

I also wish there was a way to know what path one should go on without wasting money.I feel so stupid that I went to college now have debt but can't find good jobs.Im tired of always being on the low pay rate hourly worker.I am grateful to have it bc there still so many unemployed.I'm just tapped out ladies.
I really wish someone in my life could be there for me.I know that God is all you need but it isn't true.We were created to be near ppl yada yada however I can't seem to have at least one person that I can trust and be open with.I can go days without touch and even opening my mouth.My voice isn't used at all.

So because of this Im decided to help in a prison ministry because at least I can be there for others.I may never have anyone and might as well except it but others dont have to feel the ugly pain I feel.

I also wish there was a way to know what path one should go on without wasting money.I feel so stupid that I went to college now have debt but can't find good jobs.Im tired of always being on the low pay rate hourly worker.I am grateful to have it bc there still so many unemployed.I'm just tapped out ladies.

Sending prayers your way GoddessMaker. ((((((((BIG HUG))))))))))
Thy will be done...of course, we hope it's painless. :lachen:

Well, please pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that would take care of the rest of the world. May Egypt have justice and peace.